Doctor Who: Last Christmas

December. 25,2014      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

The Doctor and Clara face their Last Christmas. Trapped on an Arctic base, under attack from terrifying creatures, who are you going to call? Santa Claus!

Peter Capaldi as  The Doctor
Jenna Coleman as  Clara Oswald
Nick Frost as  Santa Claus
Samuel Anderson as  Danny Pink
Dan Starkey as  Ian
Nathan McMullen as  Wolf
Faye Marsay as  Shona
Natalie Gumede as  Ashley
Maureen Beattie as  Bellows
Michael Troughton as  Professor Albert

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It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.

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A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

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Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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Derry Herrera

Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.

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Steven Moffatt delivers a typically festive and timey wimey Christmas special that asks us all to question when we are actually dreaming, and how well we really know Father Christmas.Peter Capaldi seems to have now settled firmly into his role as Doctor number 12, and there are some lovely moments throughout this episode. It took me a while to warm to Nick Frost as Father Christmas (and quite what kids thought of his interpretation would be interesting to know), but in the end it won me over.There are some hangovers in terms of plot from the last series, which for casual viewers will be confusing, but for the most part its easy enough viewing.Full of drama and heart this was a good festive outing for The Doctor and Clara.

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Paul Evans

Clara wakes up on Christmas eve and finds Santa and his elves dropping presents off on her roof top, The TARDIS materialises and the Doctor makes Clara go inside, Santa tells the Doctor he'll soon need his help. They land at a base on the North Pole, where they encounter a group of scientists under siege from Dream crabs. At no point can they be sure they are fully awake, that they're not being devoured and anaesthetised by the crabs.Fans of Inception will get the vibe I mean, they're in a dream, in a dream. It's a traditional format really, base under siege from monster.I loved the Christmassy opening credits, they looked rather good.Lots of real silliness throughout, mainly provided by Santa and his elves, but it was Christmas I guess. The joke about the face huggers and Alien was great.Danny Pink is back once again, proving that it's very difficult to leave a character go, can you imagine if he did an Agatha Christie? The corpses would all be up and at 'em.I can see why there's still talk of Shona joining the Doctor, she was good. I always wanted Sally Sparrow to become a regular. Shona could be such an interesting character.It's not my favourite Christmas outing, but it's definitely inside the top 3, excellent in parts, and I am loving Peter Capaldi. 8/10'Every Christmas is last Christmas.'

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Dr Who does Inception. It is a dream within a dream within a dream, and if you don't work that out 20 minutes before the cast then you are probably asleep yourself.Keep asking "Who you gonna call?" but no-one puts in a Ghostbusters joke?Throw in some facehuggers, but make them such blatant rip offs that you have to mention Alien to avoid a copyright infringement claim. Stuff the posthumous Danny Pink in yet again. Why bother killing him off if he is going to still be in every episode?!And at the end tie some nonsense knots of time loops that don't make any sense at all but give an excuse for Clara to mention a couple of more times that this is her last Christmas episode so we know her character is leaving this year. I thought Capaldi was doing a decent job of fixing Dr Who after the poor Matt Smith years but this effort is a disappointing return to the lazy writing and shoddy stories that even he and Jenna Coleman can't save it.

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Yes it was cheesy but thankfully never ridiculous or worse still outright stupid. Essentially it was what a Doctor Who Christmas special episode should be, and a far cry from the cartoonist plots and scenes that I felt dragged down much of the Tennant era, and threatened the enjoyment of Matt Smiths version - although he at least seemed to carry off the 'Scooby-Doo- esque' comedy much more naturally. Peter Capaldi finishes his first season with head held high.Peter Capaldi's one flaw is he sometimes comes across as too dour, but fortunately his acting prowess overcomes the urge to shout at the TV regarding his attitude - although its close at times. I had expected the lifting of some of the burden following the 'Day of the Doctor' episode but again he spends too long seeking the negatives - but I don't blame the actor alone, he only interprets the scripts...thank goodness for Jenna Colemans down to earth and generally positive Claro Oswald. Another fine set of acting.Nick Frost as was also good as Santa Claus, however he would have come to naught without his wisecracking Elf's who probably had the best moments and lines. Maybe not overly funny throughout, and certainly questionable as to whether it was full of Christmas spirit, I am at least glad to say what true humour there was did hit the mark - and so did the downers.It's already been said the episode feels like a combination of the Alien and Inception and I don't doubt these subconsciously played a part somewhere in its writing, and for the majority of the viewing it worked well - right up until the last twists and turns which I at least felt was almost too easy to figure out in advance. Sorry Doctor you lose a star for signposting once too often!So overall not a bad effort, and I feel Dr Who has bounced back well after going through a 'not essential viewing, I'll wait for the repeat' phase. Once again I automatically set the EPG for it above other programmes rather than umming and arr'ing...Now please Mr/Mrs writers...just lift The Doctors spirits a little and be kind to is poor folk who looks to smile occasionally without having to take a happy pill! (Another -1 star for too much annoyingly negativity)

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