
Popular Documentary Movies

"Rockstoria" is a large community of rock musicians from the city of Krasnogorsk near Moscow. The creator and permanent leader of "Rockstoria" Dasha Makhortova. Dasha is a producer, impresario, rock singer. It helps young and not-so-young rockers not to get lost on a difficult creative path. Dasha's life is the lights of spotlights and the roar of guitars, a chanting audience and an endless holiday. And also – a lot of domestic and family problems. And also – the upbringing of two little daughters. The eldest of them has autism. Every day is an attempt to solve unsolvable issues. The main one is – is it possible to be a cool rocker and a cool mother at the same time?
Rockstoria 2023
Golden City
Golden City
In the early 70s of the twentieth century, a gramophone record called "Lute music of the XV-XVII centuries" arrived in music stores. She was a truly stunning success and was in almost every Soviet family. The first number on it was the work "Canzone" by the composer Francesco da Milano (1497-1543). To the tune of the "Canzone", the poet Henri Volokhonsky composed the poem "Over the Blue Sky", using biblical images from the Old Testament Book of the prophet Ezekiel. The song "Under the Blue Sky" became the most famous ballad, and the aria "Ave Maria" became a worldwide opera hit. And suddenly, twenty years after the release of the record, it turned out that the withered Italian composers on the cover do not have such works, and their author is the Hero of our film – self-taught Vladimir Vavilov. In the film, Andrey "Ryusha" Reshetin, a violinist, researcher of Russian music and language of the Baroque era, discusses the secrets of music.
Golden City 2023
Artistas da Tela
Artistas da Tela
Artistas da Tela 2023
Meer: The battle for Amsterdam's last fields
Meer: The battle for Amsterdam's last fields
In the Lutkemeerpolder lie the last farmlands of the city of Amsterdam. For centuries, farmers and their fields were part of the city, but now only one piece remains. And that is exactly where the municipality has planned huge distribution centres. GroenLinks councillor Marieke van Doorninck defends the plans and is determined to get the business park built. Trijntje Hoogendam's organic care farm 'De Boterbloem' is to be cleared and she is resisting with everything she has. Concerned Amsterdammers come up with increasingly tough actions. How did it come to this? Why is the business park being built in the first place? And are there any alternatives? Filmmaker Bart Melief followed the development of the business park in the Lutkemeerpolder and the protest against it for three years. With his film, he wants to record this historical event and erect a monument to a small polder in a big city.
Meer: The battle for Amsterdam's last fields 2023
Gardien des mondes
Gardien des mondes
Hassan recalls the first night that Jellaz became his place of shelter. After burying his parents and two brothers, he rested his head at the foot of their graves, fell into a deep sleep, and felt his soul fly. Forty years later, Hassan is the guardian of Jellaz, stationed at the crossroads of two worlds. During the day, we follow Hassan as he greets both the dead and living as well as maintains the space as required - he gardens, builds, cleans, and helps with burial ceremonies. Sometimes he visits crowded neighborhood cafés and blends into life among the living. The injustices and misery that he witnesses outside of Jellaz intrude upon the joy and hope that he feels every day in his enchanted workspace, home, and eventually, deathbed. And then there is Sabrine. She knows what it is like to live a rough and precarious life, and she too is looking for an earthly companion. As Hassan prepares for his own life after death, he shares with us his notes on mercy, memory, and love.
Gardien des mondes 2023