
April. 24,2005      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Dr. Maddy Rierdon, an investigator for the Department of Agriculture, is the only person who can protect America from a deadly breed of bioengineered locusts.

Lucy Lawless as  Maddy Rierdon
John Heard as  Peter Axelrod
Dylan Neal as  Dan Dyrer
Gregory Alan Williams as  General Miller
Mike Farrell as  Lyle Rierden
Natalija Nogulich as  Lorelei Wentworth
Mike Gomez as  Secretary Morales
Caroline McKinley as  Terry Axelrod
D.J. Dierker as  Jonas Hanauer
Nicolas Roye as  Jimmy



Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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As an electrician, the final resolution for the posed problem is not just beyond possibility... It's beyond reasoning and certainly not plausible except to the most uneducated or jaded viewer. And to partially blame the hybrid hopper on Australia! Who writes this stuff? The premise, while fantastic, could have been much better executed. For all intents it appears that the writers have taken their 90 minutes of screen time, built their story (albeit thin), executed the major plot points (how did the bugs survive the truck on the airfield tarmac?) and then tried to coast home on some pitifully thin technical excuse for a solution. Thank goodness for weather balloons, silver streamers & diverted voltage!!! Give me a break.

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Michael O'Keefe

Dr. Maddy Rierdon(Lucy Lawless) is a Department of Agriculture investigator that is pressed into duty with the pressure of protecting North America from one of her colleague's experiments. Dr. Peter Axelrod(John Heard)over steps his bounds when he secretly bioengineers for the military a breed of locusts immune to all known pesticides. These locusts are three times the size of normal locusts and have the appetite and capability to devour the entire continent. Its the proverbial race against the clock as swarms of these pests are eating their way from each coast with America's heartland doomed in the middle. Also in the cast are: Mike Farrell, Dylan Neal, Caroline McKinley and Gregalan Williams.

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Enjoyed viewing this new "Locusts" Film version and thought there was plenty of action with lots of great graphics and location scenes of the great Heartland of America and plenty of fields of corn. Caroline McKinley,(Terry Axelrod),"Katherine",'02, was the big cheese in charge of trying to control and experiment with Locusts and John Heard,(Peter),"Mind The Gap",'04, was fired by Terry Axelrod, for doing some very unusual things with his pet Locusts behind glass. There have been other Locusts films but this film did entertain and I was very grateful that everyone conserved their electricity usage. There was a period in the film when I wondered just when Terry Axelrod would ever tell her husband she was PREGNANT! Good pass time FILM to sit and enjoy, don't be too critical.

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Charles Herold (cherold)

I only watched this because I was curious to see Lucy Lawless do something besides Xena. I always thought she was a good actress, but it's hard to tell when none of the lines are worth speaking.I did not watch this for very long. It just had that, cheap, inept movie quality to it. The dialog was bad. It had these painful soap opera scenes between Lawless and her husband, or boyfriend, or whatever he was. I would get a bit nervous when I knew the bugs were about to attack, because it just seems icky, but the bug scenes I saw were notable for how completely unscary they were.I might have watched a bit more of this if I were a bigger fan of creepy crawlies. I'm not big on bugs, and while I'll watch a decent bug movie like Arachnophia I will not suffer through a bad bug movie.It's really very sad. Lawless was the star of a hit show and Heard has been in tons of major movies and here they are in a movie apparently made by a high school student of below-average intelligence. What a shame.

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