
May. 07,2012      R
Trailer Synopsis Cast

After a loudmouth college punk singer accuses an amateur medium of being a fake, four college students break into the city morgue and video themselves holding a seance. When the kids summon a demon by mistake, they have to find a way to drive the demon out of their friend before it destroys them all.

Bobby Campo as  Joey
Nazneen Contractor as  Eva
Chris Olivero as  Marcus
Devon Ogden as  Sara
Cortney Palm as  Mutilated Woman


Kattiera Nana

I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Too much of everything

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Absolutely Brilliant!

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Four college friends who one night summon a demon who readily inhabits one of their bodies, have to figure out a way to defeat the demonic entity.To say this is Writer/Director Alex Wright's best film is damning it with faint praise indeed, as the only previous films of his that i've previously seen were the abysmal "Wishmaster 3" and equally abysmal The "First 9 1/2 Weeks". At least this one starts off well-enough, if still stilted and unoriginal, before collapse in on itself and limping to it's conclusion. As it stands, the movie is still worthless, yet better than those two aforementioned stinkers.Eye Candy: Cortney Palm is briefly topless (but as a cadaver, so....)

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Rich Wright

In my experience, if a film is advertised as being 'from The Producers of' a MUCH bigger movie, then it tells us two things. 1. The Producers have fallen on hard times, and 2. This new film is gonna suck. Both criteria here = fulfilled.So, we have this complete idiot taken over by a supernatural presence during a seance held at a morgue, and his three friends try to save his life. One of them gets his neck broken early... shame. The two remaining girls (One a devout Christian, the other a pagan worshipper) end up having to rely on the Bible to get them out of this mess.OH MY GOD (Pun intended) it's tedious listening to them talk non-stop about religious hogwash for two thirds of the length. We want to see heads rotate 360 degrees and pea soup vomit from the possessed victim's mouth, not scene after scene of explanations about 'How The Lord Loves All' or oblique scripture readings. In fact, I'd almost swear this whole production was bankrolled by the Church itself... if it wasn't for most of the other objectionable material on offer.And as our spiritually hi-jacked human being starts rocking up and down like an epileptic while tied up his chair ( in shots from the waist up, it looks as if he's masturbating) it was all I could do not to burst out laughing. Yes, the sole redeeming feature is the unintended humour. Whether it's someone with a gob full of toothpaste trying to pass it off as frothing at the mouth, or the hilarious excuse for a final battle which involves the head of a live rat being bitten off (Is the pagan girl related to Ozzy Osbourne?) it almost (but not quite ) makes up for all the other nonsense.At one point, during a particularly exasperating moment, those immortal words are uttered " I'm tired of this s**t". You know what? I couldn't agree more. 3/10

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

Initially I have to say that having read some review for this movie, I was preparing myself for a boring movie, but still I am not really one to turn off movies unless they are beyond boring, and I did find the plot of the story interesting, so despite the bad reviews, I sat down to watch "Seance".I don't understand why it got so bad reviews, because I didn't find the movie that bad. Sure it was not a million dollar Hollywood movie, but still it was to the point and it had a good enough story to tell. "Seance" is about four young people going to a city morgue, where one of them works as a security guard, to have a seance (hence the name of the movie) in order to call up the spirit of the dead. Something goes awry and something dark is called forth.The storyline was compelling and it was good at building up suspense and thrills. Now, don't expect to be scared, because it is not that kind of horror movie. Instead, it is the type of movie that builds on brooding atmosphere and subtle terror.Personally, I found there was a little too much Christian propaganda in the movie. But hey, dealing with evil presences, I suppose that is what people think they need to turn to.The people cast for the movie did good enough jobs, two people stand out and carries the movie entirely; that being Bobby Campo (playing Joey) and Nazneen Contractor (playing Eva). Their performances were really great, and came off really believable.One thing that I didn't understand about the movie was if the entity that was called forth had been waiting 200 years for a mortal vessel to possess, why did it speak 21st century American English and not 19th century American English? If they had kept it that way, the movie would have had so much more credibility. And also, a cool touch to the possession would have been if the possessed individual spoke with those voices simultaneously."Seance" is a toned down version of "The Exorcist" and it would appeal to today's audience, and perhaps even instill a curiosity to further explore the market for possession-style movies and return to the 'classics'."Seance" is well worth a watch if you like movies that have a brooding atmosphere and builds up subtle terror, instead of being all gory and trying to be as brutal as possible. And speaking of gore, then there were actually some nice enough scenes with blood and injuries in "Seance". Thumbs up for that. And the story takes place in a city morgue, that just adds so much to the setting, and that was really a nice touch.

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You know what happens when awful script meets with bad acting, right? Instead of having a fun Friday, you get mad and start thinking about how to get your 2 hours back.This is exactly what will happen if you watch this movie. Don't get me wrong, I love cheesy horror flicks but this one is just plain awful. Dialogs are cheesy, the whole plot doesn't make any sense and it is full of logical mistakes. I'm not blaming the actors for their bad performances because when the script you are working with is so bad, the things you can do are limited.The characters are so hollow and two dimensional that we don't care a bit when they die. Actually, we don't even care if they survive, we just want this movie to be over as soon as possible.All in all, I strongly recommend to skip this flick and find something else to do instead. Believe me, it will be a very smart decision on your behalf.Warning: Do Not Read This Part, If You Haven't Seen It Yet!Why did the handy cam disappear?? If it wasn't important, then why did almighty director Alex Wright use it at the first place? A demon is not a spirit, it's an entity. How come you don't know the difference as a writer working on a supernatural theme?First, Joey was with Eva, and then we find out that he has an unborn baby from Sara? If he was with Eva before, then when the hell were Sara and Joey together? It's not like they are 50 years old.Marcus was a very unnecessary character and it may shock you Alex Wright, but nothing changes in the script when you exclude this character.I can go on forever but I will be straight to the point. Alex, you really need a career change so that you can stop wasting our time and money by shooting movies that should never exist.

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