Children of Glory

October. 23,2006      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Children of Glory will commemorate Hungary's heroic Revolution of 1956, and takes place in Budapest and at the Melbourne Olympic Games in October and November of that year. While Soviet tanks were destroying Hungary, the Hungarian water polo team was winning over the Soviets in the Olympic pool in Melbourne, in what has been described as the bloodiest water polo match in history.

Kata Dobó as  Viki Falk
Iván Fenyő as  Karcsi Szabó
Sándor Csányi as  Tibi Vámos
Károly Gesztesi as  Telki edzõ
Ildikó Bánsági as  Karcsi anyja
Tamás Jordán as  Karcsi nagyapja
Viktória Szávai as  Hanák Eszter
Zsolt Huszár as  Gál Jancsi
Keresztes Tamás as  Ács Imi
Péter Haumann as  Feri bácsi

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Simply A Masterpiece

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Good concept, poorly executed.

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There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.

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The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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To those who are familiar with the end result of this true story, it is certainly not a happy ending. In 1956, Hungary was ruled by communism. Russian communism to be exact, and it was a few brave souls out of thousands, that gave up their lives for a dream - of freedom.I am an American currently living in Hungary, and I felt very privelged last night, being able to see this film. There I sat in an auditorium, with a theater screen set up, and a projector as well; watching this film in a city of only 13,000, approximately one third of which sat all around me. I felt honored, and very happy to know that I was in this country, watching this film, amongst so many people who were celebrating an event that took place fifty years ago, here in this very country.The film centers around a water polo team in the year 1956. It was in this year that people began to take up arms. They decided enough was enough. Communism had ruled for far too long by this point - but the tragedy was that it was to remain that way for a much, much longer time. At the end of the second world war, the Russians decided it was their turn to rule Hungary. They took it off the shoulders of the Germans, who had now lost, and Russia was the new Hitler. The star of the film is member of the Hungarian water polo team, and they become finalists in the Olympics that year. From the beginning of the film, until the end - we see the Revolution through the eyes of this young man. How he falls in love with a women, who is one of the leaders of the revolt, and finds himself fighting for his country alongside her.Though it was a bit slow at times, and it was in Hungarian - it's a film, that in some ways you don't even really need to speak the language to understand. Although I'm semi-fluent in Hungarian, it was still very difficult for me to follow the dialogue. However, you can understand what's happening in the film, without a knowledge of what they're saying. A lot of explosions; fighting; guns; love scenes; and arguments - it's quite apparent most of the time what's going on.I would say that acting wise -it's a Hungarian made movie. The actors are not the creme of the crop - but certainly better than your average Joe. The direction was brilliant, however. And I was quite amazed by the camera-work - and stage direction. Filmed on location in Budapest (and it's quite obvious), it gives those who have walked down some of the famous streets, and squares, chills down their backs, with the knowledge, that there were protesters and gun play in those places, all those years ago. Now, these streets and squares are famous tourist attractions. Although I hate to give in to the self-pity most Hungarians carry around with them, I have to admit that the film does make you feel sorry for them as a people. First world war two, and then this. It was as though they were to never catch a break. Which might account for some of their cultural behaviors, even today. The communist mentality still seeping through. It is all apparent in the film, why they go about their ways, the way they do.It is an interesting film, and a good historical reference. If anyone can find this with English subtitles (or subtitles for whatever language you speak), it might be good to see it, just so you know what actually happened in 1956, and how as much as the Hungarians fought for their freedom, life is not a movie- and the outcome was very realistic. They lost.A final note. After the film, a lady who was in the car with me on my home, said something that I'll never forget. I mentioned that in the movie, I thought it was funny how someone got so excited, because they'd heard on the radio that the Americans were coming to save them. And, I said...I didn't think that was true, since I don't ever recall the Americans coming to the Hungarians aid. She said softly, and sadly, as though it were my fault, "No. You didn't come. You didn't come." A sad, yet memorable, historical and noteworthy event in world history. And, of course, in Hungarian history.

