Prime Video


Crossing Rachmaninoff
Prime Video
Crossing Rachmaninoff
A winning portrait of Italian-born Auckland concert pianist Flavio Villani as he returns like the prodigal son to Italy for his concert debut, scaling one of the summits of the Romantic repertoire.
Crossing Rachmaninoff 2015
Coming Out
Prime Video
Coming Out
Following a series of gay teen suicides, a deeply closeted student confronts his repressed sexuality in search of acceptance from his family, community, and himself.
Coming Out 2016
Almost Human
Prime Video
Almost Human
The filmmaker Jeppe Rønde has invited 10 of the world's foremost researchers - and a robot! - to rethink our relationship with technology and its dilemmas from the outside. Philosophers, anthropologists, archaeologists and programmers show us through their thought experiments that our relationship with technology is just as much about our relationship with ourselves.
Almost Human 2019
24 Hour Comic
Prime Video
24 Hour Comic
In Portland Oregon, eight artists come together to participate in Scott McCloud's 24 Hour Comic Challenge, attempting to write, draw, and complete a 24 page comic, in 24 hours. With the smell of coffee and doughnuts lingering over a table filled with pencil shavings, director Milan Erceg delves into the personal lives of each of the participating artist to examine how and why they got into an industry that rarely rewards their passion with fame or money. Further exploring the business of comic art, Erceg peppers in interviews from an impressive list of nationally recognized comic book experts including, Scott McCloud, cartoonist and author of “Understanding Comics”, Paul Guinan creator of “Boilerplate”, David Chelsea, acclaimed graphic novelist, Mike Richardson, founder of Dark Horse Comics and many others. An inspiring look into the art world’s version of a marathon, 24 Hour Comic leaves the audience with a deeper appreciation for the artists who spend a life creating.
24 Hour Comic 2017
Surfing with the Enemy
Prime Video
Surfing with the Enemy
The story of a group of surfers from Havana struggling to establish a niche for their sport in Cuba’s restrictive society. Guided by Eduardo Valdes, founder of the Havana Surf Association, two filmmakers travel across the island to the notorious Guantanamo province, home to the U.S. Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay, as well as the country’s best waves. Searching for surf along this controversial coast, they discover a forbidden paradise just miles from the American border, and learn what it means to be a surfer and a citizen of modern-day Cuba.
Surfing with the Enemy 2011
Two Headed Cow
Prime Video
Two Headed Cow
Documentary - Eighteen years in the making, two-headed cow started off as a black and white film that followed Dexter Romweber and his drummer Crow on a rock and roll tour along the same route as General Sherman. The film was not finished due to many circumstances, but the filmmakers were able to resume the film seventeen years later. After major TV appearances, a stint on a major label, bouts of depression and drug addiction, the film took on a different tone and poignancy. - Neko Case, Exene Cervenka, LaResh Crash
Two Headed Cow 2006
A Second Knock at the Door
Prime Video
A Second Knock at the Door
In the works for over two years, A Second Knock at the Door offers a rare glimpse into the lives of military families dealing with the loss of loved ones to friendly fire. Through interviews and investigative reports obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, this documentary explores several key incidents in which the families of the fallen were forced to embark on a quest for the truth after the Army attempted to bury the true cause of death within the 'fog of war.'
A Second Knock at the Door 2012
Charm City
Prime Video
Charm City
During three years of unparalleled violence in Baltimore, Charm City delivers an unexpectedly candid, observational portrait of those left on the frontlines. With grit, fury, and compassion, a group of police, citizens, and government officials grapple with the consequences of violence and try to reclaim their future.
Charm City 2018
Prime Video
Asalif and his mother defy Ethiopia’s omnipresent modern housing development culture, by continuing to live a life characterised by proximity to nature and rootedness in community. The boy counters the ruptures in his accustomed surroundings and the threat posed by the hyena that haunts his neighbourhood by reinventing himself as a hero: as Anbessa, the lion.
Anbessa 2019
All of Me
Prime Video
All of Me
The 'Girls' have been friends for years, bonding over hopes, dreams, food, and the shared experience of being obese. But, now, as some pursue weight-loss surgery, their center has shifted and upset everything they knew about happiness, friendship, and love.
All of Me 2013
Sick Birds Die Easy
Prime Video
Sick Birds Die Easy
Religion, mysticism and reality entwined. A Cast & crew of western culture artists and misfits travel to Gabon, Africa, the believed origin of the Garden of Eden.. home of one of the most powerful psychotropic plants on Earth. Their experience mimicked the script but the film never got made.. the documentary did.
