Sightings: Heartland Ghost

October. 27,2002      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

The crew of a reality-TV show about the paranormal visits a small Kansas town to investigate a house that may be haunted.

Beau Bridges as  Derek
Nia Long as  Lou
Miguel Ferrer as  Allen
Gabriel Olds as  Jeff
Thea Gill as  Pam
Matthew Currie Holmes as  Nolan
Rachel Hayward as  Jamie
Trevor Roberts as  Arnold
Joe Norman Shaw as  Buddy
Maureen Jones as  Woman #1



For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!

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Absolutely Fantastic

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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Another ghost movie I saw some years ago. It is not worth your time. It is boring. The biggest sin a movie can commit - being uninteresting and boring.Migel Ferrer I have always liked, but it is very clear he only took this role for the paycheck. A paycheck I can't imagine having been very big. Very little happens in this movie, and there is nothing that stands out, there is not much I remember at all. Anyone saying this is good is from the crew. Stay clear of this one, it is not scary at all.

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I actually thought this movie was far better than most of the others like it, even those made more recently. Since the success of Ghost Hunters and Paranormal Activity the movie industry has been churning out tons of movies where paranormal investigators - some skeptics some believers - have gone into a supposedly haunted locale to prove or debunk the claims only to run up against real supernatural events. Most of them go the unfortunate route of trying to look like found footage. Most rely on annoying night vision shots to build suspense and sadly, most use the same tired old clichéd activity and sudden jump scenes to achieve their scares. Worst of all the acting is generally horrible in these films with characters that are flat and unlikable. They could all go back and learn a lesson from this movie. This movie relies on a strong back story to support the events going on in the haunted house. The events themselves are really interesting. Toys levitating, vivid dreams, automatic(ish) drawing. The acting was very good, particularly Beau Bridges character and the actor playing the psychic, Allen. They were perfect in their roles and the rest of the cast supported them wonderfully. The ghosts when seen were spooky yet real looking instead of the overdone white faced, bug eyed, ratty hair ghosts that are so prevalent today. I truly enjoyed this movie.

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The Gryphon

Good premise has a paranormal TV-series investigating a poltergeist/haunting in Kansas. This is based on a true story (as featured in the series "Sightings") but comes off a dull and limp. Perhaps some actual footage from the series itself would've spiced things up a bit. It appears earnest at times but never believable. Worse of all is the POV shots from the "spirits" in the house, which feature distorted fish-eyed lens and creepy sounds. Not really scary at all, which is a real shame but at least it manages to hold your interest a little bit. The set up is really a good one but lack of actual footage is a nagging hindrance.

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Claudio Carvalho

In a provincial small town in Kansas, the low middle class young couple Jeff (Gabriel Olds) and Pam (Thea Gill) invests all their savings in an old mansion. Their intention is to restore the house and sell it, making good money. However, ghosts haunt them, and Pam decides to call the skeptical reporter Derek (Beau Bridges) and his crew, specialized in paranormal phenomena and formed by Lou (Nia Long), Allen (Miguel Ferrer) and the cameraman. There they realize that the situation is real and the unrevealed truth about a former family who lived in that house. This movie is another reasonable (television) movie about haunted house. There is nothing special or different in this story from other similar movies about this repeated theme, but may entertain. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): ` Amaldiçoados Pelo Passado' (`Cursed by the Past')

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