New Blood

May. 09,2000      R
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Trailer Synopsis Cast

Alan White is a desperate man; his daughter must have a heart transplant to live. He gets an unexpected visit from his adult son, Danny, a criminal who hasn't spoken to his family in years. Danny lost track of a man marked for death and is afraid to face his merciless crime boss. In Danny's plight, Alan sees a way to save both of his children, already prepared to die in order to donate his heart to his daughter, he will stand in for Danny's escaped hostage.

John Hurt as  Alan White
Nick Moran as  Danny White
Carrie-Anne Moss as  Leigh
Shawn Wayans as  Valentine
Joe Pantoliano as  Hellman
Goûchy Boy as  Lawrence

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If you don't like this, we can't be friends.

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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How stupid do you have to be to not appreciate the difference between getting shot and stubbing your toe? However stupid that is, that's how stupid these filmmakers are. Characters in New Blood get shot, they get shot multiple times, they even get blasted by shotguns…and they essentially just rub some dirt on it and walk it off.But these aren't just dumb filmmakers. They're dumb filmmakers who watched The Usual Suspects, so viewers of this movie will be repeatedly subjected to pathetic attempts at mimicking the things in that movie by a writer and director who clearly didn't understand what they saw. As wonderful as films like The Usual Suspects are, ostentatiously clever movies like that spawn the absolute worst knock-offs in all of cinema.This story is about a father named Alan (John Hurt), his estranged and criminally inclined son named Denny (Nick Moran) and his only briefly glimpsed daughter named Emma "Danielle Webb). Emma needs a heart transplant and one night Denny shows up, shot in the gut, and offers to donate his heart to Emma if his dad will do him the ultimate favor. It seems Denny and his thug buddies were hired by a mythically violent gangster named Mr. Ryan (Eugene Robert Glazer) to help kidnap a rich man. The kidnapping goes wrong and, for reasons that don't hold up under any scrutiny, Denny needs Alan to impersonate the rich man and allow himself to be killed. Because Denny agrees to let himself die of his wound and give his heart to Emma, Alan agrees to sacrifice himself. But when Alan finds himself among Denny's fellow kidnappers, he learns that Denny may not have told him the real story and Alan's sacrifice might be for Denny's benefit and not Emma's. The plot kind of falls apart there and there's no actual logic to much that happens after that point.When I think about the simple, essential story of New Blood, I can see what would have attracted people to this project. The concept of a father and son, separated by years of anger, resentment and neglect, giving up their lives for each other, not out of love but for some advantage…you can feel the raw, emotional conflict inherent in that set up. But that conflict never becomes much more than inherent. I don't know if these filmmakers didn't understand the heart of their story or didn't know how to tell it, but they largely ignore it and fill up the movie with a bunch of other crap. The film makes a big deal about how Denny's thug buddies are the closest thing to real family he has, but nothing is ever done with those characters to make them worth a damn to the viewer. Then we get some stuff in the middle of the story about Hellman (Joe Pantoliano), the guy in charge of the kidnap plot. Hellman is supposed to be this awesomely frightening guy, but he's one of the least scary characters I've ever encountered. Firstly, he looks ridiculous with a pencil-thin mustache and a Ben Franklin hairdo. Secondly, I don't know what the heck Pantoliano was going for with his performance but whatever it was, it doesn't work. It's almost like he's intentionally making this supposedly intimidating guy the least intimidating he can to try and fake out the audience or something. And toward the end of the movie we get this stuff with Leigh (Carrie-Anne Moss), the accountant for Mr. Ryan and a woman who schemes as easily as she breathes. The film suddenly becomes all about this con game being played by Denny, Alan and Leigh, which leads up to the most sublimely silly reaction to getting shot I think I've ever seen in a legitimate motion picture. New Blood spends so much time and energy on these tangents that it never manages to put any meat on the bones of its basic father-son conflict.For all that, though, what truly drags this movie down into the gutter where you sit there and wonder why you're watching it is the acting of Nick Moran. I'm not sure I've seen this guy in anything else, so perhaps he's done better work in other pictures. Here, though, he is the proverbial block of wood. He makes Keanu Reeves look like Laurence Olivier. The dude can't even convincingly convey the pain of being shot in the gut, yet he's largely the main character in the film. John Hurt's work as Alan, even though the character is relentlessly passive and does virtually nothing for the majority of the movie, still blows Moran away every second they're on screen together. As weak as the rest of the storytelling is, if the guy playing Denny had had even rudimentary charisma, you might have been able to overlook some of it.Don't be fooled by the presence of Hurt, Pantoliano and Moss in the cast. New Blood is a bad, bad movie.

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I dont agree with other people's comments about this movie, well maybe that they're dumb and dont understand the plot of this movie which is not very hard to understand and very interesting. This movie keeps you in a suspence until the end and u feel good at the same time when you're shocked. Excellent acting, casting and dialogs, its worth a watch. i'll give it 8/10

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Scott Marcus

Trying to follow all the plot twists made my brain hurt. A day later, I still can't figure out what really happened, with all the lies told along the way by the characters.I *think* there are some plot holes; if things really happened the way it turns out they did, then some things don't make sense. Either that, or the plot is just too convoluted for most people to follow.Either way, the film left me feeling a bit puzzled. While the acting was good, the film as a whole was disappointing. I voted it 4 (out of 10) for the IMDB.

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Jos Wolffers

This was a real stinker. Boring and predictable from beginning to end. And worst of all a complete waste of a great cast including John Hurt, Joe Pantoliano, Carrie-Anne Moss (Cypher and Trinity from The Matrix) and Nick Moran. The center plot revolves around a man (Hurt) whose daughter needs a new heart. They don't seem to be able to find one, until the man's son (Moran) pops up, offering his heart in exchange of his fathers services. The father has to play the part of a kidnapped millionaire who was accidentally killed by Moran's gang. But he can't tell that to his boss and his 'businesspartners' (Pantoliano and Moss). This goes on for a while until the movie wraps up nicely and predictably after a grotesque shootout. 3/10

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