
December. 24,2002      R
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A naïve young girl desperate to fit in with her new boyfriend's tightly knit crew learns that membership may be deadly. Upon arriving at a party with her new boyfriend, Shawn, desperate-to-fit-in newcomer Debbie learns that the friends have formed a mysterious brotherhood nicknamed "The Murder Club." As Debbie accepts her invitation to join the mysterious club, a murderer who seems to take the group's name to heart begins killing off members one by one.

Debbie Rochon as  Maddy Patterson
Danny Wolske as  Shawn Banning
Allen Nabors as  Chris
Orly Tepper as  Tillie
Ronnie Gene Blevins as  Peter
Laura Nativo as  Laura
Julie Strain as  Linda
Brinke Stevens as  Phyllis Patterson
Lloyd Kaufman as  Carl Patterson

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Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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Fresh and Exciting

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It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.

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what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

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This Is the worst slasher movie,before this I thought Final Stab was, which used to be called Final Scream. It starts of two drunk guys, who dress as Women and get killed in some-what gory ways. Those scenes had nothing to do with the rest of the movie at all.It good looking people being naked and drinking and being killed by a killer in a strange Mask.I total forgot about the rest of the movie, I actually shocked that I even remember, that I saw this about 12 years ago. The acting was abysmal 1 out of 10

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Chris Smith

Sadly, more downs than ups. The plot was pretty decent. I mean, nothing out of the ordinary, but it had a story, unlike the other modern horror flicks. The other good thing was the cast. I'm not saying that the acting was good, because it wasn't, but every actor/actress was hot and attractive.One of the downs are that the movie only become exciting after the first 40 minutes or so. The rest was quite boring. Another down (or you could consider it an up if you want) is the excessive nudity. All 4 girls were topless for a few minutes, and all the guys showed their butts for a long time. It's not that I'm against nudity, but this was a horror movie, not 'The Dreamers'.Unless you're very desperate to watch some guy take off his swimsuit and run around naked for a few minutes, or watch a girl get naked for no reason, or you're a die-hard fan of Debbie Rochon, than this is the movie for you. But if you're looking for a good horror movie, stay away.

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When you put this DVD into your player and hit "play," you will experience a brief moment of silence and see a black screen as the laser is guided to the correct starting point in the center of the disc. CHERISH THIS MOMENT. Make sure you have some Tylenol or something (preferably PM's so you can fall asleep), because you're going to have a massive headache once this movie starts.Starring a bunch of big-breasted girls and with an opening that actually made me chuckle a bit, I thought I'd be in for a good time. Sure, the opening sequence was a WEE bit awkward and most of the jokes fell flat and it seemed like this was going to be a Scream ripoff (by the way, my sole chuckle was from Julie Strain's final comment in this scene). But then I knew there was trouble... the opening sequence had a terrible rock song. During this terrible rock song, I looked over the DVD Chapter titles and saw things that said "TOPLESS IN THE BACKYARD!" and "BETTER THAN SEX!". I knew what the selling point of this movie was going to be.And that's the sad truth: The ONLY good thing about this movie is the attractive cast. Other than that, it's a sadly routine slasher film that throws in an "innovative" concept about murder clubs, which ends up being fake anyway. So, the whole movie then points in another direction to try to be confusing and this huge mystery, but it all just adds up to not being interesting at all and leaves you feeling like you don't care for any of the characters. I mean, when the main character of the movie is revealed to have murdered an innocent woman, can you really feel ANY sympathy towards her when she's in fear for her life? The Scream influence is prevalent throughout, with a ghost face killer and some really terrible jokes. We're also treated to scenes of the main character talking to her mom and dad (Lloyd Kaufman! The only other cool part of the movie!) about an abortion or something. Uh. Yeah... This isn't a "so-bad-it's-good" movie, it's just BAD.Someone compared this to a Troma film, but... you know, most any film that comes from Full Moon (or its offshoot, as this film proves) is horrible. NOT horrible in a Troma sense -- I've seen many Troma films, and I can honestly say they all offer something, ANYTHING that you can walk away with and tell your friends about later. However, this film has pretty much nothing at all enjoyable about it. Beware.

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Read the other reviews for the plot. Best thing about this movie was that it was a free loan! Everyone cites "Scream" for the mask used by the "stalker/killer", but it harkens back to "Halloween" and Michael Myers. This time, the white hockey mask has ears! (The "Scream" mask is an elongated and distorted take off of the Edvard Munch painting of the same name). Tillie's pool party smacks of the current reality shows, like the hunks that appear on "Average Joe", some beef to look at, and a smattering of soft porn--not to mention the always gratuitous T&A. Why isn't the "masked man" ever unmasked? Do we really care? And since when does an axe into a shoulder kill a man? No kill zone there. I'm now watching another offering from Full Moon, "Birth Rite: Fear the Gift" (another free loan!). I don't hold out much hope for this one either. I was interested in checking out the other movies Danny Wolkse was in, as he seems to have some potential. If he can't act, at least he has the requisite good looks that the girls love. Back to "Bleed": if I had to sum it up in one word, it would be LAME! If you want a really good slasher movie rent "I Know What You Did Last Summer" with Ryan Phillippe, Michelle Geller, Jennifer Love-Hewitt, and Freddie Prince, Jr.

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