Power Rangers Season 11

February. 15,2003      TV-G
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Trailer Synopsis

A group of teenagers trained in the arts of the stealthy ninja warrior unite to protect the world from an exiled evil ninja master determined to conquer the world.

Episode 38 : Storm Before the Calm (2)
November. 15,2003
The Rangers must stop Lothor from opening the Abyss of Evil.
Episode 37 : Storm Before the Calm (1)
November. 15,2003
Lothor begins his ultimate plan to take over the Earth.
Episode 36 : Down and Dirty
October. 18,2003
The Bradley brothers get into a huge fight when Blake beats Hunter in a motocross race. Kapri and Marah ask Shimazu to help them take over the ship. Dustin decides to switch from motocross racing to motocross freestyle.
Episode 35 : A Gem of a Day
October. 18,2003
Hunter's secret, that he's kept a few of the Gem of Souls fragments, comes out when Vexacus ambushes him for them. Though his teammates are upset over his hiding this from them, the artifact instead aids Cam in his plans to sneak aboard Lothor's spaceship to free the trapped ninjas! Speaking of which, Lothor has Motodrone spy on Vexacus, leading to a showdown between the two Generals. All of this, plus the Condortron monster!
Episode 34 : General Deception (2)
October. 04,2003
Zurgane's Zord is obliterated by the Rangers, but the General manages to get the data from the Rangers' attacks, and uses it when creating a new Zord, the HyperZurgane Zord! It cripples the Hurricane Megazord, so can the Rangers stall Zurgane long enough for the Zords to be repaired? Even if Zurgane survives the battle, one of his fellow Generals has his own plans about his fate...
Episode 33 : General Deception (1)
October. 04,2003
Tori gives the guys a ride when they decide to go out camping. On the way, they are ambushed, but ultimately choose not to cancel their trip anyway. Meanwhile, Zurgane is ridiculed and his rank is threatened by even Lothor himself so he hatches an interesting plan to eliminate the Rangers, not knowing that Vexacus has plans of his own. Nearly everyone is stunned at how things begin to unfold for Zurgane.
Episode 32 : Eye of the Storm
September. 27,2003
Shane's intimidating big brother comes to town, and accidentally catches him morphing and Motodrone calls a new monster named eyezak who forces people to face their worst fears. The Wind Rangers are forced to face their fears, and the Thunder Rangers are captured.
Episode 31 : Double-Edged Blake
September. 27,2003
Tori is puzzled when Blake disappears a lot for no real reason. No one else seems to know where he is or what he's doing when he's gone. When asked where he has been, he tells them very little. A new monster shows up, and finally the Rangers can see what he's been up to.
Episode 30 : The Wild Wipeout
September. 20,2003
Tori is transported to another dimension where the Rangers are evil. She must join forces with Lothor and his forces to defeat the Rangers and restore peace to the city. After she returns to her own dimension, Blake confesses his feelings for Tori.
Episode 29 : Snip It, Snip It Good
September. 20,2003
Tori is sent on a ninja training mission to find a turtle which holds a scroll to unlock a power disk. While Tori is on this mission Dustin and Shane go to an environmental conference. A monster named the Sinpster shows up who cuts of the bonds between Shane and Dustin while Tori is encounters Marah and Kapri. After the fight the big guns come out and a new power disk is in action the turtle mace.
Episode 28 : Shimazu Returns (2)
August. 23,2003
Cameron uses the Ranger's power discs to enter a mysterious realm where he discovers a weapon that could turn the tide in the battle against the Wolfblades, the Lighting Riff Blaster. When the Wolfblades attack again, the Rangers are forced to contend with them in their Zords with no additional discs, can Cameron activate the Blaster's powers in time?
Episode 27 : Shimazu Returns (1)
August. 16,2003
Motodrone accidentally brings to life an ancient statue, releasing an ancient evil known as Shimazu. The Rangers are forced to contend with ferocious wolf-like monsters unleashed by this new threat, but is their strength enough?
