
September. 07,2004      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Walking the Earth as an undead spirit has Charlie Jackson in a quandary. Unable to interact with his family, Charlie feels he's been forsaken by God. Now, his ultimate goal is to get to heaven as soon as possible - but that's easier said than done. The battle between good and evil for Charlie's soul has begun, and salvation might only come via Carol Miller, a darkhunter who brings lost souls back to death.

Dominique Pinon as  Charlie Jackson
Dan van Husen as  Jack
Jeff Fahey as  Mr. Barlow
Tina Barnes as  Georgina



just watch it!

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Dreadfully Boring

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It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.

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The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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I liked this movie and really liked the oddball special effects.It was different that's for sure.A few scenes dragged on way too long especially the scene with Charlie on the run.The chase scenes were also a bit long but they had an interesting tranquil feeling.You felt almost like you are high on opiates,but I understood it was because he was halfway between life and death.I liked his freaked out reaction when he realized nobody could see him.I didn't really understand why all the cats were following him.The dogs barking was a bit annoying and it wasn't clear if they also sensed or saw what the cats were seeing.His fear of the cats wasn't explained very well or his death and why his soul was in limbo.There were a lot of loose ends but the visuals were nice. the quality of the film was grainy at least my copy of it was.If there is a better digital transfer of this movie out there i'd like to get it.I really enjoyed Dominique Pinon in the main role of Carol the psychologist and look forward to seeing her in other movies.My favorite character was "Mr Barlow" played by Jeff Fahey.His part was short but intriguing and sinister. I give this movie a 6 out of 10. I liked how at the very end in the credits it says the movie is dedicated to God.I'm not sure if this was true or meant to be funny but i'm sure he's got a sense of humor.

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Psychologist Carol Miller learns that the unnatural abilities she possessed through a near fatal accident when she was a child is there for a certain purpose. This is when she encounters a ghost that no one else can see, but her. But this ghost is a lost soul trapped in limbo and is being hunted down by bounty hunters who would sell the soul on the black market. Through confrontations with these otherworldly figures, she learns it's her job to exterminate these wandering souls before those with bad intentions get their hands on them. Hmm, now just what to make of it. It's a tough one. I don't think this low-cost British digital TV flick is as bad, as the IMDb user rating makes it out to be. The fascinatingly odd "Darkhunters" is a poetically grim concept that's only hampered by wallowing on in its own self-importance than just getting on with it. There's some thought behind this complex plot with a lyrical script that likes to ponder on the questions about the afterlife. This aspect is above par with it packing such brute, sharp wit and certain astuteness, but there's still a convoluted cloud hanging over it as it could have been fleshed out more. When it came to the end it felt like nothing more than a stepping-stone to kick-start a franchise. In other words, it felt like a pilot for a TV series. It's quite slow going for only an 80 minute running time and it could have used some tighter editing to help it move along evenly. As it is terribly bumpy with a lot aimlessly artsy scenes that just sit there looking pretty than anything else. Sadly there are not even any real energetic spurts of terror and hair-raising suspense. We start with Carol chasing down a lost soul, and then we go back 5 years where she's at a confessional booth explaining how she came to be and her first encounter with the afterlife. These moments don't always gel, because of its limitations and overall handling. The hauntingly touching music score is a real mixed salad of cues ranging from techno, piano based to Gothic chanting. This really does sweep you up in its mistily forlorn air as its one highly atmospheric presentation with its well-crafted photography that likes to get up close and personal in its hypnotic embrace. The performances are decent, if some too over the top or rather monotonous. Dominique Pinon was daftly overplaying his role, while the breathtaking Susan Pantero was fair as the very glum, but occasionally witty Carol Miller. But it was Jeff Fahey stealing the show as Mr. Barlow a scummy wise guy private eye who looks like his stuck in the 1930s. Johannes Roberts' moody direction might be a technically neurotic exercise (being caught in slow-mo too often and crowded with flashy CGI effects), but for the sheer effort to demonstrate something creatively bold and refreshing with little money. You can only applaud the achievement, even if it might not be a successful mix. Loved the animation that opens the film's credits.Nifty idea, that could've used a tune up, but definitely a nice attempt and better than your average b-flick. Well worth the look.

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Destroyer Wod

OK the box look interesting, the opening have great music and its kinda original, to that its all OK. But when the movie start...well its not my first videoville movie, i watched Ghost Lake, and its very similar of this movie except its ever worse here. The story at first sounded interesting but the whole movie look like a movie shot by a bunch of university student, with specials effect that me laugh, the blood look like a mix of red and white paint, the fire effect on the demon face look like it was done with a program i could buy at my local computer shop. All the movie is shot in day(very great for a movie supposed to be horror) and there like no gore(1 scene only and it look so home-made and not credible) and near no blood(it can be considered a great thing considering the look of the blood show) and 1 demon for the whole movie. The story is going nowhere , it give you the impression that it never start, there so much useless scene done only to give the movie the average duration time(when the demon search the guy in the dogs thing for about 4 minutes...) Way too much slow-mo things. Well lets just say this movie is a Z-series one and a very poor one. All cool idea lost themselves and you get a cheesy movie. It bored my all long and I'm not the guy who get bored very easily with horror movie, man i even like house of the dead and alone in the dark from Uwe Boll and you probably know the name for being one of the worst director but here it look too much like some guys wanting to make a movie for fun. Plus for us french speaker(tough i understand English i prefer to watch movie in my native language) there the usual videoville bad translation. In normal movie you can barely see its not the actor speaking(you have to check on lips etc) here you just have to listen to it and you know it. Very cheesy

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The main title sequence for Darkhunters is very well done. A series of black and red images set the scene for an adventure into the gritty line between life and death - a place that isn't just black and white. It's a place that's horribly funny, if you can get past the Ed Wood-ish editing.Cheesy dialogue, a terrible script, absolutely horrid camera-work and editing ... it's either an incredible disaster or a wonderful success. The main title sequence promised an interesting adventure - however, it appears they spent their entire production budget on this part of the film. Afterwards, we meet Charlie, a deranged psychotic who meets and interacts with a psychologist-turned-... what? Supposedly a 'bounty hunter of lost souls', but as portrayed in the film, she's just another deranged psychotic, and the merry pair go trick-or-treating in the land of long takes of cats in fields, fast-motion cloud shots, and terrible scripting; along the way they meet a Darth Maul look-a-like cat lover who mumbles all of his lines because his scary costume has been badly abused by a group of school children with fat magic markers. In essence, this film is a work of art beyond expectations. If you examine its parts, it is an utmost failure in almost every aspect. However, as a whole, may have you laughing through almost every scene like a deranged lunatic yourself.Definitely worth watching. It's no Citizen Kane, but I had a GREAT time viewing it. If some of the ludicrous shots had been cut shorter (exactly how long do we have to spend looking at cats and clouds?), it might even be worth watching TWICE. Cult Comedy potential is there.

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