Lady Cocoa

December. 01,1975      R
Trailer Synopsis Cast

After being given a 24-hour leave from prison, in exchange for which she’ll agree to testify against her mobster boyfriend, Cocoa hits the streets, but quickly discovers that violence lurks around every corner.

Lola Falana as  Coco
Alex Dreier as  Ramsey
Millie Perkins as  Marie
Joe Greene as  Big Joe
James A. Watson, Jr as  Eddie
George Buck Flower as  Drunk Gambler
John F. Goff as  The Sicilian



Memorable, crazy movie

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Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay

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The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.

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It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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Michael Ledo

Lady Cocoa (Lola Falana) is taken from prison and "hidden" at a casino hotel so she can testify in a racketeering case. At the hotel her boyfriend and bad guys who want her dead show up.Lola Falana also sings the sound track. Football star and HOFer Mean Joe Greene has a minor role as Big Joe. Note that the slot machines take Ike dollars and the initial conversation at the prison concerned "block busting." . My copy was poorly restored with sound being a major issue.The story lacked action and decent drama. It is mostly Lola acting like a spoiled brat spouting off odd facts and listing sources.Guide F-word, sex, nudity (Lola Falana) I saw this on a 12 pack of films featuring Urban Action films.

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LADY COCOA is an unheard-of blaxploitation movie from cult director Matt Cimber. This is a film made with no budget and no talent which makes it a real test of the will just to sit through. The story is about a tough femme fatale who agrees to testify against her ex-boyfriend, a leading mobster, in court. She's subsequently put under a witness protection scheme while a bunch of hit men turn up and attempt to whack her.It's not a bad premise as premises go but the execution is really lousy here. The whole first hour is set in a single hotel room while the viewer is subjected to the main character incessantly whining and complaining about everything in sight. Lola Falana is no Pam Grier, that's for sure, and her whiny performance becomes grating about five minutes in. She gets way too much screen time and has such a dreadful character that you'll be hoping the bad guys do succeed in wiping her out.Later on, things finally do leave the confines of the hotel and there's a little low rent action, but it's not especially interesting. The supporting cast are a bit better than the lead, especially the old timers, but Cimber's direction is awful and static, leading to a lifeless viewing experience. His subsequent horror movie THE WITCH WHO CAME FROM THE SEA was a little better, but only just.

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"Coco" (Lola Falana) is serving time in a Nevada penitentiary and agrees to testify against her mob boyfriend "Eddie" (James A. Watson Jr.) in exchange for her freedom. Naturally, Eddie doesn't like the idea and sends a couple of hit men to take care of the problem once and for all. Figuring that something like this might happen the District Attorney provides two bodyguards by the names of "Doug" (Gene Washington) and "Ramsey" (Alex Dreier). Unfortunately, she refuses to believe that Eddie will try to harm her and treats both of her them with complete contempt. But one of the hit men named "Big Joe" (Mean Joe Greene) isn't playing any games. Now rather than reveal anymore of the story and risk spoiling the movie for those who haven't seen it I will just say that I thought the character of Coco was extremely annoying. But even so I must admit that Lola Falana played her part superbly. I also liked the surprises as the story progressed. In short, for a low-budget "Blaxploitation" movie this one wasn't too bad. Slightly above average.

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Seymour Asses

Of all the crappy blaxploitation films I've seen in my day, this is definitely one of them. Talk about poor film making, Lady Cocoa looks like it was shot by a bunch of high school kids. Here's a short list of things that make this movie suck:1. The screen changes colors repeatedly, probably from leaving the film cans sitting out in the sun or something. It reminds me of something shot in the early 1900's. One second everything will be completely purple, the next it will be green, followed by orange, then black and white. Even when the color is correct (which isn't often) the characters look totally illuminated, making the entire room glow. This is the first film I've ever seen that was physically painful to watch.2. The sound is awful. There is a high pitched squeal the entire movie. I tried the disc on two DVD players and two TV's and it was still there. The boom mic gets smacked around a lot to, usually making more noise than it actually records. Thankfully, it saves you from having to hear the awful dialogue, or in the case of Mean Joe, lack there of. 3. The story lags and lags and lags. There is absolutely no action in this movie until the 73rd minute, much like Matt Cimber's previous work, The Black Six. Up until then, I was under the impression this was some type of romantic comedy.4. Every thing in Lady Cocoa is completely illogical. Especially the ending. I supposed I should be grateful this one at least had an ending (director's previous movie just turned off after awhile).SUMMARY: Sucks.

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