Dead Men Can't Dance

April. 17,1997      R
Trailer Synopsis Cast

To stamp out the threat of nuclear war, a special ops team must travel to North Korea to carry out a covert mission to destroy a nuclear power plant. Everything does not go as planned. Their communications are cut off and they must remember their survival training to get them through.

Michael Biehn as  Robert Hart
Adrian Paul as  Shooter
Kathleen York as  Victoria Elliot
R. Lee Ermey as  Senator Fowler
John Carroll Lynch as  Plonder
Jennifer Blanc as  Warzenak
Shawnee Smith as  Cooper
Kelly Jo Minter as  Sgt. Chrissie Brooks
Wendy Gazelle as  Sgt. Lorraine Towers
Hiep Thi Le as  Sgt. Mia Yan Chun



Slow pace in the most part of the movie.

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Just perfect...

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A lot of fun.

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Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.

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This movie may not be realistic to some reviewers but some folks are just to critical and can't enjoy the professional actions of actors. These people do take pride in their profession contrary to what some folk may think. In today's environment we do have women going into direct combat, albeit in support positions as they drive support trucks in convoy. However, those trucks come under attack by small arms fire or IEDs ( Improvised Explosive Devise). These IEDs kill or wound independently regardless of sex, age or rank. So lay of the actors in this movie. They are doing there best to give you some entertainment. My son was a ranger and it was difficult training just as any of our secure fighting forces whether it be seals, delta force, or marine re-con. So just enjoy a movie and lay off the actors, the directors, technicians and others it takes to make a movie.

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I won't say this is the *worst* movie I've ever seen but it comes extremely close.The heroine - discharged from her military assignment with the CIA - is given a chance to join a co-ed group of Army Rangers trainees by her female Brigadier General commander. Her group goes through such brutal training as having to poop their pants and stand in a pond. Her SERE training consists of having her shirt torn open, getting slapped and being shocked on her clothed thigh with a cattle prod immediately before she is congratulated on her ability to withstand this brief encounter and welcomed as a new Ranger.For some reason there is an attempt at inserting a love interest in this movie. I really don't know why. Maybe there were plans for nudity which were later abandoned. Probably because there was no interest in seeing any of the actresses nude.Other than the repeated scenes of the guys playing around with the tampon machine in the co-ed shower - where everyone is always fully clothed - the highlights consist of women in totally unbelievable combat scenes rescuing male soldiers. Wait... I remember some crying... And something about one of the male soldiers betraying his comrades...Feel lucky if you miss this movie.

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I have a hard time giving this movie a 1 star (awful), simply because, I did not want to degrade all the other movies that are rated 1 star.I missed the beginning, but I assume, they went to a strip club, found 6 hot women, and gave them guns and tight uniforms, made them "Rangers" of all things and sent them to North Korea to destroy a nuke plant. This movie is predictable and annoying. Bad acting, lots of male ego, women crying on the battlefield, this movie just plain sucks.Personally, I have yet to see a worse movie.... I have seen diaper and paper towel commercials that had better plots and better character development than this gem.

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Tin Man-5

"Dead Men Can't Dance" is a film that relies heavily on other films, interweaving plot conflicts and cliches that we've seen a million times before into one motion picture. However, the ones they use to combine work nicely: A small all-women platoon fights its way through Vietnam, trying to figure out which among them are spies and which in the government are the villians working alongside the enemy. Sure, we've seen it all before, but in order for a film like this to work, it must take the cliches seriously and make sure they flow and interlap smoothly. This film does that, and it knows how to make them work. After all, this is a movie trying to be an action flick, not a serious approach to the Vietnam War. The cast is generally good- Michael Biehn, Mark Edward Anderson, and Adrian Paul stand out as the men trying to lead the women to victory, and most of the women, played by a bunch of unknowns, are well played. Its almost as if all the actors know that their characters are paper-thin and designed to be cardboard cutouts, and they choose to have fun with it. This factor helps tremendously.However, despite these pluses, the film as a whole is extremely poor. The camera work is shoddy, and the production values are terrible. It looks as if it was filmed with a cam corder most of the time, and the synthesizer music only adds to its cheeziness. Some directors can hide a low budget (1993's "Fortress" is a good example). This guy, however, cannot. The results are an impressive, if overused, plot with lousy details around it. And if you don't have the visuals mastered in war films, you don't have anything.*1/2 out of ****

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