I Love Your Work

October. 05,2003      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A fictional movie star, Gray Evans, goes through the disintegration of his marriage, his gradual mental breakdown, and his increasing obsession with a young film student who reminds him of his own life before becoming famous. A dark psychological drama, I Love Your Work explores the pressures of fame and the difference between getting what you want and wanting what you get.

Giovanni Ribisi as  Gray Evans
Christina Ricci as  Shana
Marisa Coughlan as  Jane
Judy Greer as  Samantha
Shalom Harlow as  Charlotte
Jared Harris as  Yehud
Vince Vaughn as  Stiev
Joshua Jackson as  John
Nicky Katt as  Goateed Man
Jason Lee as  Larry Hortense



To me, this movie is perfection.

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Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.

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Abbigail Bush

what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

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Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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This is a miserable movie about the miserable movie star life of a miserable movie star. It's deliberately confusing and unintentionally confused. The script strives for sarcasm and sympathy in equal measure, but achieves only indifference. The direction is equally undecided. The acting is okay, yet watching Giovanni Ribisi's performance is like looking at a man struggling on a Stairmaster set at the highest level; there's a lot of obvious effort but he never goes anywhere. This film has nothing to say and makes a convoluted production out of not saying it.Gray Evans (Giovanni Ribisi) is a movie star. He has a hot blonde movie star wife (Franka Potente), a perky assistant (Judy Greer), a private investigator (Jared Harris) and various other ass-kissing associates and "friends". He's also desperately unhappy with himself and pretty much everything in the world, except for his dreams/daydreams/hallucinations of a girl named Shana (Christina Ricci). He's also paranoid about both a possible stalker (Jason Lee) and his wife getting hit on by Elvis Costello. Gray wanders into an independent video store one day and becomes "John Hinkley loves Jodie Foster" obsessed with a perfectly normal couple (Joshua Jackson and Marisa Coughlan). Gray gets more and more disturbed and things end tragically.You may have noticed that my description of I Love Your Work's plot doesn't actually contain a lot of, you know, plot. That's not a mistake. There are things that happen in the film. They just don't connect together or add up to lead in any narrative direction or toward any thematic conclusion. All it has is a generalized antipathy for the realities of celebrity without actually being honest about any of those realities.I'm not sure, but I think this story is supposed to be about how the pressures of stardom destroy Gray Evans heart and mind. I'm not sure about that because there's no connection ever made between the two. The movie highlights the unpleasant aspects of fame and Gray displays a bucketful of emotional problems, yet it never manages to explain or demonstrate how the former caused the latter. It seems like Gray would have been just as screwed up as a grocery clerk or a stock broker.I Love Your Work has no idea if it's about Gray Evans the man, Gray Evans the movie star or Gray Evans the victim of movie stardom. It's also at least 15 to 20 minutes too long and has an ending that is wrongly hilarious no matter how you look at it. Either these filmmakers were trying to be funny even though it is completely inappropriate for the story they're telling, or they were trying to be poignant and botched it so badly it would get a belly laugh out of the couple from American Gothic.If you're a struggling actor and filmmaker and would be comforted at the thought that the folks more successful than you are awful wretches leading lives of bitter torment, you might enjoy this movie. Everyone else would probably be better off polishing up their Sudoku skills.

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I've been a fan of Goldberg's acting for a while and Ribisi too, but after seeing the trailer i wasn't really expecting much, despite the great cast...but this really impressed me. the first hour is so much fun that i was totally willing to go with the second half wherever it took me. I'm not exactly sure where i was taken but i enjoyed it.this film is an existential headfck of a good time, and ribisi is in top form as the teeth chattering madman actor. ill definitely give it a second look to figure out what the hell was going on with Nicky Katt.the visuals were engaging throughout....the music was also phenomenal, and Adam Goldberg did that too! i mean wtf CANT this guy do? question: was anyone thinking of Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman watching Grey and Mia? Ribisi definitely had that raspy Hawke-drawl, but he kind of always talks like that. He already did a great Spike Jonze impersonation in lost in translation.

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I just saw the film and like others on this board, my wife didn't get what had just happened in the film. I explained it to her as being this:At the end of the movie you see Gray and his girlfriend in the theater watching a musical version of a film starring a girl named Mia. Gray's girlfriend says "You're going to leave me for her one day, aren't you?". I believe all that preceded this scene happened in Gray's mind as a daydream about what his life would be like if he did get that chance.The reason I think this is because I have done exactly that when a comment from someone has set me off daydreaming.If you think I am way off base, feel free to let me know like I know people like to do.

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i had high hopes for this movie, seeing that I liked Giovanni Ribisi on My Name is Earl, and i like Jason lee. i watched this movie and any hope i had for it was destroyed halfway through. there was hardly any plot progression throughout the entire movie and it was so odd that i felt i needed to pick up the cliff's notes to understand it. the story twisted and turned and included things that were kind of stupid and introduced subplots which were not later revisited and explained. in fact, very little was explained in this movie. i did however enjoy Jason lee's role, albeit very small. he brought a certain realism to stalkers' obsessions. whatever other deep themes were waiting to capture my attention didn't, and the rest of the movie just plain sucked.

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