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I love the idea of making a movie to honor 56 and i also love making the story accessible to worldwide audiences. I think the film was executed beautifully, the sets, the costumes, the props, everything fit perfectly, so no problem there.I think the acting was also generally good, Csanyi never disappoints, Gesztesi comes through as always, etc. However, the two lead characters could have done a better job - both Fenyo and Dobo have a difficult time conveying emotions. Fenyo usually looks like a bored android and Dobo - well, whatever.The biggest problem is the inane writing. The plot is just a cheap TV-movie template, predictable, clichéd and often gratuitous. What's even worse is the dialogue. It's comic-book level, sometimes even worse. I was at the point of leaving the theatre after several badly written lines that would have looked out of place even in a high-school essay.Anyways, go see it for the pictures and for the great background story, if you are not familiar with Hungary's shining moment in 20th century history. But don't expect profound entertainment or a thrilling story.As often, history is the best playwright. Too bad the human ones didn't live up to the job.

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As an American living in Hungary, I thoroughly enjoyed this film and hope that many of my friends living in the states will see it to better understand the Hungarian culture.As always in a film, there were a few liberties taken with historical facts, but these were not huge and did not destroy the film. It was particularly timely with the riots this year in the streets of Budapest. The courage displayed and the sense of hope in a seemingly hopeless situation made the film especially poignant.A film worth seeing. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in European history, courage, and Hungarians.

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I may not be objective since I'm a Hungarian and a patriot, and especially after the very sad 50th anniversary, this was some kind of relief for me.First the bad, then the goods... Dobó Kata is the only bad thing happened to this, but she's really bad. I never appreciated her - never saw any movie where she didn't pose in lingerie - but after this I have to say, she has to run around in lingerie because in clothes, there's nothing touching in her, nothing that makes you believe what she says, no emotions on her face whatever. She cannot act, that's it.But the movie had so many strong appearances and so many talented people behind the cameras, that you easily forget about Dobó. Iván Fenyö; is no surprise, he's been in the Jake Gyllenhal movie Jarhead before (which I didn't like though), and he can act. He's enjoyable here, not his best and not the best in the movie though.Károly Gesztesi is phenomenal in his role as the coach, one of the most likable characters here. The other of the greatest performances is brought by Sándor Csányi. He's well-known for his leading role in Kontroll, and he simply outshines everyone here as well. The leading lady - after Dobó's failure - is surely Viki Szávai, Eszter in the movie (Dobó's best friend). She's playing so easily you can believe she's not even playing, it's her true self... I liked the character so much thanks her playing that the loss of her was one of the saddest moments for me though it was almost obvious what has to happen to her.Vic Armstrong did a great job with what he had... The few tanks and other limitations didn't stop him to recreate what was happening on the streets of Budapest. You'll be scared by thinking it through, it's so real...Kriszta Goda's second movie direction here makes you need to see the first as well. She did an amazing job here.After all, I was touched, and touched is such a cliché when talking about this movie and the story behind it.1956 means something for everyone who has at least a little percentage of Hungarian blood in his/her veins... either you were here afterwards and saw the aftermath, either you live here now as young and have the same needs, feelings for freedom, or you're living abroad and were raised on stories about Hungary and how your family had to live, run through the border while they were shooting at them... Or you've heard about the story, you know someone who's Hungarian. Or even reading about it here, and seeing this movie it'll change you a little bit, in what you think about Hungary. I hope less people will laugh at those cheap jokes by comedians on the US national TV after seeing this little history lesson.No matter how many stories you've heard it's not like being there and seeing this movie will bring you back as a watcher, you'll understand them more and appreciate them more. After leaving the theater you'll surely believe the people who died on the streets or in the AVO prisons were true heroes. Makes you feel the need to do something patriotic as well...Thus I hope everyone of you goes out to see it, internationally. After so many touching movies about American history, here's your chance to see how those in the Eastern block struggled and fought for their lives. It's totally different and I hope it'll bring difference.Wanted to give a 10, but -1 coz of DK.

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