Sick Birds Die Easy 2014
Desert Seas
Prime Video
Desert Seas
Sir David Attenborough unveils the two stunning underwater realms of Saudi Arabia - the flamboyant Red Sea and the contrasting hot muddy Gulf, capturing for the first time the rare event of Palolo worms spawning at night.
Desert Seas 2011
The Colonel's Stray Dogs
Prime Video
The Colonel's Stray Dogs
In 1981, seven Libyan exiles formed the core opposition group to Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Thirty years later, they are back to their country only to inherit the mess he left. The film is an intricate blend of rare first-hand accounts, propaganda archival material turned on its head, evocative cinematography and an untold history of a country.
The Colonel's Stray Dogs 2021
Tar Creek
Prime Video
Tar Creek
Tar Creek is an environmentally devastated area in northeastern Oklahoma with acidic creeks, stratospheric lead poisoning and enormous sinkholes. Nearly 30 years after being designated as a Superfund cleanup program, residents are still struggling.
Tar Creek 2009
A People Without A Land
Prime Video
A People Without A Land
For decades, the prevailing wisdom has been that the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would come in the form of a two-state solution. Typically, this is formulated as an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and the establishment of a Palestinian state there and in the Gaza Strip. Unfortunately, with half a million Israeli settlers living throughout the West Bank and millions of Palestinian refugees demanding to return to their homes in Israel, the two-state solution no longer seems practical, let alone just. "A People Without a Land" explores the notion that the only real solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a one-state solution. Spending time with people from across the political spectrum, including settlers, politicians, activists and unique individuals who have successfully crossed the ethnic divide, we explore the challenges that lie ahead as well as the possibilities that such a solution might entail.
A People Without A Land 2014
Gadget Man
Prime Video
Gadget Man
Gadget Man shows the world's collection of handy gadgets throughout the ages, from today's smart devices to decades old electronics to even older mechanical devices.
Gadget Man 2012
A Moon of Nickel and Ice
Prime Video
A Moon of Nickel and Ice
The Siberian city of Norilsk, above the Arctic Circle, was established here for the nickel and other metal deposits. Built under Stalin by Gulag prisoners—who numbered some 650,000 between 1930 and 1950—today it still constitutes an open-air cage, imprisoned by the glacial landscape, imbued with suffering and history.
A Moon of Nickel and Ice 2017
Pine Ridge
Prime Video
Pine Ridge
19 year old Bert sits in the shade of a tree in Yo Park. Cassandra Warrior feeds her daughter Diamond Rose. Daniel Runs Close sweats under the sun at Wounded Knee Memorial site. Kassel Sky Little puts his boots on at the Waters Rodeo. Vanessa Piper is alone in the middle of Badlands. Lance Red Cloud hangs out behind the gas station at night. It is summer and they all live here, at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, USA.
Pine Ridge 2013
2002 NBA Champions: Los Angeles Lakers
Prime Video
2002 NBA Champions: Los Angeles Lakers
At the beginning of the 2001-02 NBA season, the Los Angeles Lakers were the two-time defending champions... at the end, they were an NBA DYNASTY! The daunting challenge of winning three titles in a row was put to the test in a grueling, seven-game series against the Sacramento Kings that found the Lakers on the brink of elimination. Led by perennial All-Stars Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant, they swept the New Jersey Nets in the 2002 NBA Finals and forever put their stamp on history. Take an in-depth look into the Lakers' roller coaster season that culminated with a third straight championship. This official NBA collectible features exclusive interviews, behind-the-scenes locker-room access, and heart-pounding game action. From Robert Horry's thrilling game-winning three pointers to Phil Jackson's inspiring on-court huddles, this DVD captures it all in championship fashion! 60 minutes.
2002 NBA Champions: Los Angeles Lakers 2002
The Unbookables
Prime Video
The Unbookables
The Unbookables is a narrative documentary about stand-up comics who have spent their careers pushing limits--on stage and off. Relegated to small venues and touring in a crappy van through the Midwest they careen between the desire to succeed and the reality that there may be nothing left to lose. Road life is far from glamorous: comics come and go and cruel pranks and hard drinking punctuate their obsidian dark comedy on stage. They succeed and fail-spectacularly. When they face being fired for going too far on stage, the conflict culminates in a showdown: compromise or double down?