Episode 26 : Shane's Karma (2)
August. 09,2003
Shane receives a powerful gift from Skyla, while the Rangers continue to fight Zurgane Zord.
Episode 25 : Shane's Karma (1)
August. 09,2003
It's a special day for Tori, and the Rangers get a day off when Sensei decides to take a little trip. Shane, plagued by nightmares, comes to Tori for advice and heeds it to her chagrin. There's only one person who can help Shane, and that person is someone from the past.
Episode 24 : Brothers in Arms
August. 02,2003
Motodrone is born via a real mechanical genius, Perry, who comes into the scenario when Hunter's bike gets trashed during a race. Motodrone takes Hunter. Cam matches the DNA of Motodrone and finds out that he is Perry. Blake and Cam save Hunter who destroys Motodrone and saves Perry. Zurgane finds Motordrones pieces and takes them to Lothor's ship, where he is reassembled and brought back to life.
Episode 23 : Tongue and Cheek
August. 02,2003
Dustin uses his Yellow Ranger powers to protect Storm Chargers from a big sports company. Kelli tells a newspaper about it and Dustin becomes famous. Shane becomes jealous of Dustin's newfound fame and Dustin begins to grows a big head. When Hunter, Tori, and Blake get captured by a stamp monster, Dustin and Shane are forced to work together in order to defeat the monster and save their friends.
Episode 22 : Sensei Switcheroo
July. 26,2003
Cam is overwhelmed by the desire to have a human father so much so that he decides to try to bring his father back to his normal human self. After Shane and Sensei accidentally switch bodies, Sensei must go into battle as the Red Ranger while Shane must stay and watch. Cam attempts to fix it but another setback makes Sensei and Dustin switch bodies. Meanwhile, Marah and Kapri try to destroy the power rangers all on their own and are completely confused by the rangers newfound skills.
Episode 21 : All About Beevil
July. 05,2003
Dustin feels like everyone thinks he's stupid when he apparently loses his bike. Meanwhile, Marah feels left out when her new friend Beevil joins the crowd and leaves only to run into Dustin who gives her a suggestion to make her consider her options. In return, she gives him something that is supposed to help the Rangers defeat her uncle. Can Dustin trust Marah or is it all a trick?
Episode 20 : Good Will Hunter
June. 28,2003
Hunter is disappointed when he becomes a mentor to a boy, Charlie, who resents him after losing his dad. He feels a kinship with this young boy when he discovers that they have something in common but is frustrated that he can't get though to him. Meanwhile, everyone's in trouble when Marah and Kapri lose Lothor's P.A.M.. Confusion arises when strange things begin to happen during the Rangers' battles. Finally, Marah and Kapri find Lothor's P.A.M. when it falls into the hands of Charlie who, naturally, doesn't recognize it for what it is. Fortunately, he's a lot smarter than the two of them.
Episode 19 : I Love Lothor
June. 21,2003
In an attempt to win over the hearts and minds of the Earth, Lothor and Mr. Ratwell produce a sitcom and administer a love potion.
Episode 18 : Scent of a Ranger
June. 14,2003
Cam's personality has turned around completely to the point that he's more like Dustin than, say, himself. He's better than all the other Rangers at everything. However, he doesn't seem remotely interested in being a Ranger anymore. Meanwhile, there's a new monster in town that is turning people into perfumes and trapping them in bottles. The Rangers get frustrated when Dustin and Tori are captured, and Cam does nothing to help. Imagine their surprise when another Cam shows up.
Episode 17 : The Samurai's Journey (3)
June. 07,2003
The Rangers are reeling from the latest surprise when they are ambushed by Lothor. They barely manage to escape and retrieve their powers when each of them is forced to fight a monster alone. Cam is stung and almost turned into a bug. Sensei reveals to him how to undo the spell, which seems impossible. In the end, it takes all the Rangers split into two groups to save the city.
