Mr. Wrong

February. 16,1996      PG-13
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A single and lonely woman finds the seemingly perfect man to date, but soon regrets it when his deranged and possessive other personality emerges and worst still, she cannot convince anyone else of his Jekyll/Hyde true nature.

Ellen DeGeneres as  Martha Alston
Bill Pullman as  Whitman Crawford
Joan Cusack as  Inga Gunther
Dean Stockwell as  Jack Tramonte
Joan Plowright as  Mrs. Crawford
John Livingston as  Walter
Hope Davis as  Annie
Ellen Cleghorne as  Jane
Christine Cattell as  Nancy Culpepper
Robert Goulet as  Dick Braxton



Simply A Masterpiece

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A different way of telling a story

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It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.

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This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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Thirty-one and still single Ellen DeGeneres (as Martha Alston) works on an early morning TV talk show in San Diego. She's feeling intense pressure to get married, but has no luck. There is attractive John Livingston (as Walter) at work, but Ms. DeGeneres considers him too boyish. Suddenly, while listening to Chris Isaak's version of Hank Williams' "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" on a jukebox, DeGeneres meets a man who seems to be "Mr. Right". Investor and poetry writer Bill Pullman (as Whitman Crawford) and DeGeneres have a whirlwind romance. All goes well until Mr. Pullman proves himself to be "Mr. Wrong"...This comedy is based on an outdated premise and DeGeneres is far too modern and intelligent for her role. She's witty, but stuck in an unfunny situation. More thoughtful acting is needed to overcome these hurdles...Pullman and director Nick Castle make the scenes involving the personality change interesting to watch, at least. After this, the film becomes unfocused and farcical. When the action switches to Mexico, some of it looks poorly improvised. In the "mother" roles, Joan Plowright and Polly Holliday are serviceable. Detective Dean Stockwell (as Jack Tramonte) has one good bit, when he switches allegiance. Joan Cusack (as Inga Gunther) is more annoying than funny. Her rotund sidekick, Brad Henke is better off solo. The best impressions are made by Mr. Livingston and photographer John Schwartzman.**** Mr. Wrong (2/16/96) Nick Castle ~ Ellen DeGeneres, Bill Pullman, John Livingston, Joan Cusack

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Let me start by saying that the only reason I gave this movie a 2 was because Ellen is awesome.But really the movie itself deserves a 1, if not a 0. Let me address the defense that this is a "black comedy": Definition of black comedy: "Black comedy or dark comedy is a sub-genre of comedy and satire in which topics and events that are usually regarded as taboo, are treated in an unusually humorous or satirical manner while retaining their seriousness. The intent of black comedy, therefore, is often for the audience to experience both laughter and discomfort, sometimes even simultaneously."I did not at any point experience laughter during this movie, except while laughing at how terrible it is. Perhaps one could argue that the topic of stalking is the element of black comedy here, but in no way does this movie, with its "madcap" soundtrack and completely horrible script, "retain its seriousness."If you want a black comedy, then go watch "Death to Smoochy," or even better, Todd Solondz's brilliant "Happiness." Don't watch this dreck.Also, the scene where she is supposedly high on LSD (oft-named by this movie's necessarily idiotic supporters as one of it's funniest) is only funny because the filmmakers so clearly have no idea what it is like to be on hallucinogens.If you absolutely must watch this, get drunk during it so that at the end, it seems funny rather than infuriating that you just wasted two hours of your life.

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It's quite horrible. Ellen DeGeneres has been one of my favorite comedians for a long time, but her first foray into feature films was quite a mind blowing experience and mostly in a negative way.It's not that there is anything wrong with the premise. DeGeneres plays a woman who's getting on in years and meets a seemingly perfect man, Whit played by Bill Pullman. He seems to be perfect until Martha (DeGeneres' character) makes the fatal mistake of telling him to be himself. What happens next: Martha discovers he's a complete lunatic.Everyone is terrible in this movie, even a seasoned pro like Dean Stockwell as a slimy private detective and by far the worst comedic performance of that year is performed by Joan Cusack as Whit's even more psychotic ex.If one can call it a redeeming quality, the film does spark some weird curiosity of how it all ends. However, the end is incomprehensible and totally unbelievable. It seems as if the writers just gave up and said: "Well, we can't make it any worse!" DeGeneres hasn't had a starring role since this disaster, although she had a fairly good supporting role in EdTV.What more can you say except this was a total misfire from everyone involved. Bob Goulet did however do a fairly good job of playing, Bob Goulet.

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Hello, my name is Pursy and I am 17 years old. I first saw this movie when I was around 10 years old. It was such an enjoyable experience. I love this movie. I think the actors are great in it and they definitely know how to make people laugh. I rented it often and when I finally saw it for sale at a store, I bought it. I watch it to this day and still laugh like I did when I first saw it. Yes, I will admit that it is a bit out there and I can definitely see why most people don't like the movie but when you look past all that and see the movie for what it really is, it's a great movie and it really hurts me to see such negative attitudes and comments about it. If I could thank any two people in this world, I would want to thank Ellen DeGeneres and Bill Pullman for making such a hysterical movie. Thanks You.

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