Dark Remains

October. 27,2005      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

After their daughter is brutally murdered in their home, a grieving young couple, Allena and Julie Pkye; escape the city to find solace in the mountains. Julie photographs an abandoned prison she finds in the woods. Upon developing the prints, she becomes convinced her dead daughter is contacting her through the photographs.

Patrick G. Keenan as  Mr. Booth
Karla Droege as  Marianne Shore
Patricia French as  Librarian
Jason Turner as  Steve
Syr Law as  Gail



Great Film overall

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When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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Murphy Howard

I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.

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Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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Christian Chrisse Andersson

This is one of my favourite horror movies from the west. I love horror movies and I've seen most of them, Dark Remains was the first and only horror movie that I couldn't finish watching alone. Sure it is a B-movie, but it's a good one. I loved the acting and the story. I loved the characters in it and the horror elements. Dark Remains is not a jump-scare movie, it's not very typical western horror. Dark Remains is a psychological horror movie that builds up a suspense. I was surprised to see this type of horror from the west because the western horror films is often "not scary at all" jumpscares, that are way too predictable.

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I just watched this movie and have to say, I was very impressed. It's very creepy and has numerous moments that will make you jump out of seat! I had to smoke several "emergency" cigarettes along the way to calm my nerves! If I had to criticise, I'd say that perhaps if anything, there were too many jump moments. It got to the point where every single new scene climaxed with a jump and this gradually wore away the startling effect, because you kind of new what was coming.Although it contains virtually every cliché in the ghost genre, they were all done so well that it maintained the creepy, fear-factor. It had elements of The Shining, The 6th Sense and The Changeling (in particular, the soundtrack reminded me of The Changeling).I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a good old-fashioned scare!

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Following their daughter's brutal murder,Julie and Allen escape the city to find solace and grieve in a solitary cabin on a remote mountain.Allen's intentions are good,he wants his wife to get out of her depression by resuming her photography.Julie stumbles across an ancient prison and sees the perfect creepy,decaying setting for her photography.But when the photos are developed they are full of dead people-and Allen quickly discovers the tragic history of suicide in their new mountain."Dark Remains" is a pretty decent indie horror flick.It offers some genuine scares and plenty of tension.The acting is fairly good and the cinematography is great.7 out of 10.

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Okay. Look- I've seen LOTS and I do mean LOTS of these types of films. You know, the ones where the DVD cover just look SO good and scaarrryyy that you just cant WAIT to see it? Well, I got GOT again. And I'm getting' pretty tired of it. But I digress. It's pretty simple. It sucked(I know, rather juvenile) but it did. AndI SO agree with the other poster that if we had to sit through the boring thing, why oh WHY did the lead actress have to be so unnattractive?Distractingly so if I may add. And the scowl she used convey unresolved pain/grief over the death of her daughter did little help. I mean, Jesus.. Oh, but the crawling-on-her-back-demon thingee was pretty neat...

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