

The Ghost Army
Prime Video
The Ghost Army
During World War II, a hand-picked group of American GI's undertook a bizarre mission: create a traveling road show of deception on the battlefields of Europe, with the German Army as their audience. The 23rd Headquarters Special Troops used inflatable rubber tanks, sound trucks, and dazzling performance art to bluff the enemy again and again, often right along the front lines. Many of the men picked to carry out these dangerous deception missions were artists. Some went on to become famous, including fashion designer Bill Blass. In their spare time, they painted and sketched their way across Europe, creating a unique and moving visual record of their war. Their secret mission was kept hushed up for nearly 50 years after the war's end.
The Ghost Army 2013
Ukraine Is Not a Brothel
Prime Video
Ukraine Is Not a Brothel
Ukraine's topless feminist sensation Femen has created a media frenzy across Europe, but before they take the world by storm, these bold and beautiful women must confront the dark and perverse forces that power their organisation.
Ukraine Is Not a Brothel 2013
The Sea in Between
Prime Video
The Sea in Between
An audio-visual experience documenting what happens when Josh Garrels and Mason Jar Music go to an island to try to create something beautiful.
The Sea in Between 2013
Prime Video
Canyoneering is the sport of descending canyons by means of hiking, climbing, rappelling and swimming. Relatively obscure, the sport was brought to the mainstream in 2003 with the news of Aron Ralston who had severed his own arm while trapped in a canyon. Experiencing an overnight spike in popularity by the late 90s - a result of information appearing on the internet - the sport became inundated with thrill-seekers of all backgrounds and skill levels. Facing a new era of off-the-couch recreationalists, three influential participants, a canyoneering instructor, pioneer, and guidebook author each respond to a growing interest in the incredibly dangerous activity. Gorging employs the story of canyoneering to examine larger questions about the pursuit of thrills and the consequences that follow.
Gorging 2013
An Ordinary Hero: The True Story of Joan Trumpauer Mulholland
Prime Video
An Ordinary Hero: The True Story of Joan Trumpauer Mulholland
The amazing true story of civil rights pioneer Joan Trumpauer Mulholland, An Ordinary Hero is directed by award-winning filmmaker Loki Mulholland, who captures his mother's story and learns about her courage and the role she played in changing American history. As a white girl growing up in the South, Joan witnessed the ugly realities of segregation and racism firsthand and vowed to one day change it. By the time she was 19, she had already joined the Freedom Riders and participated in over three dozen sit-ins and protests. Despite being attacked by angry mobs, put on death row in the notorious Parchman Penitentiary, and coming face-to-face with the KKK, Joan never wavered from her belief that we are all created equal.
An Ordinary Hero: The True Story of Joan Trumpauer Mulholland 2013
Unsupersize Me
Prime Video
Unsupersize Me
Unsupersize Me documents the inspiring story of Juan-Carlos Asse, owner of Zen Fitness, a personal training studio in Gainesville, Florida, and his quest to prove that a whole foods, plant-based diet coupled with an exercise regimen is capable of remarkably and rapidly improving the health of any and every individual. Asse takes his lifelong passions of fitness and nutrition setting out to demonstrate what he has witnessed in his training studio time and time again. The plant-based diet with exercise is the most effective and expeditious way to obtain optimal health.
Unsupersize Me 2013
Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire
Prime Video
Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire
With the original intention of empowering a citizenry's ability to defend themselves against a corrupt or tyrannical government, the concept today may seem farfetched or the makings of a Hollywood blockbuster. However, it has happened throughout U.S. history. And long before gun control was positioned as a "common sense measure" to combat violence, it was used as a means to oppress certain minority groups. Presently, the growing trend in gun control favors the wealthy and privileged, who leverage their connections to ensure their Second Amendment rights and safety, while those of lesser means struggle. Informative and emotionally charged, "Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire" is an eye-opening look at the genesis of the Second Amendment to the Constitution, leading the audience to rethink the issues surrounding gun control, and the effect on civil rights and liberty. After all, what you don't know can kill you.
Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire 2013
The Paw Project
Prime Video
The Paw Project
This is a David and Goliath story of one veterinarian's battle to protect her patients (tigers, lions and even house cats) from big corporations, with their big corporate money, that will shamelessly do anything to animals to increase their bottom line. She starts a grassroots movement that is fueled by passion, but appears to be losing the battle. Then, unexpectedly, she realizes that the corporations accidentally left her a giant loophole. In a scramble to take advantage of this unforeseen gift, she leads the crusade passing legislation protecting animals from de-clawing in seven cities in just six weeks.
