
Popular Drama Movies

Ärztin wider Willen
Ärztin wider Willen
Daughter Lea persuades Véronique to attend her father's funeral in the south of France. It soon turns out that the family is completely at odds.
Ärztin wider Willen 2020
Childhood's End
Childhood's End
A documentary about Matty Turner, a magician and his story. Even Reg liked it...
Childhood's End 2020
Lawrence After Arabia
Lawrence After Arabia
This film is the story of the last years of the life of T.E. Lawrence - Lawrence of Arabia - a scholar, writer, soldier and reluctant hero. Retiring to his cottage in Dorset he hopes to escape his past but is pulled into political intrigue. While he has powerful friends, with his uncompromising manner he has made dangerous enemies. As they plot against him he dies in a tragic motorcycle accident. However, with such enemies was his untimely death an assassination and cover up by the British Secret Service?
Lawrence After Arabia 2020
Miles, a seventeen-year-old teenager, must face his conflict and desires when his subconscious forms a persona made up of his inner thoughts and doubts.
Superego 2020
A young half-Indigenous woman consults with her lawyer about how to present her case. The experience leaves her questioning her identity and her place in society.
Laura 2020
A hole is nothing but what remains around it.
(W)hole 2020
Stairway to Power ~The Road to Prime Minister~ 2
Stairway to Power ~The Road to Prime Minister~ 2
Renji goes to see his father to question Tetsuya's allegations of black-market donations that arose when he launched the Shinseikai. However, Tetsuya's heart condition worsens and he collapses on the spot. Renji's father's death brings an end to the feud between father and son, and Tanigawa persuades him to keep the truth of the allegations to himself, and he decides to follow his father's wishes and become a politician. At the same time, Prime Minister Suzuki dissolved the House of Representatives and called a general election, as ordered by political fixer Oda. With Tanigawa's support, Renji launches his own political activities, but is outnumbered by his opponent, prefectural assemblyman Horiuchi. Renji is again contacted by a mysterious person.
Stairway to Power ~The Road to Prime Minister~ 2 2020
Yariv is a shy photographer charged to take photos at a family birthday. The photographs he takes highlight his problematic relationship with his brother, and increasingly intertwine to his extreme sexual experiences at the gay sauna.
Aloof 2020
The highest peaks of the mountains rage rise above the clouds. The high mountains rage of the mountains rise above the clouds. Sometimes they seem to merge with the sky. There is no god and neither there is devil. We are in the heights of the Peruvian Andes, more than 5000 meters above sea level, where Celestino a peasant hermit undertakes a healing journey with his cow Samichay, from the loneliness and height of the Andes to the chaos of urbanization and villages.
Samichay 2020
Dancing Doll
Dancing Doll
Dancing Doll 2020
The Singer
The Singer
An Iranian family who goes to Istanbul, Turkey. Ibrahim is a nightclub singer who, like other singers of that era, is being removed from the scene with the 1979 revolution. But since Abraham was not well-known at the time, he cannot become a Los Angeles singer. Eventually he becomes the singer of various ceremonies. They just don't agree with us and tell us Motreb
The Singer 2020
The Fisherman's Daughter
The Fisherman's Daughter
In a tiny Azerbaijani fishing village young Sarah's father disappears at sea. Misfortunes abound until the superstitious inhabitants demand a funeral. Rebellious Sarah undertakes one last, and deadly, attempt to find her father.
The Fisherman's Daughter 2020
Left Hook
Prime Video
Left Hook
A reluctant loan shark is forced into an underground, bare knuckle boxing tournament after he and his partner screw up a deal for their boss. On top of his dangerous work life, he must also learn to cope with his broken family.
Left Hook 2020
Rosa Kairo
Rosa Kairo
Around the commune queer bodies dance, smoke, fuck, bleach their hair all full of love. But a farewell shall bring with it the distances between all those who enter and leave.
Rosa Kairo 2020
How We Wake Up
How We Wake Up
Maria enters into a relationship with a nice and caring man, but soon begins to doubt her common sense.
How We Wake Up 2020
Entree Des Artists
Entree Des Artists
A tragic, yet inspiring love story between a young actress and young filmmaker, whose relationship blurs the line between what transpires within the movie screen versus in reality, pushing their artistic endeavor to the brink as they try to create something worthwhile together.
Entree Des Artists 2020
The streets are deserted, they run for peace, but peace is the enemy.
Serenity 2020
There is a wrecked car in the Algerian desert. The girl gets in and drives. Apart from sand, there is nothing to see for miles. Searching for a change of scenery, she visits the elderly in her village and the nearby oasis. However, whether shepherd, merchant or blacksmith, nobody can see what she sees.
Miss 2020
Benevolent Ba
Benevolent Ba
A devout woman's lust for virtue thrusts her family into a sacrificial slaughter of biblical proportions.
Benevolent Ba 2020
Rentang Kisah
Rentang Kisah
From the true experiences of Gita Savitri Devi, an Indonesian student in Germany who discovered Islam in an Islamic minority country and found the closeness of family when they were far apart.
Rentang Kisah 2020
The Presumption of Guilt
The Presumption of Guilt
A group of young people take part in a unique AI experiment in an attempt to create an absolutely impartial court of law. However, the experiment soon turns into an uncontrollable trial of the participants, revealing their true selves and the secrets they desperately try to hide.
