Diaoyu Islands: The Truth

March. 11,2014      
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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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China has never recognized the right of administration of the United States or Japan over the islands, and Tokyo refuses to admit its war crimes against the Chinese and other nations during World War II. The US play a very negative role in dispute In 1971, the United States appointed Japan as the administrator of the Diaoyu Islands. But China has never recognized the right of administration of the US or Japan. Officially the United States does not take a position on the ultimate sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands, but it does recognize the islands fall under the security treaty obligations the US has with Japan. There are still serious doubts about the possibility for the US to play a constructive role in this ongoing dispute. WHATEVER, THE ISLANDS BELONGS TO CHINA!

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This is an unbiased documentary which reveals the truth. However, since it is short, many more details are omitted, so 9 points out of 10. It is definitely not a propaganda (i.e. unlike those anti-China, anti-communist articles, news, and movies convincing that communists are bad for everything and only democrats, whose leader invaded a Western Asian country with some ridiculous reasons and tormented her for almost nine years, are the future of mankind). I cannot comment on all western textbooks but at least the western textbooks I have read are all ignoring or cutting off many crucial details about the Eight-Nation Alliance's invasion of China, the unfair treaties they forced China to sign, the Sino-Japanese War, and the Japaneses' massacre of Chinese people. Even Wikipedia has altered the "Eight-Nation Alliance's invasion of China" to "the Boxer Rebellion". Westerners are calling those patriots, who dared to confront with the imperialists' tyranny and fight for their country, rebellion force. The Wikipedia article "Eight-Nation Alliance" skips right through the imperialists' invasion of China to Chinese people's rebellion, which on its own looks like that the Chinese are dangerous people who killed so many Westerners and Christians. If the invasion history are also posted, those Chinese people's actions will be justified. Not only Japan, but the Western countries are also trying to ignore and erase their evidence of invasion.Many people are saying something like "Why can't China just get along with Japan, then the world will be a better place". But this can only be achieved if Japan could face and admit their crimes. China CANNOT get along with Japan not because what they have done to her but because the Japanese government have never apologized and admitted their crimes against China. Furthermore, the Japanese textbooks are denying their crimes and transmitting falsified information about the history. User rogerthat1945's comment is a perfect example of slandering China and misleading people with the wrong history. A good guess would be--he is taught by Japanese textbooks.Regardless of China's governance right now, history is history. China is the victim of the INVASION of Japan and those arrogant western countries. China deserves the apologies from all of those invaders!

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The previous user who rated 1 has not rated any other titles. It sounds like he will put whatever taking China's side into the category of simple Chinese propaganda. I just thought people should be aware of the extent of western bias about China and get out of the myth of "we are good guy your are bad guy so whatever we said is for the truth or free speech blabla ... for good but whatever you said is propaganda". Stop being so damn insecure and hiding behind such a shield, there is no fear in accepting the facts and admitting you are wrong. The previous user said "In the UK for example, if Scotland wants to be independent so be it, stop being so damn insecure, you've got over a billion people!!" Besides his baleful sense of humor, I think it shows his anti-China intention and misleading. That is a territory conflict between China and Japan. It is about territory integrity being endorsed by nations all around the world, including UK and US. So, I think a better example would be, "if Spain wants Gibraltar, we UK would give it. The Queen already has enough colonies, or already lost enough, including HongKong and Singapore. She would not mind to lose one more, would she? :-)" I am fairly sure the previous reviewer has no double-standard problem so he would explain why there was such an independent war in north America over 200 years ago if the nice and generous UK people really do not mind it.Come on. China wants that island because it is the right thing to do. It because it belongs to China. No one should accepts the wrong facts. On the other hands, its justice to set it right again. I am not 100% sure but I can sense what deeply in the previous reviewers blood from his analogy of "you do not need it because you already got 1 billion people" - so he implied western people or culture has no sense of justice. They has no interest in right or wrong. Western people just consider two facts "what we want?" and "How can I get it?" but never ask themselves "Is that right thing to do?" For example, we want lands - then take it from Indians; we want labors, then take the freedom from Africans ... UK returned Hongkong to China not because it was the right thing to do but simple because it cannot.Stop the fear of the rise of China since you would not mind losing Scotland ... And you've already lost enough so you would not mind lost some more :-) China want Diaoyu island because it belongs to China, it is the right thing to do, like Hongkong. China does not want Scotland because it does not belong to China. It is very simple -- everyone does the right thing. If you ever took something from others, stop the "please-accept-the- fact" crap, return it and apologize, beg for victim's pardon, and pray if the other side chose not to forgive you. It has been long time for UK's and Japanes to forget about their broken arrogance. More and more wrong things would be set back again. The Diaoyu island is a chance for Japanese to set things right up and pray for Chinese's forgiveness, like Germans keep taking every single chance to appeal for the forgives from Jews. This movie is actually a chance and even a favor for Japanese to set things back to right and apology then regain the chance to survive in east Asia and next century, in a world ruled by China.Japan attacked pearl harbor, killed over 4000 US soldiers there - as return, US nuked two Japan cities, burned out 3/4 of Tokyo, killed million's of Japan civilians. Considering this fact, China is too nice, isn't it?

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Mark Manning (manningsmark)

This is hilarious. The previous user who rated 10 has not rated any other titles. I admit that I haven't either. However this also has grammatical and lexical mistakes which show that this is simply Chinese propaganda. I am not pro or anti Japanese/Chinese but just thought people should be aware of the extent of Chinese propaganda. Keep trying Xi Jin Ping. There's no fear in accepting the facts and hiding behind a nationalistic facade. In the UK for example, if Scotland wants to be independent so be it, stop being so damn insecure, you've got over a billion people!!Anyway,I would suggest anyone watching this to at least read some other academic and peer-reviewed articles or documentaries by respected institutions rather than CCTV funded political propaganda.

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