
December. 04,2009      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A children's book illustrator inhabits a twilight world of shifting reality and illusion, where cruelty and rampant evil do battle with his better instincts, and sanity is a question of perception.

Robert Picardo as  Wade Mixon
Brian Rife as  Darren
Michelle Page as  Tara



Sorry, this movie sucks

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Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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Kamila Bell

This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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A middle aged man tells the tale of his evil doings, and then someone else tells us what it's really all about.Very well shot and directed, and the actors all give good performances. You can spot early on the trick that's being played, but it gives no idea where it's headed, so all the surreal scenes that follow demand full concentration to figure out the direction of play.But there's no real direction, because it's just one long flashback on a fantasy world. The hero does decide to change, but there's nothing fundamental about it, nothing in the drama that makes it click. I found it unresolved, and felt confused over the distinction he draws between Amanda and Gail - I know Amanda was a character, but I couldn't figure out who she was, and I guess there's a play on the name. Then there's the walk-away ending, with no satisfaction.It's engaging, but not the full shilling. I see both director and writer got into TV after this.

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I had doubts about the quality of the movie when I first sat down to watch it. And the beginning was really boring, up to the point when we begin switching with the dreamworld and the real world. The growing tension was solved in an amazing way, always revealing something more, yet not too much, to keep up the secrecy. Acting on every end is brilliant. Robert Picardo comes with his usual classy coldness, combined with the feeling man. I'm not familiar with David Fine's previous acting career, but he was just perfect for the role. Jeffrey's character actually told more about the real happenings all along the movie than the narrating.The ending though, was too detailing. It was kind of obvious that Lucas is Wade, then that Darren is Wade too. Jeffrey's father character was a bit suggested (letter-tearing scene), and confirmed about at the middle of the movie. But the final scene, Wade killing the therapist, then taking off to the bus stop, was really unexpected. Final word: nice mind-twisting movie with a pinch of brutalism. Combine Saw with Inception, slow it down to half-speed, and you get Sensored.

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Saw this movie over a week ago and trying to remember what I saw for the review here :p A pretty interesting movie really, frankly I didn't have any expectation when it began with the boring scene of a children's book illustrator Wade(Robert Picardo) sharing his thoughts to us while looking out a window.As the movie progressed, it got tense more and more. There are lot of shocking scenes which could recoil your senses but nothing as graphically violent like that in Saw or Hostel. Its kinda subdued like the character Wade himself :) The story is unpredictable and the ending is very different from what you'd naturally guess. Good direction & music but the performances are classy. Robert Picardo as Wade and David Fine as Jefferies(Wade's 'dad') outshine each other. Sarah Knowlton as Gail(Wade's lonely, vulnerable neighbor) gets it just right.Some of the scenes are slow & boring and most of the time there's lot of conversation happening between two characters which can put off lot of viewers interested in instant adrenaline rush or quick turn of events.Verdict: Interesting One-Time Watch. For your senses :)

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I just saw this movie at the Sacramento Film Festival and I must say that I really enjoyed it. I think I went through every emotion at least once. Brian Hamm, director of photography did a phenomenal job. Robert Picardo played an excellent role. Great job on the script by Kevin Haskin. I believe this was Ryan Todds first time directing a feature length film and he did not disappoint! I heard this movie was shot in about three weeks, thats amazing! I'm really looking forward to the DVD release to get a peek at the behind the scenes footage. From the Q and A session that the cast did last night, it sounds like the art/set team section is going to be really good. I definitely recommend you see this movie.

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