The Paw Project 2013
B2: Stealth at War
B2: Stealth at War
The most expensive and specialized airplane ever built, the B2 Stealth bomber carries a price tag of more than two billion dollars. Highly effective and extremely technically advanced, it has been an integral part of the Air Force arsenal for the past 20 years. From a Cold War scrap heap candidate, to the go-to bomber in the 2011 strike against Qaddafi's army in Libya, "Spirit" has seen its share of trials and triumphs. Join us as we detail how this secret weapon evolved to overcome critics, espionage, and even tragedy, to change the shape of aviation forever.
B2: Stealth at War 2013
Going Attractions: The Definitive Story of the American Drive-in Movie
Prime Video
Going Attractions: The Definitive Story of the American Drive-in Movie
Once a vibrant part of American culture, drive-ins reached their peak in the late 1950s with almost 5,000 dotting the nation. Although drive-ins are experiencing a resurgence, today less than 400 remain. In a nation that loves cars and movies, why haven't they survived? April Wright's lovingly made documentary, filled with archival images of hundreds of open and closed drive-in theaters, interviews with theater owners, operators and cinema luminaries attempts to answer that question.
Going Attractions: The Definitive Story of the American Drive-in Movie 2013
Citizen Koch
Prime Video
Citizen Koch
Wisconsin—birthplace of the Republican Party, government unions, cheeseheads and Paul Ryan—becomes a test market in the campaign to buy Democracy, and ground zero in the battle for the future of the GOP.
Citizen Koch 2013
The Other Pompeii: Life & Death in Herculaneum
Prime Video
The Other Pompeii: Life & Death in Herculaneum
The subject of this documentary is a straightforward one: presenter Andrew Wallace-Hadrill introduces us to the treasures of Herculaneum, the city close to Pompeii that suffered a similar fate as a result of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, but which was covered under a far thicker layer of lava and other materials.
The Other Pompeii: Life & Death in Herculaneum 2013
As clichés go, in 1999 the World as we knew it was about to change - and we'd been expecting it. Since childhood we'd been promised that the 21st century would bring us dramatic new technologies like flying cars and Utopian cities. Instead it bought us the smart-phone, social media, and virtual societies. And as it turns out these technologies began to transform society almost as dramatically as the moon colonies we'd been expecting. Now over a decade into the revolution, 'DSKNECTD' explores how digital communication technology is profoundly changing the way we interact and experience each other - for the good and for the bad.
The Long Island Railroad Massacre: 20 Years Later
Prime Video
The Long Island Railroad Massacre: 20 Years Later
On December 7, 1993, twenty-five people were shot on a commuter train headed from New York City to Long Island. Six people were killed, nineteen people were injured, many more were affected and continue to be to this day. This is their story.
The Long Island Railroad Massacre: 20 Years Later 2013
The Pantry Ghost Documentary
Prime Video
The Pantry Ghost Documentary
A California family filmed strange occurrences in their home. we investigated to get the full story and never before seen footage of the first documented spirit entity ever captured on film.
The Pantry Ghost Documentary 2013
99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film
99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film
This award winning documentary, narrated by Lou Reed, explores the breadth and depth of Occupy Wall Street and how it quickly grew from a small park in lower Manhattan to an international movement. The film highlights why people from diverse age, ethnic and financial backgrounds support the movement and its focus of removing money from politics in order to reclaim democracy from entrenched corporate interests so that critical issues including job creation, affordable access to health and education, protecting the environment and gun safety can be fully addressed. Featuring interviews with a wide range of subjects including Occupiers, economist Jeffrey Sachs and business magnate Russell Simmons.
99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film 2013
God Loves Uganda
Prime Video
God Loves Uganda
A powerful exploration of the evangelical campaign to infuse African culture with values imported from America's Christian Right. The film follows American and Ugandan religious leaders fighting sexual immorality and missionaries trying to convince Ugandans to follow biblical law.
God Loves Uganda 2013
Americans in Bed
Americans in Bed
Ten American couples--captured in the comfort of their own beds--openly discuss romance, sex, trust and love in candid interviews. From young New Yorkers who have split up 26 times to spouses in their 90s who have been married 71 years, this touching, funny and often surprising film offers intimate insights into what makes or breaks a relationship.
Americans in Bed 2013
Crafting a Nation
Crafting a Nation
Crafting A Nation is a feature length documentary and new media project about how the American craft brewers are rebuilding the economy one craft beer at a time.
Crafting a Nation 2013
Blackout is a short, animated documentary about the 2003 power failure in much of the eastern seaboard of the U.S and Canada for up to 4 days.