Episode 16 : The Samurai's Journey (2)
May. 31,2003
Cam finds himself at least thirty years in the past. There are many more surprises in store for the young warrior when he meets his mom and dad as teenagers, and discovers that his father has a brother, Kiya! Kiya is determined to take a mesmerizing emerald amulet from Miko, Cam's mother. Cam interferes with his attempt and is later accused when it appears that Cam has stolen the amulet. His father, Kanoi, uncovers the truth which leads to a face-off between Cam and Kiya. It is revealed that Kiya was the banished ninja who is now reborn as Lothor. Later, time runs out and Cam reluctantly leaves to save the other Rangers, armed with a special gift from his mother which is the Samurai Amulet. Meanwhile, the spell that froze time so that Cam could time travel to the past is wearing off, leaving the powerless Rangers to face a gigantic monster. Cam becomes the Green Ranger & help the other Rangers.
Episode 15 : The Samurai's Journey (1)
May. 24,2003
Cam resents not being a Ranger and wishes to prove himself worthy of joining them, hating how his father is too overprotective to allow him that chance. It's up to Cam to save the day though when the Rangers are stripped of their powers by the mighty Metropilis, forcing Cam to go on a dangerous quest to the past to find the only thing that can save the world and that is the Samurai amulet
Episode 14 : Pork Chopped
May. 17,2003
Tori wants to hang out with Blake and Hunter but already has plans with Shane and Dustin. Rather than break plans with either group, she decides to do both with no one being any the wiser. It gets harder than expected between rushing back and forth and trying to explain her sudden disappearances. It turns out to be a good thing though, especially when a monster appears and traps Blake and Hunter.
Episode 13 : Boxing Bopp-A-Roo
May. 10,2003
The Rangers have agreed to work together to defeat Lothor. But there's still some conflicts. Shane and Hunter are finding it hard to work with each other. And with a competition coming up, they're both trying to out do the other. Sensei teaches them to work together.
Episode 12 : Return of Thunder (4)
May. 03,2003
Choobo blames the Thunder Rangers for his punishment and will stop at nothing to seek revenge, capturing them when they go out for a ride to decide if they will accept Tori, Shane, and Dustin's tempting offer. They are freed thanks to their new friends, but things take a turn for the worse when Choobo reveals just how powerful he truly is by casting a spell to control the Wind Rangers so that they will destroy the Thunder Rangers against their will! Will the Wind Rangers be able to break free from his grip?
Episode 11 : Return of Thunder (3)
April. 26,2003
Blake is much more eager to save his brother than the Wind Rangers are, but they help anyway especially when they realize that the island is sinking. They find Hunter who struggles to find himself in his rage, forcing Blake to take matters into his own hands. Cam discovers where the Rangers are and contacts them; the Rangers find that there's only one way to make it off the island, but it's very risky. The Wind and Thunder Rangers have to work together but they're running out of time!
Episode 10 : Return of Thunder (2)
April. 19,2003
Temperatures across the globe are dropping at an alarming rate, while the confused Rangers find themselves on an island. Lothor looks on gleefully as the Thunder Rangers battle the Wind Rangers until Blake and Hunter begin to come to their senses. A creature is sent down that is more formidable than ever; and the Rangers find that they have to get off the island before it sinks! Things take a turn for the worse when Hunter falls under a powerful spell that sends him on a murderous rampage for his brother, who is barely saved in time by the Wind Rangers.
Episode 9 : Return of Thunder (1)
April. 12,2003
Tori misses Blake so much that she decides to go for a ride and ends up running into Blake, and he has something to tell her. She later talks to Shane and Dustin about what she's learned, but they are hesitant. Meanwhile, Hunter and Blake make their way on to Lothor's ship, and things go awry. When the Rangers battle another of Lothor's creations, they are in for the surprise of their lives....and then they disappear without a trace.
Episode 8 : Nowhere to Grow
March. 29,2003
The Power Rangers defend the city against Florabundacus, an evil monster who tries to destroy the world with carnivorous plants.
Episode 7 : Thunder Strangers (3)
March. 22,2003
When Hunter and Blake meet the ghosts of their parents in the Cavern of Lost Ninjas they learn that Lothor is responsible for their parents' deaths, not Sensei.
