The Next One

September. 15,1984      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

An astronaut's widow and her young son meet a stranger from the future on a Greek island.

Keir Dullea as  Glenn / The Next One
Adrienne Barbeau as  Andrea
Peter Hobbs as  Barnaby
Jeremy Licht as  Tim
Faidon Georgitsis as  Yanni
Betty Arvaniti as  Anna
Danos Lygizos as  Detective
Mihalis Giannatos as  Captain



Sick Product of a Sick System

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Save your money for something good and enjoyable

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It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.

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This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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Not that I've seen anywhere near all of his films, but "The Time Traveller" does beat "Blind Date" or "Hired To Kill", and I'll venture a guess and say that it beats "Ninja Academy" or "The Naked Truth" as well. Either by artistic choice or by budgetary constraints (probably a mixture of both), Mastorakis makes a very low-key, leisurely-paced, uneventful, elliptical sci-fi film, with the use of special effects limited to one or two scenes. It's the ideas that even define this as a sci-fi film, and Mastorakis has some outrageous ideas indeed! The more religious viewers will probably be offended, but others may even admire Mastorakis' audacity here. And as a bonus, we get some splendid, and rare, views of Mykonos in the winter. Finally, after recently having started watching "Doctor Who", I had to laugh at the line "NOBODY has two hearts"! **1/2 out of 4.

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I rated this one a little high because of the nice scenery. At least this movie wasn't filmed on a set with painted backgrounds.I've always enjoyed films involving time travel. Some time travel flicks are exciting. A few, like BACK TO THE FUTURE (all three) border on being comical. So eventually, somebody had to make a time travel flick that is boring, and here it is, THE NEXT ONE.This movie has a list of cinematic giants. But in this movie, the giants take a fall.There are a few special effects, like the electrical storm.But this movie, at its high points, drags. Then, it's downhill.This movie sits in my collection, waiting to be used as a door stop. A real disappointment.

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This movie was released in 1984 starring Keir Dullea as Glenn, Adrienne Barbeau as Andrea and Peter Hobbs as Barnaby. In this standard sci-fi romance, the widow Andrea lives on a Greek island with her son Timmy and, like the other islanders, is amazed when a stranger Keir Dullea washes up on shore during a magnetic storm. She brings the apparently injured man home to help him recuperate his health, and a relationship develops between the two of them. At first seeming to suffer from amnesia, the stranger has a mysterious quality that comes more into focus when he performs certain miracles. As he demonstrates his powers, it is slowly revealed that he is a time-traveler, and his brother, in fact, once traveled back 2,000 years further in time. Again, another Adrienne Barbeau picture that was disappointing. Outside of the scenery from the Greek Islands there wasn't much else exciting in this movie that's why I'm giving this picture just 4 weasel stars.

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This movie HAD to have been a remake of the original film. When I saw the remake I was nauseated and upset because the later ending was completely changed.I would like to hear from others who remembered the original ending. Here's where the spoiler comes in........the original endingKerr's memory gradually starts coming back, all the while Adrieanne and Kerr gradually fall in love. He reveals that he is from the future and that he and his brother had built separate time machines and agreed to meet in the past. However, Kerr's machine developed a problem and he wound up on a beach in Greece in the 1980's. They wanted to get married and sailed to a main Greek island to make plans for the wedding at the Greek Catholic Orthidox Church. After entering the church, Kerr stops at the alter, looks up, drops his jaw in wonderment then says, "That's my Brother".....looking up Jesus on the cross!I WAS SHOCKED......the first thing I thought, "What IF?" Then I also thought, "No way is this gonna fly with the Catholic Church"Please tell me if someone out there remembers wife does!

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