Phantom Thunderbolt

March. 04,1933      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A cowboy called The Thunderbolt Kid comes to the aid of a town that is being threatened by outlaws who don't want a railroad to go through the town.

Ken Maynard as  Thunderbolt Kid
Frances Lee as  Judy Lane
Frank Rice as  Nevady
William Gould as  'Red' Matthews
Bob Kortman as  'One-Shot' Mallory
Frank Beal as  Tobias Oldham
Wilfred Lucas as  Eaton - Railroad President
Tarzan as  Tarzan



You won't be disappointed!

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I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

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Absolutely the worst movie.

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The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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When the Thunderbolt Kid (Ken Maynard) arrives in town, his friend runs all over talking about what a tough and evil man Thunderbolt is. As a result, everyone is scared to death of him--even though he's really a nice guy. But the town fathers are impressed enough with his tough-guy image that they offer him a job to clean up the town. It seems another nearby town is vying for the railroad to come through their city instead--and they sent a gang of roughnecks to this little town to stir up trouble to scare away the railroad. At first, Thunderbolt has a pretty easy time of it--and is thrilled to do it because he's met a cute lady there. But in the end, it looks like all is lost and the town is without hope.This is a pretty average B-western. While it's not at all exceptional in its production quality, at least the script is mildly funny and it is different. So, even if it isn't particularly great and Maynard has all the personality of soggy asparagus, it is easy to like in spite of its deficiencies.

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By the time it's all over, the story of the "Phantom Thunderbolt" winds up being pretty lame, but it's about as much fun as you can have with a turn of the talkie era Western. Ken Maynard provides the thrills as the Thunderbolt Kid, arriving in the town of Coyote Gulch right after partner Nevady (Frank Rice) heralds his arrival with six guns blazing. Thunderbolt is quick to deliver, cleaning up Miss Judy's restaurant with the carcass of One Shot Mallory (Bob Kortman). Unfortunately, their mix up features an old style unrealistic fist fight marked by wild swings and push punches, but still good for a dunk in the town horse trough.At least town undertaker McTavish sees an opportunity for business with T-Bolt in town. Check out the sign in his shop window - "Our Customers Never Complain".With a quick gun and quick fists, the town fathers look to hire Thunderbolt to rid Coyote Gulch of bad man Red Matthews (William Gould) before the railroad president gets to town. They're in competition with nearby Spotted Horse for a railroad depot, and that town has hired the Matthews gang to insure that Coyote Gulch doesn't get picked. The Kid agrees to the take the job for three kisses on the installment plan from pretty Miss Judy (Frances Lee).Pay attention when Maynard's horse 'Tarzan' is instructed to nudge the barrel downhill with him inside. The closed end of the barrel is facing One Shot Mallory and another henchman at the start of the run, but the next shot shows the open end going down hill with Maynard visible.Another head scratcher occurs when the bank president begins to award the railroad contract to Coyote Gulch because it looks like a lawful town. Just then Red's gang hits town with guns roaring, but instead of changing his mind, Eaton (Wilfred Lucas) joins in the fisticuffs himself, proclaiming it's the most fun he's had since he's been there! Obviously story continuity wasn't uppermost in the minds of the film makers.For his part, the Thunderbolt Kid remains undecided about sticking around until Miss Judy plants a big one on the Kid's smacker. With that, he agrees to stay in Coyote Gulch, but by then he must have been as confused as bank man Eaton - he never got his third kiss!

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In a town where people like to signal their arrival by shooting their guns high high up in the air! Comes a stranger who warns of the mean mean man heading up this way by the name of 'Phantom Thunderbolt'. The townspeople are predictably alarmed (except for of course, the undertaker, who starts fondling his tape measure), When Thunderbolt DOES arrive, he's actually not as bad as all that. You see, the warning stranger is actually his friend, and he just likes to do that to bring attention to himself (smart guy!). Soon, thunderbolt does do some good by ridding the town of some problematic folk. The bankers are impressed, and want Thunderbolt to be sheriff. He'll do it under one condition.. He must first get to kiss the town's only girl! The bankers agree that it's a fine idea to sell her off for this proposal (!!) and soon, Thunderbolt is fighting badasses in town so that the town will have a squeaky clean image for a chance for the railroad to come through! This is a pretty fun film, though instantly forgettable. Ken Maynard is fun as the hero, and Francis Lee is quite good too.

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Dave (dbfirelo2)

I believe in comparing apples to apples, and not to oranges. So with that in mind, I want to point out that I am a fan of old westerns, including old "B" westerns, of which Phantom Thunderbolt is one. So my comments and this grade are made in comparison with other low-budget "B" westerns of the early 1930s, and not compared to what we all expect in a contemporary movie.This movie is absolutely awful. It has to be the worst film of its kind that I've ever seen, and I've seen quite a few. An average grade school student could write a more intelligent script. The acting of the entire cast is atrocious. Even that of the star, Ken Maynard. About all that can be said for him is that he can ride a horse pretty well. Clearly the director had absolutely no sense of how to entice a believable performance from any of the actors.Don't waste your time. There are many more old "B" westerns available in the public domain that are much more worthy.

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