Teenage Space Vampires

May. 18,1999      PG
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Bill, a high school student and avid horror movie fan, witnesses a UFO flying over his town. When the ship lands the next day, Bill and a team from SETI discover that the alien is a strange vampire creature who wants to cast the Earth into darkness so that he and his people can colonize it for themselves. Will Bill and the others be able to keep the Sun shining?

Robin Dunne as  Bill Swenson
Lindy Booth as  Katie
Richard Clarkin as  Danvers
Bianca Brad as  Paula



A Masterpiece!

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I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.

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Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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More straight to video trash from Full Moon Pictures and Charles Band's 1990s Romanian empire, renowned for putting out cheap and cheerful horror and children's films in equal measure. This is one of the latter, a kid's adventure story in which the usual nerdish hero spots a UFO hovering over his town. A full-on alien invasion subsequently follows, albeit one done on a very low budget with an almost entire lack of realism. The acting is poor and the effects equally so, aside from a cool moving gargoyle which I liked the look of. This production is interminable when it should be exciting, the kind of thing that quickly outstays its welcome. And that's from someone who likes some of Full Moon's output. I put it on par with a Christopher Ecclestone-era episode of DR WHO.

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This movie's only redeeming factor was the fact that it was on TV for free, and that it probably helped the Romanian economy. Other than that, Hallmark needs to re-evaluate this division of their empire, and maybe keep their movies more oriented towards bizarre love affairs between cancer-stricken hemophiliacs in Mississippi. To go into details about how mindless this movie is would give credit to it for being memorable. It wasn't. I remember the act of watching it, there being vampires (some of them teenage) and some very bad dubbing. Whoever worked on the dubbing track of this movie needs to be relocated to another sector of society...maybe food service, to the deaf. If you have the opportunity, watch this movie, just because it makes so many other really bad movies seem Oscar-worthy in retrospect. Then again, if you actually ended up at this movie's profile, I imagine that it may be too late...

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Chuck Straub

This is a movie that was probably made to entertain the middle school, early high school age kids. Maybe to them it's funny, they may possibly even see something scary in it. To me, the acting is poor, and plot is poor, there's just not much value at all for the adult viewer. I saw this film as weak and boring. At times there was the possibility that the movie could become interesting but it never really materialized. The creatures look pretty good but after seeing them for a few seconds, they don't seem to have any substance other than the look. At times I wasn't sure if the movie was trying to make another attempt at comedy or was it just another attempt at horror that failed again. This movie just wasn't good for me.

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This is one of the worst movies I've seen in my life. If you're looking for a nice theatrical effect, skip it and watch something else.But if you're looking for camp-value, this is it. Here's my advice: Gather a few sarcastic friends and watch the movie strictly for the purpose of making fun of it.

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