Unseen Evil 2

July. 05,2005      R
Trailer Synopsis Cast

After a series of brutal, unexplained murders in a remote forest, a rogue military unit is recruited to hunt for whoever - or whatever - has rendered the attacks. In order to carry out the investigation, they need the help of the only survivor, Kate. But first they have to get her released from the mental institution she's been confined to since the horrific attack. Written

Lorenzo Lamas as  Biggs
Priscilla Barnes as  Sheila
Scott Schwartz as  Joey
Phoebe Dollar as  Phoebe



Instant Favorite.

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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WHHOOOOAAAAAH! YAY! Anyone with a decent sense of humor and all bad movie-lovers in general: SEE THIS MOVIE! It's UN-BE-LIE-VA-BLE and ranks way up there in the 'so-bad-it-is-hilarious' top whatever list! It fits the description ALIEN/PREDATOR Z-grade rip-off. And it also makes no sense whatsoever: In the first half of the movie we see different sorts of extremely bad transparent CGI creatures in a cave, ripping people apart. In the second half, the movie simply ignores them, and we see a dude in a very bad rubber monster-suit (at least 5 times worse than the monster in DNA) with Predator-like invisibility abilities running around shredding people. Totally bad acting in this one, of course. Lorenzo Lamas is listed as the star-power of this movie, but he only has a cameo. It looks like he's on a booze burn-out and gets killed off before he even had any clue what he was doing in this movie. And the effects are simply amazingly bad... and there are a lot of them. I was laughing out loud the whole way through the movie. One highlight in the effects department (and as a scene in general) was definitely when the alien/predator (CGI) jumps up from the ground, high in the air and glues himself to the window of a helicopter. Lorenzo and his buddy freak out over this and just jump out of the helicopter (still waaaay up in the air). The next shot has them rolling over the ground (like if they just jumped off a table) without even a scratch and then we see a miniature helicopter (still in the air) blow up, its tail out of the frame, like if someone was holding it to make it look like it was still flying. Man, man, man... I could go on and on... but just go and rent it. It really is worth your money, if you know what I mean. And luckily, it doesn't skimp on the gore too. Oh, and just in order to warn you again about the fact that you're being ripped-off so bad that it hurts: The cool monster on the ALIEN 3000 (its AKA-title) cover-art (it looks like a cross between H.R. Giger's Alien-design and Pumpkinhead), isn't even in the movie. I don't know where the hell the advertisers got that picture from, but it sure looks like a million dollars compared to what you get to see in the movie. And also make sure to see the totally moronic interview in the extra features with the foreign (as in: Not-American) guy who played the alien. He even has his mask on during the interview. Boy, oh, boy, some movies.... Did I mention this movie opens with a shot of naked boobies?UNSEEN EVIL 2 apparently is a sequel (Du-uh?) to a movie starring Tim Thomerson. They feature a 2-second long shot of Mr. Thomerson in this sequel that doesn't really fit or match with anything else in UNSEEN EVIL 2. I guess the producers decided to insert Tim to enhance the "cool-factor" of UNSEEN EVIL 2. Now it would be far too easy to give this movie a 1/10 star rating. So I'll throw an extra point in the mix. Or maybe not, hèhèh. This movie needs to be seen. Go watch it. I myself need to hunt down the first one, although I have a feeling that things just can't get any better than... UNSEEN EVIL 2 aka ALIEN 3000.

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Doom Moose

If I weren't giving this a sympathy point, I would give it a 0, were it available. Never, ever, EVER have anything to do with this horrible waste of time.For starters, the acting is miserable, and I have never heard the "F" word used more, not even in a Wes Craven movie. Not only do they curse more than necessary, but they sound like uneducated dope-heads when they do. More than once, there are painfully obvious Audio/Visual mismatches. Seriously, they don't even come close. Then there are scenes with various shots, and people talking, but you never really SEE them talking, which is ridiculous.The picture quality looks like something way back in say, the eighties. The scene transitions go from bad to worse as they go to screen swipes towards the end. The special effects are worse than a Sci-Fi original movie, and CREATURE CHANGES ALL THE TIME!!! Seriously, when the beast is in the cave, it has maybe four legs, and when out, it is bipedal. And more often than all the time, footage is repeated from other scenes; easily recognizable.In the DVD, the movie is divided into only 4 scenes to start from, and there are only previews and a ridiculous interview with the director.The movie is full of plot holes, and NOTHING is explained.And finally, the beast on the box, while very cool but looks somewhat like Alien, is NOT in the movie. I don't know what it is, but it is most certainly not what you get. The beast in the movie looks like a Power Rangers reject, and most importantly, it bleeds a bright green and can camouflage. God knows we've never seen that before (*cough cough*) Predator! On the bright side, this movie is good for a laugh, though I'm sure they didn't have such in mind. Lion's Gate has gone from bad (House of 1,000 Corpses) to absolutely horrible (Alien 3000). With a sympathy point for inadvertent humor, I give Alien 3000 1 outta 10.

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Avoid this movie at all costs. It is so bad that there should be a warning on the label.It looks like they tried to cash in on the "Alien" franchise. The monster on the cover looks a bit like Ridley Scott's 'Alien'. This is where any similarity ends.The dialog is laughable. The special effects are so poorly done that I couldn't believe it. In one part, one soldier gets his head chopped in half. It looked so fake that I had to play it in slow motion. The dummy head: 1.) looked like a uneven melon with a face drawn on (which I suspect it was); and 2.) didn't even have the same hair colour as the actor! I know that these movies are strapped for cash, but come on. They did try to do some CGI with the Alien but it you pay attention you can see that they use the same footage a few times throughout the movie(like when the alien gets shot) and it is almost sad to watch.The editing was so bad that it was actually difficult to understand what was happening. And the 'Special Feature' was almost impossible to watch because you couldn't even understand what the alien was saying most of the time.I really don't expect very much from these B movies (I watch enough of them). Usually I get a kick out of these types of movies; as most of them try to entertain. But Alien 3000 really was unwatchable and unenlightening. Save your money.

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I too, had the "mis-fortune" of seeing this movie before the street date. If this movie cost more than $25,000 to make, the producers of this movie need to get receipts for everything, because none of it went into the special effects. I shouldn't even use the word special effects at all because there definitely wasn't anything special about them. I don't think I would even label this a "B" movie. Try C, D, or F+. Take the military helicopter, for instance. It's a remote-controlled model. It looks as real as a dog's chew toy that resembles a hamburger.And what type of blackmail did they use to get Lorenzo Lamas. I know he works the "B" movie circuit but this is a new low. How low can you go? "Alien 3000" low.This is definitely not worth seeing if you are paying. Now if a friend gets it and you enjoy bad movies then watch away. You will find yourself laughing most of the way through. There is plenty to laugh at: stereotypical characters, bad sets, bad acting, bad effects (or lack thereof). I think my rating of 2 out of 10 is probably a bit high.

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