Blackout 2013
Réquiem NN
Prime Video
Réquiem NN
Requiem NN is a film about a ritual of resistance of the people of Puerto Berrio, Colombia, who have lived continuous cycles of violence for many decades. The recovery of the bodies from the Magdalena River, their burial, the favors people ask from the souls of the NN (NO Names), the baptizing given to this unknown corpses, is the collective ritual that has taken place for over 30 years. Juan Manuel Echavarria began photographing the graves in Puerto Berrio in November 2006 and this film is one of the results of this investigation. Written by Anonymous (IMDB)
Réquiem NN 2013
Legends of the Knight
Prime Video
Legends of the Knight
Legends of the Knight weaves together the stirring true stories of individuals who have overcome devastating obstacles, unselfishly given to the community, and embraced their inner superhero because of their love of Batman. Through the deeply personal tales of Batman fans, writers, and filmmakers, this feature-length documentary explores the power of heroic stories and encourages viewers to find their own unique path to heroism. Funded by over 1,100 people from around the world, Legends of the Knight is a return to our childhood dreams of being a hero. Put on your cape, and be inspired!
Legends of the Knight 2013
What's the T?
Prime Video
What's the T?
A documentary that explores the challenges, successes and lives of five transgender women. These five women represent normality and abnormality seamlessly in their daily efforts to achieve a daily balance of both feminine and masculine.
What's the T? 2013
Tupac - Aftermath
Prime Video
Tupac - Aftermath
Tupac: Aftermath is a delicate sequel to Tupac: Conspiracy, which takes the viewer to the days following the death of the rap artist. Cover-Ups, decpetion and rumor flowed through both Las vegas and Los Angeles, setting up the biggest unsolved murder case- and biggest lies about it, in recent history. Interviews with his close family and friends- as well as those who were inspired by him- perfectly reflect the fire, intensity and passion of this artist. not to be missed, find out the rest of the story in Tupac:Aftermath.
Tupac - Aftermath 2013
Genius on Hold
Prime Video
Genius on Hold
The story of Walter L. Shaw, a telecommunications genius, and his son Walter T. Shaw, a ruthless jewel thief, is a metaphor and a symbol for its time - for the twentieth century and for today.
Genius on Hold 2013
Shooting Bigfoot
Prime Video
Shooting Bigfoot
A fascinating and touching portrait of men who are obsessed with monsters and their adventures to find them.
Shooting Bigfoot 2013
Hi-Ho Mistahey!
Prime Video
Hi-Ho Mistahey!
Alanis Obomsawin tells the story of Shannen’s Dream, a national campaign to provide equitable access to education for First Nations children, in safe and suitable schools. She brings together the voices of those who have successfully brought the Dream all the way to the United Nations in Geneva.
Hi-Ho Mistahey! 2013
Live and Let Live
Prime Video
Live and Let Live
Live and Let Live is a feature documentary examining our relationship with animals, the history of veganism and the ethical, environmental and health reasons that move people to go vegan.
Live and Let Live 2013
The Train to Moscow
Prime Video
The Train to Moscow
In the aftermath of Stalin’s death, three Italian communists engage in a trip to the Soviet Union to challenge their utopia with an 8mm camera. In 1957, Sauro, Luigi and Enzo all live in Alfonsine, a small town in Italy ruled like a miniature Soviet Union by the Italian Communist Party. As many communists in the West, they dream of the Soviet Union, and hope for the great Revolution. But with the wind of reform and self-criticism blowing through the Eastern Bloc after the death of Stalin the image of the Soviet Union as the workers’ paradise begins to crumble. They therefore decide to travel to the USSR to find out what is true and what is false in this supposed land of milk and honey. They film their entire journey with their 8mm camera. Through this invaluable personal archive, our film tells the hopes, disappointments and challenges of three young men faced with the reality of what seemed to be a utopia come true.
The Train to Moscow 2013
The Incredible Bionic Man
The Incredible Bionic Man
From bionic arms and legs to artificial organs, science is beginning to catch up with SF in the race to replace body parts with man-made alternatives. How to Build a Bionic Man follows psychologist Bertolt Meyer, who has a bionic hand himself, as he meets scientists working at the cutting edge of research to find out just how far this new technology can go. Now, thanks to research on advanced prosthetic arms and legs, as well as artificial eyes, hearts and lungs - and even hybrids between computer chips and living brains - scientists can finally replace body parts and even improve on human abilities. While Bertolt's search shows just how far science has come, it also asks questions about what it means to be human and where this technology could lead in the future.
The Incredible Bionic Man 2013
Jamel Shabazz Street Photographer
Jamel Shabazz Street Photographer
Documentary following the career of Brooklyn-born photographer Jamel Shabazz, who captured hip-hop in its infancy long before it became a worldwide phenomenon. His iconic images of kids sporting sneakers and savvy street style caught the essence of hip-hop as it exploded onto the streets of New York. Intimate interviews with Shabazz and hip hop pioneers explore the hundreds of individual stories and urban history behind a revolutionary cultural movement.
