
March. 26,2006      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Stel, a humanoid alien played by Mark Strange, teams up with a British soldier Private John Marrettie (Malcolm Hankey). They engage on an action-packed adventure to find a top secret file which holds information on advanced energy production, captured space crafts and their alien pilots including Stel’s missing father, Arakawa, who’s been shot down and imprisoned on Earth by Core – a human paramilitary group. The Displaced file falls into the hands of a renegade 'special forces’ leader, Wilson (Graham Brownsmith) whose plans are to sell the file to the highest bidder on the black market for his own financial gain. Private Marrettie is forced to help Stel in his quest to locate the file. The search leads them on a deadly game of survival, combat, intrigue and deceit.

Mark Strange as  Stel



Highly Overrated But Still Good

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It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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Has a lot of issues, and the fact that it started as a short film project is obvious now that I've read that on here. But, still, there is some skill and talent in this production.First, the good. Some of the action in the latter half of the movie is actually pretty good. Way over-edited, but it is still decent. The best part of the entire film is the soldier guys (including Radius) killing all the corporate types. Much of this sequence is handled well. While much of it is ludicrous and defies belief, the sequence is still well put together.The bad is obvious. The plot is scattered and hard to follow, much of the acting is bad, characters appear and disappear for far too long, etc. In particular, I think this film could have benefited from a major cut down of footage. It could have been 20 minutes shorter, easily. Also, I found the Radius part of the storyline much more interesting, even though it is only half-finished in some ways (like a guy who says he knows Radius's father - but then this is never referenced again). The alien stuff almost seems like an afterthought, and the film would have been better without it.Still, this is not a piece of crap. It's worth a watch.

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Fallon Massey

Budget was clearly a problem with this film. For the level of production, direction, and acting, obviously the budget was too great. Otherwise this film couldn't have been made, which would be the desired result.Sorry, but if you simply view the trailer, it's painfully obvious that your local high school play has better actors.I will say that the plot, though well worn, is a good one and ripe for exploitation. Of course, that would require a level of talent missing from this production.I am amazed that the one positive review was, well, a bit more generous than is believable. However, I do agree that they attempted to undertake a grand vision, but they actually bit off more than they could chew.It's commendable to praise such efforts for those brave amateurs striving to become professionals. Unfortunately, these are amateurs POSING as professionals, and that praise is not warranted.

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Judging by some of the reviews on this site, you would think no one had ever seen an independently produced film. As a hugely ambitious science-fiction adventure clearly made without either budget or professional actors, 'Displaced' is nothing short of astonishing. Rough as the edges may be, owing to apparent financial restraints, the film remains a testament to the skill and tenacity of its director, Martin Holland and producer Mark Strange.In its current state 'Displaced' is less a completed, commercial movie than it is a calling card by a production team of promise - a six-years-in-the-making showcase for moments of high action and suspense crafted with technical ingenuity and a natural instinct for the pulse of popular cinema. The eye, and the art, of this most resourceful and resilient director and producer team deserve a little more respect.

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If this was not a British film and I was not British myself, I would have given this movie even less than 5. The storyline was good but the acting very hollow and contrived and reminiscent of a B movie. The actors just didn't seem natural enough. The script could have been better polished and the special effects reflected the obviously low budget of this film. However poor special effects don't necessarily make a bad movie.I cant believe that this has a IMDb rating of 10 as I write. I wish people could be more honest in their rating as it only benefits us all. The voters must surely have some connection with the producers of this movie. My recommendation - skip this film and watch something better instead.

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