Rapid Exchange

May. 13,2003      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

To break the plane during flight 747 and steal a quarter of a billion dollars is needed pervaded team, however, the members are given betrayals that can spoil the coup.

Lance Henriksen as  Newcastle
Lorenzo Lamas as  Ketchum
Matt O'Toole as  Brooks
Wayne Pére as  Daltry
Gastón Pauls as  Javier
Benjamin Burdick as  Winkler



Save your money for something good and enjoyable

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Fresh and Exciting

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A Masterpiece!

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I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.

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kai ringler

this wasn't a bad "b" movie,, direct to video,, stars lance Henricksen, and Lorenzo Lamas. the movie is about a mid air heist,, involving hundreds of millions of dollars,, lots of action, decent plot,, and twists, sure it's not gonna win any awards,, but that's not was I was expecting to get from this movie,, what I was expecting was simple.. lot's of action,, thrills,, plot twists,, decent camera angels good scenery , and pretty women,, well last time that I checked I'm pretty sure I got all of these in this movie. Lorenzo Lamas does a fair job in this movie,, sure I wish Lance Henricksen would have had some more screen time but I guess we all can't get what we want. but overall it wasn't a bad action movie at all, I will watch again to see if there 's anything i missed the first time around.

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I found this to be a watchable all be it very predictable movie. There was some good stunt work that gave a fair degree of excitement and suspense to the story. One did however have to suspend ones credulity on a number of occasions for the plot to work. For example despite losing their transfer cable, couplings and harness when the pilot retracted the undercarriage manually, they fortunately found a spare on-board the aircraft complete with Caribbeans. According to the plot drilling a hole in the ceiling of the vault would disable the alarm system in the vault when the system was reactivated (I can't think why), according to Daltry there battery operated drill would be unable to drill through the vault ceiling however they just happened to have a hydraulic drill complete with hoses and fittings to fit the equally convenient take off points in the planes hydraulic system located above the vault. As the plane has a closed hydraulic system it is hard to see how this could be accomplished without affecting the control systems or at least setting hydraulic pressure alarms in the cockpit. Accepting this for the sake of the plot it takes them several minutes to drill a small hole through the top of the vault (tension will they be able to drill through before FED's get there to check the false alarm), yet from the time the vault door closed and before the FED's had walked the few feet to the second security door they had cut a squire hole in the roof of the vault big enough for them to get through. One can accept all theses and other inconsistencies for the sake of a good yarn, however what spoiled the movie for me was when what appears to have been an effort by the script writers to discuses what up to that point was a fairly predictable ending, they killed off the two hero's (If one can refer to crocks as hero's) Ketchum & Brooks one was shot and thrown out of a 747 at 10,000 feet the other wiliest sliding down the cable between the two planes the villain Daltry with one hand manages to unhook the cable carrying the weight of a full grown man with the air pressure of several hundred miles per hour pressing on him, and letting him fall to his death. And yet in the next sequence these two without any kind of explanation (however tenuous or implausible) have miraculously survived the full from 10.000 feet and had time to set up an elaborate scam to get the money. The only comment on there survival was to Sophie that her brother is a bad shot. Don't expect an Oscar nomination for this one.

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Newcastle wants a $9 million Scottish scepter, and Ketchum, Brooks and others use their special skills to try to get their hands on it. Then a SWAT team shows up (at least that's what their uniforms say). Can they still succeed? Regardless, Newcastle has an even better opportunity for which Daltry (an annoying jerk, plus other names probably inappropriate here) is put in charge. Syrians have been printing counterfeit money--so much that new plates were made necessary. Hundreds of millions of dollars in new cash must be shipped by 747.Daltry, Ketchum and Brooks are joined by Sophie, who is pretty, smart, confident, physically strong and quite flexible. As in the first operation, their team includes scientific types (not really geeks) who can hack into computer systems and get into places they are not supposed to be.This operation should not be too much of a challenge because the people guarding the money do not seem all that competent, though the plane's pilots appear quite intelligent (if this is realistic, pilots have to know A LOT these days). Matthewson is an obnoxious trivia expert who seems to be too much of a coward to be on a plane, and he comes across as a bumbling idiot. His female partner may be smarter, but not by much. The uniformed guards aren't exactly rushing into action when the situation looks suspicious.This film reminds me of "Ocean's Eleven" (which was a much better movie because of its stars and their performances), as well as "Sneakers" (which had stars and much more humor). The viewer wants the crooks to succeed.A lot of work appears to have gone into making the computers and equipment look realistic, as well as the characters' knowledge about what to do. The stunt work looked good, and the military-style rappelling and climbing competently executed.Now the planes looked like models, even on a 13-inch TV. This wasn't too much of a distraction because the excitement level stayed high much of the time.Normally for me to get interested in this type of movie I need to see familiar stars. I didn't know any actors' names except Lorenzo Lamas (and I'm not even really familiar with him). He is at least good-looking, which should attract at least a few gals (who might also enjoy seeing Sophie as a strong, capable woman).There wasn't a lot of humor, but this film was occasionally funny. The violence was not excessive. I did hear the sound go out a number of times, but it appeared to me that the f-word was being used in a lot of those situations.It was pretty good if you're not expecting a whole lot.

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Like a cross between Air Force One, Cliffhanger and Lassiter, only without Harrison Ford, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Selleck (or any other real stars - I'm about to give up on Lance Henriksen), decent special effects or - well, basically anything worth watching.Good music by Hans Zimmer and The Alan Parsons Project. The music actually written by Christopher Holden, however, pretty much reminds me of something left over from Dallas or Dynasty.

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