The Presumption of Guilt 2020
After a brutal dining room murder in cold blood, the witnesses and murderer share their thoughts with an interviewer.
Henry 2020
The Earth of No Return
The Earth of No Return
Somewhere in an unspecified time, Patrick Mendes presents an initiation ritual in a community at the ends of the earth.
The Earth of No Return 2020
Mecca, I'm Coming
Mecca, I'm Coming
Eddy tries to prove to Eni's father that he's worth it to be Eni's husband by going hajj to Mecca. But something along the way makes the journey has its obstacles.
Mecca, I'm Coming 2020
Caballo de mar
Caballo de mar
Rolo, a sailor tired of life on the high seas, loses his boat in a port town. That same night Leo disappears, a man he had met in a bar. Rolo must find him to get rid of Loyola, a policeman who accuses him of complicity in a robbery.
Caballo de mar 2020
One Day We'll Talk About Today (Director's Cut)
One Day We'll Talk About Today (Director's Cut)
Awan gets pressure from her parents after she meets Kale. This prompted the rebellion of Awan and her two older sister and brother which led to the discovery of a big secret and trauma in their family. Now in Director's Cut with 8 minutes of additional footage.
One Day We'll Talk About Today (Director's Cut) 2020
The Average Color of the Universe
The Average Color of the Universe
In a life severely characterized by loss, a woman is in the borderland between the past and reality. Isolated but surrounded by the natural cycle, memory fragments flicker by and life seems like a vacuum. The boundaries of time and space have been blurred, but she still finds solace in the infinity of the universe and smallness of human.
The Average Color of the Universe 2020
On the Road, Khaosan Tango
On the Road, Khaosan Tango
A man who travels in the past has met a woman who travels the present at Khaosan Road, in Bangkok, Thailand and becomes a porter of her and leaves the road together.
On the Road, Khaosan Tango 2020
Revisiting Hope
Revisiting Hope
An optometrist and a young woman he has just met gradually realize that they are two characters in a story created by a pair of writers.
Revisiting Hope 2020
Doctor Who: Pompadour
Doctor Who: Pompadour
Madame de Pompadour yearns to see the Doctor’s face again...
Doctor Who: Pompadour 2020
Bread and People
Bread and People
Dispossessed in an essay about the daily bread. In a country like Brasil, of such abyssal social inequality as there is here, it's urgent for me in cinema to talk about the class to which I belong, the class-who-lives-on-labor. And, alongside that, about the labor relations, the survival, the unemployment, the increasingly impoverished life, the small popular uprisings and the confrontations with the non natural order of things. In "Bread and People", we deal with ruins. And in the struggle of the old against the new, we face mainly the ruin of an idea of progress, and the debris of a critical anti capitalist art today. We've deepened our investigation of an epic, historical and dialectical cinema, using the materials of inspiration themselves.
Bread and People 2020
An escaped asylum seeker encounters an Aboriginal man on a remote Australian beach. She must decide whether to trust him or  journey on alone.
Ayaan 2020
Prime Video
A brilliant but troubled young man is thrust into a dark underworld when he becomes a pawn in a brutal struggle between two drug lords for a new street drug called LOCO. Alex's only hope comes from a beautiful girl who is also caught up in the scheme, and together they try to escape their dangerous world. A shocking surprise awaits them...because nothing is what it seems to be in the world of LOCO.
Loco 2020
A Bend in the River
Prime Video
A Bend in the River
The story of a writer who returns to Ireland, after spending twenty five years in New York, to confront the ghosts of his past.
A Bend in the River 2020
Thirteen-year-old Lovena, an undocumented immigrant of Haitian descent, has just been crowned chess champion in French Guyana. Her next rival will travel to Brazil to challenge her at a match. The preparation of this duel and unexpected events will drive her into a corner.
Lovena 2020
Young couple wants to hit it big in rap music industy and trending lists by any necessary.
Influencer 2020
A professional dancer struggles with his cravings for human flesh until his 'hambre', or hunger, becomes all encompassing. Accepting his status as an apex predator in human form, he fully embraces his life as a carnivorous hunter.
Hunger 2020
Vilom, a lonely, isolated young man from India, is obsessed with becoming internet-famous and deeply confused about his sexuality. When he moves in with Amay, a dynamic, openly gay hairdresser, and Nivi, a beautiful struggling actress, he finds that they are both slowly falling in love with him. This sudden love triangle leads to even more confusion, forcing Vilom to examine his sexual and romantic wants and needs on an even deeper level. Meanwhile, societal pressures and prejudices are beginning to build just outside the walls of their home.
Vilom 2020
I'll Be Around
Prime Video
I'll Be Around
Against the backdrop of an alt-rock music festival, dozens of struggling thirty-somethings deal with a wide variety of social and philosophical issues in their respective lives.
I'll Be Around 2020
Cook F**k Kill
Cook F**k Kill
Jaroslav is a handsome and seemingly good-natured son, father and decent husband. But in fact he is pathologically jealous of his wife Blanka and very much afraid that she will leave him one day with their three children. Jaroslav and his family do not hesitate to employ violence, deceit and terror against others, which ultimately leads to a family tragedy.
Cook F**k Kill 2020