The Unbookables 2012
Prime Video
Nick Brandestini is a filmmaker based in Zurich, Switzerland. His first documentary, Return to Florence (2006), about a small group of young American and British artists studying classical methods at an unconventional school in Florence, screened at numerous film festivals across North America, winning several awards. His next documentary, H.R. Giger's Sanctuary (2007), about the renowned and reclusive artist, H.R. Giger, most famous as the creator of Ridley Scott's “Alien”, was an official selection at the AFI Film Festival in Los Angeles.
Darwin 2011
Ara Malikian: una vida entre las cuerdas
Prime Video
Ara Malikian: una vida entre las cuerdas
Ara Malikian: una vida entre las cuerdas 2019
Hello I Am David!
Prime Video
Hello I Am David!
David Helfgott says what he thinks, plays what he feels and touches in the truest sense of the word. The Oscar winning film SHINE was inspired by his life story and brought him world fame. In 1970 the Australian child prodigy pianist suffered a nervous breakdown. He spent 11 years in mental institutions. In HELLO I AM DAVID we embark on a journey to discover not only the concert pianist, but also experience his unique view on our world: a world of love, wonder and wisdom.
Hello I Am David! 2015
Dirty Pictures
Prime Video
Dirty Pictures
Alexander 'Sasha' Shulgin is the scientist behind more than 200 psychedelic compounds including MDMA, more commonly known as Esctasy. Considered to be one of the the greatest chemists of the twentieth century, Sasha's vast array of discoveries have had a profound impact in the field of psychedelic research. 'Dirty Pictures' delves into the lifework of Dr. Shulgin and scientists alike, explores the world of these scientists; their findings and motivations, their ideas, and their beliefs as to how research in this particular field can aid in unlocking the complexities of the mind.
Dirty Pictures 2010
Getting Away with Murder(s)
Prime Video
Getting Away with Murder(s)
Almost 1 million people in 22 countries carried out the unprovoked murder of 11 million innocent men, women and children. The Allies knew where a great many of the murderers could be found - Germany, Austria, Italy, the UK, the USA, Canada, Australia, and numerous countries in South America. The Allies unanimously agreed to prosecute those responsible when they drew up The London Agreement in August 1945, but, after the late 1940s, these very same Allies did almost nothing. Why were so many were actively permitted to get away with their crimes?
Getting Away with Murder(s) 2021
The Crusaders
Prime Video
The Crusaders
Documentary about the three different orders of Crusader knights from 1000 AD to 1500 AD
The Crusaders 2020
Double Take
Prime Video
Double Take
Director Johan Grimonprez casts Alfred Hitchcock as a paranoid history professor, unwittingly caught up in a double take on the cold war period. Subverting a meticulous array of TV footage and using 'The Birds' as an essential metaphor, DOUBLE TAKE traces catastrophe culture's relentless assault on the home, from moving images' inception to the present day.
Double Take 2009
Sister Helen
Prime Video
Sister Helen
In this emotionally compelling documentary, Sister Helen opens a private home for recovering addicts and alcoholics in the South Bronx after the death of her husband and two sons. The film's fly-on-the-wall technique succeeds in capturing the day-to-day existence of Sister Helen and the various residents of the home.
Sister Helen 2002
Long Live Chainsaw
Prime Video
Long Live Chainsaw
Long Live Chainsaw reveals the true story of the meteoric rise, untimely death and long-lasting legacy of Canadian downhill mountain bike legend, Stevie Smith. Born into poverty and raised by a devoted single mom, Stevie's unwavering belief not only propelled him to become the best in world, it inspired everyone he touched to believe in their own impossible dreams.
Long Live Chainsaw 2021
Bob Fosse: It's Showtime!
Prime Video
Bob Fosse: It's Showtime!
A look at the life of Oscar and Emmy winning film and dance legend Bob Fosse
Bob Fosse: It's Showtime! 2019
Diagnosing Healthcare
Prime Video
Diagnosing Healthcare
A social-impact documentary that centers on health care reform. The film identifies the most problematic areas of the current mainstream health care system and offers solutions in the form of fully developed alternative health care plans.
Diagnosing Healthcare 2021
Christa McAuliffe: Reach for the Stars
Prime Video
Christa McAuliffe: Reach for the Stars
The amazing story of NASA's Teacher in Space, Christa McAuliffe - and the impact her death had on her family and the nation - watching in horror as space shuttle Challenger exploded on January 28th 1986. Narrated by Susan Sarandon, music by Carly Simon.
