Today and Tomorrow

November. 18,2004      NR
Trailer Synopsis Cast

At 24, Paula wants to be an actress, but if she doesn't find her rent money she'll be homeless in 24 hours. Paula is so desperate that she seriously contemplates becoming a prostitute.



Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay

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I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.

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Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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Paula is 24 years old and has talent as an actress. She is following her dream in a difficult country. In spite of the fact that she's been on her own for two and maybe six years, she seems oblivious to the reality around her. She has a job which she loses early on because she's chronically late and additionally is three months behind on her rent and faces eviction the next day.A wiser choice for Paula would have been to realize that she could not support herself and seek roommates to share expenses when she first started out on her career. So now she has to get 300 pesos in a day or become homeless so she eventually turns to a friend who is already a sex worker. They quickly are picked up by two boys their own ages who agree to pay them 50 pesos apiece. Her friend goes down on her client but Paula bolts and says she wants to be on her own. Her friend inexplicably gives her the 100 pesos.On the street she is picked up by a middle aged man. Paula has no problem blowing him (unlike the first boy) but has failed to make the bargain and get the money up front. So he ends up stiffing her.Then she hits pay dirt when Raoul, a nice looking middle aged recently separated man staying at an upscale hotel, picks her up. She is paid 200 pesos and Raoul is clearly wanting to become an established client. Paula blows him off, goes sees her boyfriend and they end up getting robbed in a night club.She comes back to Raoul and agrees to spend the night for the money she needs for rent. However, after they have sex which she seems to enjoy, she breaks her promise and tries to leave early. Raoul then catches her and takes the money back.Paula then goes to a club, picks up a sketchy older man and checks into a seedy hotel. He pays her 200 pesos and she blows him. When she tries to leave, he says they're not done and then beats her and rapes her. The movie then ends with Paula looking out over the city and presumably contemplating her future.The writer/director in his notes says that Paula is a woman who won't compromise her deeply held moral beliefs. What those are is not clear. Without even discussing the morality of being a sex worker, Paula uses people when it suits her, borrowing from her Uncle and never intending to pay it back, lying to Raoul about spending the night, taking extreme measures to avoid her landlord who she owes nearly a thousand pesos.Those actions may show someone who is street smart but they also show someone who has a fluid morality.I realize this review is more about the character's story than it is about the quality of the film making. However, it's obvious that that is the main point of the film.

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I watch movies more with emotions than analysis. Oftentimes I judge by whether the story or the characters touch me.In the case of Hoy y mañana, I don't feel for the protagonist at all. She wondered aimlessly and lived by instinct. She had a lot of people caring for her, her uncle, her well-to-do pregnant friend, her boyfriend, and her dad, who seemed to have been trying to instill some sense into her forever. Even her prostitute friend was generous and helpful. She used all this kindness surrounding her, and then carelessly tossed them aside, like used tissues. Her aspiration, the theater work, which is supposed to be her identity, seemed shaky, without a promise to be in production, and ran by a slime.The production quality of the movie is plain vanilla. The story line is just a digital camera following the protagonist around the streets over night. The clients she encountered seemed unconvincing. The hand-held camera work, Blairwitch Project style, went overboard. I had to turn away from the screen a few times. There's really no point in creating a style just for the sake of being different.There are so many good movies out there, even if you are into indies and foreign films. Don't waste your time on this one.

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Rodolfo Soriano Núñez

The performance by Antonella Costa is just superb, however there are some problems with the plot and how the story develops. The movie catches with singular dramatic intensity the consequences of economic crisis in Argentina and its effects on many young female. Of course, the effects of such crises are not exclusive of Argentina. They repeat with terrifying regularity all over Latin America.It is a movie with brains made on a low-low budget, and that is why it is killed by the whole scene on the elevator. I will not elaborate on the details of such scene, but any person that has ever used an elevator in Argentina or in any other country of the world knows that elevators do not do that. There were many ways to achieve the dramatic purposes of such scene without doing what Chomski did. I will also add to my criticism the fact that having that beautiful city that is Buenos Aires as a background, the movie uses little or nothing of it. That is a shame because the city offers many opportunities to develop good cinematography without spending too much.Overall good on the performance of Antonella, great on the underlying criticism of the economic situation in Argentina, but a flaw that kind of kill the movie as an artistic exercise.

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The acting seemed wooden to me. She was the same person before and after she turns to the world's oldest profession. OK, jobs are hard to come by, I get that - but then she can't even keep hers. Her uncle runs a restaurant, she could work there too. I'm not saying it would be biscuit city, but there appear to be other options. So, in one night she becomes a hardened whore - the character never really changed. She jumps right in to a lifestyle where nobody is a real person and everybody wants something from somebody. And she was no different! She didn't need any training in becoming a hooker, she seems to have been born saying "where's my money?"Pacing was slow and there were one too many "riding behind her on the motor scooter" shots.Not buying it - a waste of time.

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