Episode 6 : Thunder Strangers (2)
March. 15,2003
The Amphibidor monster tries to drain the city dry. Hunter and Blake reveal that they are the Thunder Rangers.
Episode 5 : Thunder Strangers (1)
March. 08,2003
The Thunder Rangers use the Tsunami Cycles and their Thunder Megazord to try and defeat the Wind Rangers.
Episode 4 : Looming Thunder
March. 01,2003
The others question Dustin's commitment to the Rangers when it seems he is spending too much time with his new motocross buddies, Blake and Hunter.
Episode 3 : Beauty and the Beach
February. 22,2003
Tori is upset at being considered one of the guys and wishes to appear more feminine rather than tom boyish. She turns to Sensei for advice but is disappointed. Lothor's nieces use this to trick her into going to a "fashion shoot". She is trapped while an impostor goes to find Shane and Dustin and the headquarters. This is the first time the Rangers use the "Lightning Mode" of the Megazord.
Episode 2 : There’s No "I" in Team
February. 15,2003
When Shane decides to take on the Mad Magnet monster by himself, he learns that it takes teamwork and trust to overcome obstacles and maintain friendships.
Episode 1 : Prelude to a Storm
February. 15,2003
When all the Ninja Academies in the world are destroyed by Lothor, only three young students, Shane, Tori and Dustin are not captured. Their Sensei gives them the powers to become the Wind Ninja Power Rangers and the daunting mission of saving the world.


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When Lord Zedd returns more powerful than ever, Team Cosmic Fury takes to the cosmos to battle the emperor of evil — and save the universe as we know it.
Season 30 2023
Season 29
The Power Rangers band together with mighty new Dino Keys to stop more squads of Sporix beasts — and revived enemies out for revenge.
Season 29 2022
Season 28
When an army of powerful alien beings is unleashed on Earth threatening life as we know it, a brand-new team of Power Rangers, fueled by the pre-historic power of the dinosaurs, are recruited to deal with the threat.
Season 28 2021
Season 27
As Evox builds his army to overtake Earth, the Rangers must stop him with new zords, enhanced abilities and unexpected allies.
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Season 26
Set in the future, a secret agency combines a newly discovered substance called “Morph-X” with animal DNA to create the Power Rangers Beast Morphers team. The Rangers must fight off an evil sentient computer virus bent on taking over the source of all Ranger power, the Morphin Grid itself.
Season 26 2019
Season 25
With Galvanax’s defeat and Brody and Aiden’s reunion with their father, all finally seems to be safe in Summer Cove. But when the Rangers are alerted to Madame Odius’ presence on Earth, they discover that she has obtained the powerful Ninja Super Steel and is still after the Ninja Nexus Prism! Luckily the Rangers are able to use the powerful new steel to create brand new Ninja Power Stars. It’s going to take everything in the arsenal, including brand new Megazords, to protect the Ninja Nexus Prism and defeat Odius once and for all!
Season 25 2018
Season 24
Deep in space, Galvanax is the reigning champion of the most popular game show in the universe, “Galaxy Warriors”. Galvanax sends his warrior contestants to Earth to steal the Ninja Power Stars, where each battle against the Power Rangers is broadcast throughout the universe. The Power Rangers must master their arsenal of Ninja Power Stars, Zords and Megazords to stop this evil threat and save Earth from destruction.
Season 24 2017
Season 23
The Power Rangers continue their search for the Energems after Sledge’s defeat, but soon learn that his most dangerous prisoner, the evil Heckyl, survived! In light of this new threat, Kendall creates a powerful new Dino Charger that unlocks the Red Ranger’s T-Rex Super Charge mode! It will take every Zord, Megazord, and Dino Charger in the Power Rangers’ arsenal to finally unite all ten Energems and save the universe!
Season 23 2016
Season 22
Millions of years ago, an intergalactic bounty hunter named Sledge tried desperately to capture the 10 mysterious Energems, each capable of filling whomever possessed them with incredible powers. Keeper, the wise and ancient guardian of the Energems, entrusted each Energem to the Earth's mightiest beasts, the dinosaurs, for protection. Centuries later after the dinosaurs went extinct, some of the Energems were discovered by humans. Those who proved worthy gained the ability to morph into Power Rangers. But now, Sledge has returned and has vowed to capture the Energems at all costs. It is up to the Power Rangers Dino Charge to hunt down the rest of the Energems and defeat Sledge once and for all!