Christa McAuliffe: Reach for the Stars 2006
Goodnight Brooklyn: The Story of Death By Audio
Prime Video
Goodnight Brooklyn: The Story of Death By Audio
Death By Audio, an underground art and music venue, is forced to close in 2014. The film focuses on the struggles of maintaining a community in the face of Brooklyn property development, hostile construction workers, and a one billion-dollar company.
Goodnight Brooklyn: The Story of Death By Audio 2016
A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff
Prime Video
A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff
A hybrid of memoir docudrama and narrative fantasy, A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff tells the story of Madoff and the system that allowed him to function for decades through the eyes of musician/poet Alicia Jo Rabins, who watches the financial crash from her 9th floor studio in an abandoned office building on Wall Street. Fueled by her growing obsession, real-life interviews transform into music videos, ancient spiritual texts become fevered fantasies of synchronized swimming, and a vivid, vulnerable work of art is born from the unique perspective of an artist watching the global financial collapse up close.
A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff 2021
Raise Hell: The Life & Times of Molly Ivins
Prime Video
Raise Hell: The Life & Times of Molly Ivins
Molly Ivins was six feet of flame-haired Texas trouble. She was a prescient political journalist, best-selling author, and Bill of Rights warrior. She took no prisoners, leaving both sides of the aisle laughing and craving more of her razor-sharp wit. It's time to raise hell like Molly!
Raise Hell: The Life & Times of Molly Ivins 2019
I Need That Record!
Prime Video
I Need That Record!
Guerilla filmmaker Brendan Toller unleashes I NEED THAT RECORD! THE DEATH (OR POSSIBLE SURVIVAL) OF THE INDEPENDENT RECORD STORE, "an elegy for a vanishing subculture...a lively, bittersweet film that examines - with caustic humor, brutal candor, and, ultimately, great affection - why roughly 3,000 indie record stores have closed across the nation over the past decade," (Johnathan Perry, Boston Globe). A tour-de-force tale of greed, media consolidation, homogenized radio, big box stores, downloading, and technological shifts in the music industry told through candid interviews, crestfallen record store owners, startling statistics, and eye-popping animation. Fat cats or our favorite record stores? You decide. Featuring- IAN MACKAYE, NOAM CHOMSKY, MIKE WATT, THURSTON MOORE, LENNY KAYE (Patti Smith), CHRIS FRANTZ (Talking Heads), GLENN BRANCA, PATTERSON HOOD (Drive By Truckers), PAT CARNEY (Black Keys) , LEGS MCNEIL, BOB GRUEN, BP HELIUM, and many indie record stores across the U.S.
I Need That Record! 2008
I Was There: The Great War Interviews
Prime Video
I Was There: The Great War Interviews
In the early 1960s, the BBC interviewed 280 eye-witnesses of the First World War for the series, 'The Great War'. This film presents never before seen footage from these interviews.
I Was There: The Great War Interviews 2014
Ping Pong
Prime Video
Ping Pong
Les D'Arcy is a living legend. At 89 years old, he's obviously not received the memo about slowing down, and is going for gold, literally. He's headed to China to compete in the over 80s Table Tennis Championships in Inner Mongolia. A seven time world champion, he still lifts weights to train - something he's been doing for decades, after surviving a sickly childhood. Of course compared to some, Les is a spring chicken. Australian legend Dorothy deLow is 100, and finds herself a mega celebrity in this rarefied world. She'd better watch out though- Texan Lisa Modlich is fifteen years her junior and is determined to do what it takes to win her first gold. Director Hugh Hartford follows eight players from five countries, as they prepare to compete in this extraordinary sporting event that is as much about the tenacity of the human spirit as it is about taking home the title.
Ping Pong 2012
Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories
Prime Video
Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories
Frame 313 examines several theories that have been offered about who was responsible for the JFK Assassination including the single bullet theory, the CIA/Mafia theory, the Soviet Union/KGB theory, the Mafia hit theory, and the CIA/Anti-Castro theory.
Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories 2008
A Haunting on Dice Road: The Hell House
Prime Video
A Haunting on Dice Road: The Hell House
An entire year of investigation, multiple law enforcement agencies, hundreds of police reports, months of undercover surveillance, thousands of man hours, numerous polygraphs, a string of mysterious fires, a series of unexplained explosions, life threatening injuries, and one family’s worst fears realized.
A Haunting on Dice Road: The Hell House 2016