Wesley Willis: The Daddy of Rock 'n' Roll

April. 22,2003      NR
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Documentary about the late Chicago artist and musician Wesley Willis. Filmmaker Daniel Bitton follows Willis throughout the Chicago area, riding the bus, talking to friends and strangers alike, selling his CDs to record shops, and going about his day. Willis was memorable to many for being schizophrenic as well as 6'6" and over 300 pounds but was loved by his fans and friends for his quirky, oddball music, artistic talent, and for being a real gentle giant. He was a testament to the human drive to survive and create, as he himself was a survivor of extreme poverty, mental illness, child abuse, racism, and obesity. The fact that he lived to see 40 was incredible, but his having a successful music career and being able to function was even more so.

Wesley Willis as  Himself
Steve Albini as  Himself



Thanks for the memories!

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Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.

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I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.

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Refreshingly eschewing the standard talking heads documentary format, director Daniel Britton instead presents several days in the life of the one and only Wesley Willis, who despite suffering from chronic paranoid schizophrenia managed to achieve substantial cult status in the alternative rock music world with his fabulously idiosyncratic songs that were basically crazed atonal rants sent to monotonous Casio synthesizer arrangements. By simply showing Willis as a brash and loud, yet still sweet and vibrant fellow who confronted his demons head on through his art and creativity sans any comment or judgment, one gets a remarkable chance to see the humor, humanity, and above all exceptionally resilience of this extraordinary man. Moreover, it's a hoot to see Willis riding the bus, visiting the zoo, giving his friends head butts, and gong to a Kinko's so he can work on the lyrics of his latest songs. More importantly, there are some poignant insights into Willis's troubled past and various issues with his obesity due to the medication he takes for his schizophrenic condition that his closet friends are genuinely concerned about. Naturally, we also get to see Willis in the recording studio as well as live in concert. Loaded with snippets of Willis's wacky songs, it's recommended viewing for fans of Willis and his offbeat music.

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I'm a fan. I find Wesley Willis to be entertaining. I greatly looked forward to this documentary on him but unfortunately I found it quite unwatchable. First of all, if you are unfamiliar with Welsey Willis you don't get a lot of explanation early on about who he is and why he is famous. I suppose this film was geared more towards people who are already fans of his. One problem with the film is that there is no clear, understandable narration to explain things. Instead we hear Welsey's voice a lot, often times not very easy to understand, often times not saying very much worth listening to. Also, the film quality is not very good. It reminded me of the show jackass, kind of looks like there were hidden cameras to follow Wesley around which is not very desirable to watch. You get to see things like Welsey going to a Kinkos to print stuff out which isn't quite as interesting as it might sound. There is a scene where a woman who lived with Wesley offers her stories about him. Unfortunately Wesley is sitting next to her in the interview to interrupt and it's kind of distracting. I remember Wesley was on an episode of Howard Stern's radio show and it was great because Howard and the group provided clear insight about Welsey that I think got lost in this confused film.

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The most triumphant aspect of "The Daddy of Rock 'N' Roll" is how it handles its subject, Wesley Willis. This makers of this documentary could have very easily followed Wesley around for a few weeks and edited together 90 minutes of footage that makes him look like a really fat, schizophrenic clown. In some ways, his music almost begs him to be seen as such - especially when Wesley Willis himself continually calls himself a "Rock and Roll Star" who plays "Rock Music," yet most of his music is his atonal ranting over pre-programmed casio synthesizer accompaniments.But instead of taking the easy way out, this documentary has an incredible amount of warmth. It's not condescending, and it's not pitiful. Still, the filmmakers show a great deal of genuine concern for their subject.In fact, everyone in this film has that in common. While Wesley's friends clearly take on somewhat of a caretaker role, they truly respect Wesley, and love him as a friend.So, in the end you get hilarious moments (it's one thing to see Wesley Willis on a city street, but seeing him in the crisp and cheery Kinko's is hysterical, especially when he tells a frightened employee "I'm about to have a hellride" just because of a minor printing error). You get caring moments (friends encouraging and helping Wesley Willis). And you get telling moments (They visit the school Wesley was in as a child).And it all adds up to a fulfilling, exploratory documentary about a true artist who was truly plagued by his demons. Sometimes the demons are cruel; sometimes they are funny.

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Wesley Willis was a very unique person from Chicago, who grew up poor in the notorious housing projects, was a victim of violent abuse, and developed a mental illness (he was diagnosed with schizophrenia). He was homeless for a while, supporting himself by selling drawings of various places in Chicago, until he discovered his musical side and began performing spoken word poetry to the accompanyment of an inexpensive canned-music keyboard. Eventually, he made some very good friends who began to look out for him and make sure he took his medication and had a decent place to sleep. Perhaps the high point of his musical career was the forming of his noise-punk band "Wesley Willis Fiasco", which recorded on Jello Biafra's "Alternative Tentacles" label. Sadly, Willis passed away in 2003 after a battle with lukemia.The DVD is great if you are a Wesley Willis fan. It's well made in a film school kind of way, including interviews with many of Willis' friends, as well as a huge amount of discussions with Willis himself. Viewers get to experience first hand the kind of meanness Willis would have to endure from time to time, as well as see how kind people can be with someone who just needs a little extra bit of patience and understanding. A full Los Angeles "Wesley Willis Fiasco" concert is included as well.

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