

Long Distance Princess
Long Distance Princess
Lisa, a high school sophomore, has been hiding her hopeless crush on Todd, the irresistibly likable junior in her art class. Her life starts to unravel when he asks her to help him get to know the beautiful Ellie, her longtime friend living in England. All the while Cindy, Todd's ruthless ex, resorts to sinister schemes to stop Lisa and Ellie, so she can win him back, and Todd's image-conscious friends try to discourage him from befriending the ordinary-looking Lisa.
Long Distance Princess 2014
Attaques de Requins à La Réunion : L'enquête
Attaques de Requins à La Réunion : L'enquête
Attaques de Requins à La Réunion : L'enquête 2014
In Line for Anne Frank
In Line for Anne Frank
All year long there is an 'eternal line' of people waiting to visit the Anne Frank House in the Dutch city of Amsterdam. Who are they? Where are they from? And why are they here? This film watches the line through the course of the four seasons, in search of stories from all over the world. We see people both before and after their visit to the Secret Annex, and hear what it felt like to spend a few moments in such close touch with history. Personal stories are interspersed with passages from Anne Frank's diary, read in many different languages by girls about the same age as Anne at the time. Meanwhile we get an impression of everyday life as it unfolds around those waiting in line - the canal boats, the street musicians, the ticket seller, the homeless man... For all its poignancy "In Line for Anne Frank" is a document that also inspires hope.
In Line for Anne Frank 2014
Storied Streets
Storied Streets
Documentary - These Storied Streets explores the issue of homelessness across the country. The journey starts in LA and ends in New York covering 13 cities across the country. -
Storied Streets 2014