Border Patrol

March. 24,2000      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Even the dead need policemen. Meet the Border Patrol, which is to ensure that the law is enforced in the territory of the dead. These hard supernatural guards are responsible for sinners to face their destiny and that good are the creator. To Numan, a character who makes the laws are enforced in the gloomy abyss between the two worlds, the present case appears to be the most tremendous of his career, both his past life in New York, as now become the Patrullero Spooky Frontera . When chasing a serial murderer, Dr. Helms, Numan is forced to break the rules of Purgatory and ask for help to the police in Miami Chavez, a mortal. The union of these incredible allies soon becomes clear that Helms, a strange supernatural being generic, has the power to open the door to other territories, threatening the existence of Life and Death as we know it.

Michael DeLorenzo as  Detec. Freddie Chavez
Clayton Rohner as  Cal Newman
Lewis Fitz-Gerald as  Dr. Roderick Helms
Anthony Brandon Wong as  Capt. Takeyama
Tony Harvey as  Hieronymous




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Let's be realistic.

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Teddie Blake

The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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This was a really cool movie I saw on Paramount's TV station here in Ohio, there was no advertising, no print ads, no nothing but a few teaser clips a few days before. I would have to agree with the earlier comment about why there is no more information about this movie on IMDB. The movie was very original in many aspects, including all the wacky/split screen speed-ramping etc editing and directing, the wise baby who projects his image on a movie screen as an adult, the clothes and garb and cars and technology in the Underworld, and that sweet music soundtrack from Patrick O'Hearn. The acting was pretty good but sometimes not. The script was surprisingly fresh for the ubiquitous sci-fi genre. So you never see movies directed and edited and scored like this anymore, I'm surprised it was buried in the Paramount publicity department's trashcan. They should make a TV series out of it.

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I dug this TV flick for several reasons. First of all, the design sense is wonderful, so much eclectic retro-Victorian meets 1920's fashion meets 1950's hot rods, my gosh, what isn't to like about this much eye candy? The story is simple yet engaging. The performances are strong enough. The editing technique is playful, sometimes distracting but often surprisingly effective (like the window in window frames and transitions allowing multiple perspectives). The humor is tight and often felt surrealist the way LEXX often does. Over all this felt like a pilot, a light hearted romp that would have played well back to back with the more hard nosed BRIMSTONE. Groovy stuff though, hep cats.

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I enjoyed this film. It's different and a relaxing fantasy film. It's a different film. I saw it on regular TV, so there were a loft of breaks, but it still was enjoyable. Could you believe in a baja, or lower world, where every one is checked out and decided which way to go? That is only part of this fun movie.

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I don't know why IMDb has zilch on this movie, but it's very cool and full of creative departures from run of the mill movies. The "Border Patrol" in question has no jurisdiction on geographic borders. Its mission is to patrol the border between the living world and the netherworld. It keeps tabs on those troublemakers who have passed on, but still seek to mess with the corporeal world.Given that premise, the execution is a lot better than you'd expect from a movie that gets a blank page in our favorite Database. The real world is dressed in typical modern day accouterments, but the netherworld is awash in coolth. Old customized Packard sedans with right-hand drive, manual typewriters that clack out computerized data, and some very stylish zoot suits and fedoras.The cast runs a pretty wide range of talent, from wholly professional to embarrassingly amateurish. On the other hand, the special effects are up to snuff. The Border Patrol handguns look great and fire something I just can't resist calling pulses of netherenergy.I rate it a pretty ingenious affair all around, and it's driven by a worthy if not revolutionary plot. The mystery to me is why IMDb has so little data on it.

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