Dog Bite Dog

August. 17,2006      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A young Cambodian man who has been trained to fight for money in his country is hired to kill someone in Hong Kong. He performs the hit and then flees from Hong Kong police, who are wrestling with internal problems of a model cop and his son, who is also on the force and who was told by his dad not to become a police officer.

Edison Chen as  Pang
Sam Lee as  Inspector Wai
Weiying Pei as  Yu
Eddie Cheung as  Chief Inspector Sum
Yiu-Cheung Lai as  Tang Wing-Cheung
Lam Suet as  Fat Lam
Ka Wah Lam as  Inspector Ti
Yam Ho as  Mr. Lee
Fire Lee as  Taxi Driver



What makes it different from others?

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Good concept, poorly executed.

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everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Jason Lee

Note: This is more of a semi-review, so if you're still looking forward to seeing the movie, you might not want to read this. However if you wish to avoid a frustrating experience, then read on.Dog Bite Dog is a refreshing change in Hong Kong cinema. As the starting credits came on, I noticed that the movie was produced by a Japanese producer, and directed by Soi Cheaung whom I'm not familiar with. This was enough foreshadowing for me to be prepared for something different from your regular mainstream Hong Kong flick. But I was not prepared for over an hour and a half of disbelief.The movie starts out quite well, with maturing star Edison Chen playing the role of an assassin with the instincts of a killer canine. Gone are the days of the street kid rapper-wannabe, Edison has really come a long way and he plays a role similar to that of Jet Li in Danny the Dog (aka Unleashed). I like Edison, but personal preference could not save the unrealistic scenes in Dog Bite Dog. The storyline is decent, Sam Lee's character has a complex background that I won't spoil, and he's a "bad cop" which most of us would probably enjoy. But for some reason, Edison's character Pang is some kind of super human, he is just invincible to the point where you start to laugh in amusement. In the first encounter with the cops, Pang kills at least two innocent citizens before taking another hostage, while the cops panic and put down their guns. Obviously, Pang manages to escape, but not without killing a cop in the process, and the hostage as well. At this point you'd want to prepare yourself because this is going to happen very often. I think perhaps the director is trying to show the compassionate side of man, as the cops are constantly trying to stop Sam from being too brutal and sympathize for the hostages. This kind of attitude always gets themselves killed however.I didn't take a body count, but Pang must have killed over 50 people in the end. Basically when he needs a car, he goes in, kills the driver and takes the car. In one scene, he enters a fishing boat at night and kills an elderly couple just for fun, and leaves. Yes, director, I understand that he has no feelings. But what I don't understand is why the need to make a complete MOCKERY of the Hong Kong Police Force? In one shootout scene near the end, one of the cops finally snap and take the girl as hostage (Pang's girlfriend apparently) in order to get Pang to release his hostage, a cop. The superior officer tells the snapped cop to release the girl, but then suddenly Pang shoots the cop holding the girl right on the head. He then obviously kills his own hostage, and runs, while the cops stand in disbelief, and me staring in disbelief. Sorry guys, but if this was in America, Pang would probably have like 20 bullets in his body, hostage or not, and I refuse to believe Hong Kong police are stupid enough to stand and watch. When one citizen is killed, it gets blown to ridiculous proportions by the media, one death is a serious thing in HK. There is NO WAY they would deal with a mass murderer like this. There were so many times I was just laughing and shaking my head in sadness, and I found myself fast forwarding the "compassionate" moments of Pang because, I just could not relate with a mass killer no matter what excuse he has, or how he was brought up to be the way he is. In our society, killing people at will is simply unacceptable, no matter if it's your fault or not. Another strange concept was that all the cops, who are supposed to be I'm assuming either Homicide cops or CID, why are they all armed with six shooters? Even regular street uniformed cops are now switching to Glocks, I have no idea why the director and/or producer needed to "dumb down" the cops in order to make their point. The final half hour of the movie was so laughably pathetic, that I found myself telling the story ahead of the movie itself. The girl, whom I never got to know her name because she seems to have a kind of speech impediment, is newcomer Weiying Pei, 18 years of age from Mainland China and she gives a fantastic performance, as well as being naturally beautiful. But what I can't stand about her is the way her presence dumbs down the cops. I can understand them not paying too much attention to a weak and injured girl, but this girl has bashed Sam on the head before, it's obvious she's "with" the criminal. How she is so constantly ignored and underestimated is simply pathetic, predictable, and an insult to the viewers' intelligence.This movie would probably appeal to those who are a bored closet psycho who has dreamed of murdering people for fun after playing too many video games, or if you're simply too tired of the clichéd Hollywood movies. Or if you have a beef with the HKPF and would enjoy watching cops getting owned. It was refreshing, but I can't say I enjoyed it.

