Tiger Claws

August. 30,1991      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

The police does not know what to do. They have to deal with a serial killer who aims at martial arts masters. One after another is killed in the same brutal way. This may be a chance for detective Linda Masterson to work on her first murder case. She gets the job and to her side an other martial arts specialist, Sgt. Tarek Richards. Now they need to find a tiger style master, because the killer obviously uses tiger style kung fu. Not a simple task, since tiger is a very ancient and rare style.

Jalal Merhi as  Tarek Richards
Cynthia Rothrock as  Linda Masterson
Bolo Yeung as  Chong
Robert Nolan as  Roberts
Kedar Brown as  Vince
Ho Chow as  James



Wonderful Movie

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Simply A Masterpiece

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After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Disappointing. This movie is sub-par for a B-movie action flick. I was excited to see Tiger Claws since I love Bolo and Rothrock, but man this movie just flat out sucked my enthusiasm for the genre right out of me. It was so bad that I may never watch another Jalal Mehri film ever again. This is the second Mehri movie that I watched and both were pretty sad. The first was TC 2000 which was saved by Billy Blanks, Bolo and the unbelievably beautiful Bobbie Philips.In Tiger Claws the acting is weak across the board. When Cynthia Rothrock is the best thespian in the cast you know you are in for a rough ride. Mehri of course is deadpan with no personality or charisma. Bolo is great as the villain but really just lurks around until the fight scene finale.As far as the plot goes, it is similar to Blood Moon where some greatly skilled martial artist is killing all the big time celebrity and champion martial artists around town. Mid-way through the movie you learn that it is Bolo. Rothrock and Mehri are the detectives who find out that the killer practices Tiger Claw Kung Fu and track down his dojo.All is well and good but you know what blows about the story line? You never find out why Bolo is killing everyone. They never give a motive. Where's the pay-off? Even on Scooby Doo you find out the antagonist's motives. At least with Blood Moon you find out that the killer was DQ'ed from an MMA tournament and wanted to kill all the participants (though you never find out why he has two prosthetic fingers).Finally, the opening scene will throw you. Rothrock working vice dressed as prostitute with a black wig and sunglasses also sporting huge implants. During the scene I was wondering who the hot chick was, she looked fine. Then she walked down an alley where the rapist followed and she opened up her karate on him. After the fight was over she took off her glasses and wig and what do you know it was Cynthia Rothrock. I had no idea, this is the first movie that I had seen of hers where she is augmented. Nice.As far as the overall movie though, it does stink. I love the No Retreat No Surrenders and the Hong Kong stuff that Rothrock has done but this Jalal Mehri took a decent premise and some good character actors and basically crapped the bed. Even the fight scenes are weak. Watch this movie only if you're a die hard Bolo or Rothrock fan. The middle 30 minutes slow and boring, so much that I found myself checking email and playing Dragon City on my Nexus... not a good sign.

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Cynthia Rothrock and Jalal Merhi are New York city undercover cops. There are mysterious killing of martial artist in the city. Jalal correctly identifies the style as Tiger Claws who only three martial artists in the country are capable of using. Rothrock, and Jalal gets on the trail of the culprit who turns out to be none other than bad guy played by Bolo Yuen.This is one of the best American made Cynthia Rothrock movie. It was good move on the producer's part to hire Bolo Yuen as the bad guy. He brought menacing personality that's usually lacking in movies of this type.Cynthia Rothrock is not known for her range of acting, and it's hard to make an interesting story around her character. In this movie Jalal and Bolo creates enough contrast to be of passable quality.Out of all the American made Cynthia Rothrock movies, this one is my favorite. It doesn't have much in the way of contents, but the action is pretty good. Choice of locations shot were better than usual, but I wished the producers put in more class into the movie as it were in Rothrock's Hong Kong made movies.

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Rothrock was the best in this with her fights,acting and outfit alongside with Bolo Yeung , but she wasn't the lead, Merhi was. The problem with that was, Rothrock had all the experience and was better equipped to lead a movie and at the end of the movie it was more than OK if Rothrock had been finished Bolo in a combat fight.If Jean-Claude van Damme or even Richard Norton had been the lead male in this movie then this film had been a classic.Jalal Merhi was very awful in this unfortunately but the movie was enjoyable enough though but would have been a lot better. So i recommend you this film and if you are a Cynthia Rothrock fan you'll not be disappointed.

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Chris Decker

The unstoppable force that is Bolo Yeung continues to run out of control in Tiger Claws. In this film Bolo goes up against Jalal Merhi, who wrote.. who produced.... who Co-STARRED in this legendary Yeung vehicle.Tagging along with Merhi is the hot Cynthia Rothrock, who's name not only sounds like a porn star, but she also voice acts like one. No emotion what so ever is detected in her lines, which is offset by her phenomenal martial arts ability and incredible pectoral superiority.The only thing that manages to bring Tiger Claws down from a perfect 10 would be Jalal Merhi's entire performance as the "hero", and the two cop buddy extras from Beverly Hills Cop. (hey man, we aren't gonna fall for no banana in a tailpipe!)

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