Fearless Fighters

January. 01,1974      R
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Trailer Synopsis Cast

When To Pa, a member of the prestigious Eagle Claw Clan, commands his followers to carry out a mutinous robbery against the Almighty Imperial Lightning Whip, the victim's children are shaken by his disloyalty. With the help of one of To Pa's former minions, who's grown disillusioned with his leader's unconscionable actions, they organize a battle to avenge their father.

Yi Yuan as  Lei Peng
Cheung Ching-Ching as  Mu Lan
Chen Honglie as  The Killer
Ma Chi as  Chen Chen Chow, the Lightning Whipper
James Hong as  One Man Army
Chen Yu-Hsin as  
Han Su as  
Tong Chih-Wei as  



hyped garbage

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It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.

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The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.

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It takes a special sort of person to watch these older Hong Kong martial arts films, as the average person will no doubt watch them and laugh themselves silly at the stupid physics, silly plots and hapless dubbing. But if you are like me, you'll consider the cheesiness as all part of the film's charm and understand that this is all part of the genre. In this light, this is a slightly better than average film. Just try to ignore the silly special effects with involve flying heroes, explosions, exploding golden Frisbees, people catching arrows in flight and throwing them back and killing the shooters and many other impossible tasks.The film is about a fight within a family clan. One member is evil but claims that he is seeking a man with a whip to get revenge--while what he REALLY wants is to murder him and steal a government gold shipment. A fellow clan member, Lei Peng, urges him to abandon his revenge--and he later realizes that it isn't about revenge after all. When this happens, he takes the gold himself and plans on returning it to the government. In the meantime, the evil dude and his toadies attack and murder all of Lei Peng's family.Later, the guy with the whip's children seek to kill Lei Peng--thinking he was the one who murdered their father and stole the gold. But, since they want the gold, they pretend to want to help Li Po to find out where it's hidden. In addition, a lady in white joins their merry gang. The four of them eventually have a major showdown (after they realize Li Po is a good guy) and the action and silly special effects reach a very strange and odd conclusion when Li Po seemingly arises from the dead to beat the baddie and his evil henchmen.Despite the silliness of the plot, this is a pretty good film with decent fight scenes--it won't lose your interest if you are a fan of these fantasy films. Plus, there are some really dopey moments that are so unintentionally funny that I loved them, such as when one man said "If I lose, I will cut off my own head"--huh?!

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No, it is not the incredible beauty of House of Flying Daggers or Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, as it is the early years of Hong Kong chop socky, but it is an incredible experience.Trading on the success of Bruce Lee, many films like this were released. The actors in this film, with the exception of the villain Hung Lieh Chen, only made one or two movies besides this one.The action is almost non-stop. As soon as one bunch is dispatched, another takes their place. We see an incredible variety of weapons used in martial arts - some that I have never seen before. There is the typical kung fu with magnificent leaps to rooftops and even flying at times -actions we are used to seeing in the current films.A satisfying chop socky treat.

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Even though when I buy a film like this I don't really expect good acting, story, or quality I buy them anyway just in case there is some good fighting / scenes in there. Unfortunately this one was a dud and a total waste of money. It is so bad that it is actually quite amusing in places so it gets a 2 out of 10. It is deffo frisby material but before you wang it out of the window it is worth one watch because you don't want to miss out on : What is going on with Bolo? The lead guy is a joke and is meant to be some kind of tough guy but looks like a mixture of Charles Bronson/Don Johnson/Columbo or whatever you cannot take this guy seriously.

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Fearless Fighters is one of the best times I've ever had watching a Hong Kong chop-socky flick. Everything in this film is massively over-the-top, from the hundred-foot leaps straight up that the actors so effortlessly perform to the fight scenes where lone warriors sometimes kill up to ten opponents at the exact same time. The really funny thing about Fearless Fighters is that none of the actors in the movie seem to know Kung-Fu at all! There's none of the brilliantly choreographed fight sequences we're used to seeing in Kung-Fu movies- the actors look like they're pretending the whole time, while flying through the air, jumping over lakes, using outlandish weapons- it's hilarious. Also of note is the English dubbing- it's excellent. NOT as far as the acting goes, mind you (it's TERRIBLE), but the lip-synching is almost flawless...very impressive. The story involves The Eagle Claw fighting clan, lead by To Pa, one of the most fearsome screen villains of recent memory. To Pa and the Eagle Claw clan robs the Almighty Imperial Lightning Whip (who looks exactly like Ming the Merciless) of government gold meant to aid the poor, tragically killing the Lightning Whip in the process. Lei Pong, the film's honorable hero (and follow member the Eagle Claw clan), attempts to stop the theft, and in turn is framed for the crime and jailed. Meanwhile, the Lightning Whip's children, Mulan and Chen Yi Chung, seek to wack to fool who offed their pops. First they suspect Lei Pong, but after a daring jailbreak, Lei's honor, good looks and charisma wins over the Lightning Whip's children as allies, and the true culprit is revealed- the bloodthirsty To Pa! In an effort to kill the one man who can stop his evil plans, To Pa uses his ill-gotten gains to hire an army of freaks and weirdos, including such colorful characters as the Soul Pickers (Flying Sparrow and the Solar Ray- you HAVE to see these guys), the Sword of all Swords, the Dragon Raiser brothers, some wacko with a blond wig and Tiger Claws, and the infamous Loner, also known as...One Man Army. This guy is so totally evil, and with his Deadly Twin Sword, he is one baaad man! The resulting conflicts between Lei Pong and company with To Pa's minions are among the most ridiculous ever filmed! The amateurish, yet outlandishly overstated fighting combined with high-flying antics (complete with some really poor cable work) and horrible stunt jobs make for some gut-busting good times, right on up to the earth-shattering ending. This film is a must see, not only for fans of martial arts movies, but anyone interested in opening up their minds to a higher plane of existence, as seeing Fearless Fighters may very well change your life! Oh, an on a personal note: The actor who portrays To Pa has the best delivery of the phrase "mince-meat" I've ever heard.

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