Lethal Target

December. 31,1999      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A female marshal goes undercover on a deathtrap starship to prevent a terrifying alien invasion.

C.C. Costigan as  Nikki
Josh Barker as  Pike
Kim Dawson as  Dr. Dane
Petra Špindlerová as  Katrina
Dana Sedláková as  Dane's Masseuse



Good concept, poorly executed.

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A Masterpiece!

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A Disappointing Continuation

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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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A delightful romp in the hay on behalf of alien invaders: In 2069, events on the space station have gone awry. Lusty security officer Nikki Savage bares a sexual alien plot to conquer the human race with a deadly virus spread through bodily fluids, but since many characters are lesbian, they do it passionately with spittle and a scratch. Dr. Dane loves to watch hetero sex, too (it's a sex comedy as well as sci-fi horror). Anyway, it's up to luscious Nikki (with a lust-less chip in her head giving her advice and info from big daddy Max and the sexless company computer) to stop the alien invasion and quench ubiquitous lust before sweet company missives arrive to say, "Goodbye, Boom-Boom!"

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This SOFT soft-core/sci-fi B-movie is what you'd have if you took an early Fred Olen Ray film and took out the fun. Or conversely, it's like an Uwe Boll 'movie' but without as much ineptitude. A young nubile chain-gang convict (C.C. Costigan) agrees to pose as a space marshal in order to stop wacky Kim Dawson's plans of...having everyone have sex with everyone else apparently (that vile fiend). Anyone who went into this film looking for serious science fiction, well you got what you deserved for not doing any homework on the film at all. First of all when did Kim Dawson EVER star in anything other than soft-core Skinamax level crap. For that matter take a look at the resume's for Costigan and the Director before you take a hissy fit saying you expected something else. Don't get me wrong, for a space/action/soft-core/titillation flick, this film is STILL not good, but if you expected something along the lines of "Contact", I DO NOT pity you.My Grade: D- Where I Saw it: Starz-on-demand (Available until December 8th, 2005)

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It starts out on an alien chain gang, stock footage from another T & A movie, the name escapes me at this time. But the monster is fairly descent. The plot has more holes in it then Swiss cheese. But it is entertaining for men. For obvious reasons. My rating.OUT OF 10 STARS (10 BEING BEST):5 Stars *****

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Terrible movie. Just terrible. The start of this movie is like something out of a bad women in prison movie. Then it moves on to being a B-movie version of Aliens. B-movie in this case meaning the addition of gratuitous sex-scenes and women in lingerie. Oh and a lot of the footage is the exact same as used in two other movies by the same company (including the women in prison schtick). The only thing saving this movie from a 1/10 is that I have actually seen worse movies. Not many, and not much, but worse.

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