Jamel Shabazz Street Photographer 2013
A Haunting in Saginaw, Michigan
Prime Video
A Haunting in Saginaw, Michigan
When a single mother and her two young daughters moved into their new home - adjacent to a cemetery - they had no idea they were making the biggest mistake of their lives. The family's "dream house" ultimately became their worst nightmare when they realized it was inhabited by an aggressive & territorial spirit. Desperate to drive them out, the entity repeatedly taunts the mother by terrorizing her young children and anyone who dares visit the residence.
A Haunting in Saginaw, Michigan 2013
Broadway Musicals: A Jewish Legacy
Prime Video
Broadway Musicals: A Jewish Legacy
Is it true what they say in Spamalot (“You won’t make it on Broadway if you don’t have any Jews”)? Tracing Broadway’s Yiddish roots, and exploring back-stories behind many landmark shows from Showboat to Wicked, filmmaker Michael Kantor chronicles the unique role of Jewish musicians in the creation of the modern American musical. This joyful and intelligent documentary features interviews with many theatre artists, rare archival footage and recordings from original Broadway productions, and unforgettable anecdotes (hearing about Ethel Merman’s irreverent behavior at a Passover Seder during the rehearsals for Gypsy will leave you in hysterics).
Broadway Musicals: A Jewish Legacy 2013
The Who - The Making of Tommy
Prime Video
The Who - The Making of Tommy
1968 was a time of soul searching for the band - with three badly performing singles behind them they needed a big new idea to put them back at the top and crucially to hold them together as a band. Inspired by Indian spiritual master Meher Baba, Pete Townshend created the character of Tommy, the 'deaf, dumb and blind boy'. Broke and fragmenting when they started recording, the album went on to sell over 20 million copies. In this film, the Who speak for the first time about the making of the iconic album and how its success changed their lives.
The Who - The Making of Tommy 2013
The Day Kennedy Died
The Day Kennedy Died
The doctor who tried to save him. The Secret Service agent who was seconds too late. The man wrongly accused of his murder. And the woman who unwittingly sheltered an assassin. The death of JFK has inspired thousands of books and debates over the last 50 years, but the stories of the people there on that day have gone largely untold...until now. Experience November 22, 1963 as it has never been presented before, in this minute-by-minute account of that day, narrated by Academy Award-winner Kevin Spacey, and brought to life through rarely seen footage and rarely heard testimonies.
The Day Kennedy Died 2013
Prime Video
Ted Williams, the Man with the Golden Voice, takes you on a journey through the heart of paradise and into the depths of darkness. Isla Vista is a prosperous coastal town with pristine beaches, high property values and the beautiful University of California Santa Barbara campus. Isla Vista is also a home . . . to those with nowhere else to go. Houseless is one of the grittiest documentaries of all time, vividly portraying what it is like to be homeless in today's America. For eight months, Pirate, Professor, Clyde, Cliff, Carms and others allowed the cameras to follow their lives on the streets. With breathtaking scenery, timeless music and memorable performances, Houseless is a work of art that is the definitive statement on homelessness for all time.
Houseless 2013
Sand Wars
Prime Video
Sand Wars
Is sand an infinite resource? Can the existing supply satisfy a gigantic demand fueled by construction booms? What are the consequences of intensive beach sand mining for the environment and the neighboring populations?
Sand Wars 2013
The Exhibition
The Exhibition
An artist faces public outrage as she struggles to mount a large-scale exhibition of paintings based on a police poster of missing women, 26 of whom are found murdered on a serial killer's farm.
The Exhibition 2013
I Always Said Yes: The Many Lives of Wakefield Poole
Prime Video
I Always Said Yes: The Many Lives of Wakefield Poole
I Always Said Yes is a portrait of pioneering filmmaker Wakefield Poole, whose careers as dancer, choreographer, and director spanned the golden years of Broadway, television, porno chic, and gay liberation.
I Always Said Yes: The Many Lives of Wakefield Poole 2013
Catching Hell in the City of Angels
Prime Video
Catching Hell in the City of Angels
A feature length documentary film representing the 'B' side to the 2012 release 'Something from Nothing: The Art of Rap'. A hard hitting story of life and death in South Central Los Angeles. A struggle beyond the nearby Hollywood limelight among people for whom state intervention comes mostly with a siren attached. Amsterdam Film Festival Winner World Cinema Documentary Editing Award 2014.
Catching Hell in the City of Angels 2013