Race You to the Bottom

January. 01,2005      R
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Nathan and Maggie are in the throes of a passionate affair. They're young, good-looking, and both have boyfriends. When Nathan is assigned to write a travel article on romantic hot-spots in Napa Valley, these unconventional lovers test the limits of the sensuality and fantasy that bond them.

Cole Williams as  Nathan
Amber Benson as  Maggie
Justin Hartley as  Joe
Jer Adrianne Lelliott as  Nicholas
Justin Zachary as  Milo
Philipp Karner as  Eric
Danielle Harris as  Carla

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Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .

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Good concept, poorly executed.

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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I watched this movie as I had a spare hour and a half and the 73 minute running time intrigued me, as I often find that a lot films these days are over inflated and over long. This film is a confusing "love" story with an unlikeable lead. The casting of the leading male actor was a mistake as far as I was concerned. He didn't (to me) have the charisma required to portray the "lothario" he was convinced he was. His looks bordered on effeminate. Don't get me wrong, effeminacy does not bother me in the slightest,but in this case, I found it hard to find the actor/character as irresistible as the film would have you believe. Kudos however must go to the lady playing the female lead. I felt she gave a good performance and she made me feel for her. Which is a definite plus, right? The road trip format of this movie has been done before. And I quite enjoy road trips if the traveling companions are interesting and the destination is worth the trip. In this case, it wasn't. Not a total waste of time, but I would not recommend this as a must see.

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This review will contain spoilers in general terms but if you do not want to know I give the 2 stars purely for the performance of Amber Benson who somehow manages to make her deeply unsympathetic character watchable.However, that aside the movie is truly depressing. In essence we have two thoroughly unlikable, hedonistic people who are so shallow and self destructive that they are having an affair which given how self-centred they are can't possibly go anywhere meanwhile hurting their boyfriends who for some reason like them. I could almost accept this if the characters learned something from the experience, but the ending seems to hint at the real possibility that they've learned nothing. So we have a very long, depressing 70+ minutes with nothing to show for it. Long travel, no distance.The acting, Miss Benson aside, is pretty bad. Cole Williams simply lacks any charisma as the leading man and none of the support cast come across with anything to raise above woeful in the performance.But the onus of this sad project's failure lies fairly and squarely on the head and shoulders of its writer/director. What is he trying to say about relationships and people in this film? Nothing positive at all, in fact I'd almost go as far as saying the director seems to have a real disdain for people and relationships. Worse yet the film certainly re-enforced a lot of the insecurities and distrust that i have about relationships so it doesn't even manage to entertain. it merely sits in what feels like a cesspool of loathing.The direction is competent to be fair but nothing above TV show, and low budget TV show at that.I'm a big fan of Miss Benson's, and certainly think she is good in this, but the film is thoroughly depressing, lacking either sympathetic characters or any real moral compass or purpose other than to depress people. Unless you feel like watching a film to slit your wrists to, I'd avoid this film like the proverbial plague.

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I agree with another reviewer here about the film's decent technical quality, but I wouldn't extend that to acting. Amber Benson is good, actually, but the rest of the cast is pretty much sub-par. I particularly thought many of Cole Williams' lines were read poorly.The story could have been interesting, but the script didn't do it justice. The dialog sounded forced and stilted much of the time. It just didn't ring true, didn't sound like true life. When the plot conflict develops, I couldn't quite see the reason for it. There didn't seem to be anything happening that hadn't happened before so I couldn't understand the characters' reactions.It was difficult not to compare this movie to Sideways. Not that they had all that much in common except the location, but that was enough to have me constantly thinking of how much better this movie could have been.

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A reviewer for a well respected industry paper said this movie had modest aspirations in giving it a brief, although not negative review. Unfortunately, those aspirations apparently had nothing to do with fleshed out or likable characters that the audience could either empathize with or have any interest in. The two leads are genuinely unlikeable, with few redeeming attributes to their credit. "We'll always have Paris" is what passes for wit and charm but it's kind of like your relatives bring five day old leftovers for the third day in a row because you've overstayed your welcome. The movie is technically sufficiently proficient but this is a horrible script that should never have seen the light of day on film, not even as a school video project. There is nothing this movie tells anyone about being bisexual, gay, male and female bonding, friendship, or anything else (except possibly as a brief travelogue on Napa, something Sideways (albeit about Santa Barbara) or any Food Network show on wine does with far more superiority and without making you sit through all this dross. It goes on over long but even at that, there is no "there" there to have justified making this a short of any length. This is not a movie I could even recommend to borrow for free from your local library or a friend. Hopefully, you don't have the kind of friends who would own this DVD and trust me, even a children's book for the pre-school set would be superior material for borrowing from the library system that this.

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