
September. 11,2000      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

All's quiet in the small Vermont town of Hazelville as Memorial Day approaches until a string of mysterious deaths begin plaguing forest ranger Mark Cody. As hikers and campers turn up dead, Cody struggles to figure out what's behind the murders while the Mayor looks to keep the deaths hush-hush, afraid it will affect tourism on the town's biggest money-making day of the year. Botanist Max Cooper arrives and determines them to have been victims of the dreaded "Great White Pine." After the Mayor refuses to close the woods and tragedy ensues on Memorial Day, Cody hires grizzled lumberjack Squint to hunt down and kill the voracious tree leading to Cody, Cooper, and Squint venturing out into the woods in Squint's old beat-up pick-up truck for a final showdown with the monster tree.



Slow pace in the most part of the movie.

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An Exercise In Nonsense

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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A send-up of Jaws that firmly sticks to the original but substituting a shark with trees. It's funnier than that sounds thanks to some good jokes, quotable lines & pretty good performances. I healthy knowledge of Jaws makes the film much funnier, but its not a prerequisite. I found that the film dragged a bit towards the end but not enough to ruin the movie on the whole. Don't expect anything but a bit of goofy fun and you won't find yourself disappointed. Followed by a sequel that deviates from the source material that it parodies a tad more than this one does. Even though its not quite as good as this one was. This was definitely one of the highlights of the Catacomb of Creepshows box-set.

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The charm of this little number is in the bad acting, the low budget and the obvious love for 'Jaws' that the film makers have. This is a film for people who know the movie 'Jaws' well enough to appreciate the gags as a lot of the jokes are clever nods towards the classic shark thriller, such as Squint's speech in the town meeting demanding a seemingly unreasonable $1,000 to catch the tree; "For that, you'll get the branches, the roots, the whole damn thing." 'Trees' is in no way a classic, it is just a clever little pastiche that maybe worth an hour and a half of your time.Just once tho.

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A giant lethal man-eating Great White Pine terrorizes the woods in the sleepy little hillbilly hamlet of Hazelville. This puts a major crimp in the town's annual Memorial Day celebration. After the tree attacks and devours a few folks, concerned, stalwart forest ranger Mark Cody (amiable Kevin McCauley), wimpy tree hugger bleeding heart liberal botanist Max Cooper (the equally affable Philip Gardiner), and crazed, obsessive macho redneck lumberjack Squint (deliciously played with mucho hammy aplomb by Peter Randazzo) join forces to track down and destroy the deadly rampaging plant. Writer/director/co-editor Michael Pleckaitis milks the silly premise of this enjoyably inane and practically scene-for-scene, shot-for-shot, line-for-line send-up homage to "Jaws" for all its worth, maintaining a constant quick pace throughout, deftly establishing a highly ingratiating mock-serious droll'n'deadpan tone ("The Blair Witch Project" throwaway joke is particularly amusing), sprinkling on a little cheesy gore (the blood looks just like red paint -- and probably was exactly that!), and coaxing winningly sincere performances from his enthusiastic no-name cast. Andrew Gernhard's rough, grainy, but fairly polished photography (the occasional use of wipes and the green-tinted killer tree on-the-prowl POV shots are pretty nifty) and Tom Destefano's ominously spooky'n'shuddery score are likewise on the money solid. A total hoot.

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"Trees" is an obviously low-budget ($20,000) production that fails miserably as both a comedy and a horror. The writing provides no substance to any of the characters or situations and the actors fail to add any life to this picture. Some conversations in the movie drone on for minutes for no reason. For most of the movie the dialogue is out of synch with the actors' moving lips. I only watched this because it was filmed in my hometown. Do yourself a favor and skip it. However, do not miss the sequel "The Root of All Evil" which is far superior and vastly entertaining.

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