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As I understand it, after the Chinese took over Hong Kong, the infamous Cat. 3 Hong Kong movies kind of disappeared. At least until now, and what an amazing movie this one is. I knew it was a rough crime drama going in, but being the first Cat. 3 I've purchased that's been made recently, I wasn't sure what to expect.A Cambodian hit-man goes to Hong Kong to knock off the wife of a judge, who is also a lawyer. Turns out, the Judge made the arrangements for the hit-man, because she was divorcing the judge, and threatening to take all his money. This is all known within the first ten minutes, so nothing is being given away. After the hit, the cops locate the hit-man pretty fast, but in trying to arrest him, several police officers and civilians are killed. He eludes the police and now the race is on to catch the guy, before he escapes back to Cambodia. This is a movie that never stops, and hardly gives the viewer a chance to catch their breath. Yes, it is very violent and intense, many cops are killed, as the hit-man proves very very hard to track, and take down when they do locate him. Along the way, the hit-man in trying to hide in a dump, finds a women being raped and mistreated by some man. He helps her, and saves her from the guy, and she persuades the hit-man to take her along with him in his escape. I loved this movie, it's like a roller-coaster that just keeps moving and moving at high speed, as one incident leads to another, and the police at times are just as bad or worse as the hit-man. The acting is exceptionally good, and the location filming and photography is at time breathtaking. There's no let up in this movie, not even with the very very incredible ending. The ending is pretty much unbelievable, and also a fitting end to all the action and violence. Yes, the violence is brutal at times, but this is a very no nonsense crime drama, that will knock your socks off. "Dog Eat Dog" definitely needs a more widespread release, including an R1 release for sure. Great movie, highly recommended.

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This has got to be the best movie I've ever seen.Combine breathtaking cinematography with stunning acting and a gripping plot, and you have a masterpiece.Dog Bite Dog had me gripping the edge of my seat during some scenes, recoiling in horror during others, and left me drowning in my own tears after the tragic ending.The film left a deep impression on me. It's shockingly violent scenes contrasted sharply with the poignant and tender 'love' scenes. The film is undeserving of it's Cat III (nudity) rating; there are no nude scenes whatsoever, and the 'love' scenes do not even involve kissing or 'making out'.The message which this film presented to me? All human beings, no matter how violent or cruel they may seem, have a tender side. Edison Chen does a superb job playing the part of the murderous Pang.I rate this film 10/10. It's a must-watch.

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First of all that I would like to say is that Edison Chen is extremely hot and that Sam Lee is looking much better than before XD! This is probably one of the most original movies I have seen so far; shows a poverty lifestyle background of a Cambodian. The Cambodian(Edison aka Pang) goes around killing people to survive himself; has done it throughout his entire life. Sam Lee's(Wai) duty is to capture the Cambodian for good. There are tons of violent actions but has a good story to it. The movie shows the struggles between those two characters; they both beat each other like angry dogs. GO AND WATCH PPL...STRONGLY SUGGESSTED!!! (GO HK FILMS)

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