
October. 15,2005      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

The young and promising genetics researcher Thomas Nielsen will stop at nothing to become the first person to identify the elements in man that trigger aggression. To achieve faster results he performs illegal tests on the convicted mass murderer Iparrah. But when Thomas one day gets caught, he injects the unauthorized test agent itself. This turns out to have unexpected effects ...

Andreas Wilson as  Thomas Nielsen
Emma Griffiths Malin as  Justine Keller
Diogo Infante as  Vincent Iparrak
Ed Stoppard as  Sebastien Delnick
Mark Heap as  Hugh Getner
Juliet Rylance as  Maria Nielsen
Rhoda Montemayor as  Lohan N'Guyen
John Standing as  Dean Frydman
Francisco Antunez as  Student
Catarina Furtado as  Kissed Woman



This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place

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hyped garbage

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A Masterpiece!

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This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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I am very open minded, and i like a lot of movies, even poor ones, but seriously, Andreas Wilsons acting in this movie is so bad that its just ridiculous, nay, its beyond ridiculous. It is bad, real bad. It is painful to watch, paaaaaainful. The movie itself could have been interesting if the acting was not so unbelievably weak. I Would have given it a 1, but because the serial killer guys acting was the best part of the movie it gets a 2! I am also from Sweden and i just wanted to bash his head for sucking so hard at acting, how the hell can anyone even hire this guy? And he tries it international, ha ha...dude.Do not watch this horrible movie unless you wanna suffer, it is really that bad, believe me.

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Was it a thriller, as I thought when I saw the cover at the video library? No. Was it a 'food fr thought' as the author was maybe trying to make it? Not really. So what was it? It was a very average movie, that had great potential, and was nicely directed but let down by a confusing story without strong points, beginning middle and end, with poor acting expect from the serial killer guy, who although he seemed overzealous at some points delivered the best performance of the cast overall. It was nice cinematography, with good colours, cool hi-tec stuff, beautiful scenics but leaves you lost about where it's going and where it has just been. And with a feeling of let's just quickly wrap it up in the end. OK to watch if there's nothing else on TV.

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I've just seen this movie in FantasPorto (Oporto International Film Festival) and it won the best script award and the Melíes d'Argent award for Fantasy Film. The action is set in the near future and as the Director/Author/Screenwriter (Roselyne Bosch) says it is not a Science Fiction movie but rather an anticipation, seeing the science portrayed in this movie is only a few steps away. The scenarios of the film are set in Portugal, in the Imaginarium (a centre for science discovery) and in the Ocenario (a sort of sea aquarium) and in other locations around the country. The acting is very good, especially Diogo Infante who plays an outstanding serial killer. Overall I recommend this movie, it's quite good.

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the actors are great, wild, and some scenes are so hot. andreas Wilson is wild as an animal. the directing is amazing, especially for a first time director. it's a real thriller and real sci fi at same time. with the type of future completely new and credible. no gadget there. strange and spectacular. not the cheap/trendy usual look of most indies. the director shows she KNOWS how to do this. sometimes, you get the feeling that new directors are filming with the "amateur" style, because they CANT do it in a different fashion. not with "animal". i glad i made that discovery. and also: it deals with violence, but does not crawl into it. a class act. wish more filmmakers had so much respect for their audience, these days...

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