Season 22 2015
Season 21
Ruthless Prince Vekar has arrived with his massive alien Armada to conquer the earth. To face this new threat, Gosei gives the MEGAFORCE RANGERS special Morphers and Keys, which allow them to morph into SUPER MEGAFORCE RANGERS! Using these special Keys, they also have the amazing new ability to morph into any team of Legendary Rangers from the past. Super-sized villains, super-sized powers and action-packed adventure can only mean one thing: the all-new POWER RANGERS SUPER MEGAFORCE has arrived!
Season 21 2014
Season 20
For centuries, the earth has been protected by a supernatural guardian named Gosei and his robotic aide, Tensou. When the evil Warstar aliens plan a massive invasion of Earth, Gosei calls upon five teenagers with talent and attitude to form the ultimate team…the Power Rangers Megaforce! Using their newfound special abilities, mega-weapons, high-tech Zords and giant Megazords to battle this new alien threat, the Power Rangers Megaforce prove that “Earth's defenders never surrender!” Go Go Megaforce!
Season 20 2013
Season 19
The Samurai Power Rangers continue their battle against the evil Master Xandred who has now joined forces with the malevolent Serrator. To fight this growing threat, the Samurai Rangers learn to use the legendary Black Box to form all new Megazord combinations and become Super Samurai. Through teamwork, they also learn to invoke the power of their ancestors to morph into Shogun Mode and protect humanity from the Netherworld's vile villains.
Season 19 2012
Season 18
A new generation of Power Rangers must master the ancient Symbols of Samurai Power which give them control over the elements of Fire, Water, Sky, Forest, and Earth. Under the guidance of their all-knowing mentor and the aid of their devoted animal Zords, they battle the dark forces of the Netherworld and a mysterious Warrior bent on destruction.
Season 18 2011
Season 17
In a bleak near future, the Venjix Computer Network and its robot armies have almost completely conquered the world. In the dome-shielded city of Corinth, a group of heroes equipped with high tech Racing Performance Machines fight a desperate battle for survival as the Power Rangers RPM.
Season 17 2009
Season 16
When the ancient evil spirit Dai Shi returns to wipe out all humans, a trio of teenagers must learn secret kung fu styles based on the world's most ferocious jungle animals to become Power Rangers and save the world.
Season 16 2008
Season 15
When an archaeologist finds a legendary artifact known as the Corona Aurora, or ‘Crown of the Gods,' two ancient evil brothers, Flurious and Moltor, travel to Earth, stopping at nothing to obtain its limitless power. It's up to the Power Rangers – an elite team of treasure-hunters – to travel the globe to find the ancient jewels that power the crown before Flurious and Moltor's minions can find them first.
Season 15 2007
Season 14
Legend says when the Darkness arises, five brave teen Sorcerers will be called to fight for the planet's survival. With guidance from their wise mentor and the ancient Xenotome, Book of the Unknown, they will embark on magical adventures, befriend mystical dragons, battle dangerous beasts, encounter pure evil, and transform into the Power Rangers Mystic Force.
Season 14 2006
Season 13
In the near future, an elite police force of Power Rangers dedicated to justice fight to save the Earth from an alien invasion led by Emperor Gruumm.
Season 13 2005
Season 12
When the wicked Mesogog attempts to revert the Earth back to a prehistoric age of dinosaurs, legendary veteran Ranger Tommy Oliver returns to action. Recruiting a soccer prodigy, a computer expert, and a fledgling musician to harness their own powers derived from dinosaurs, they must unite as the Power Rangers Dino Thunder to protect the Earth.
Season 12 2004
Season 11
A group of teenagers trained in the arts of the stealthy ninja warrior unite to protect the world from an exiled evil ninja master determined to conquer the world.
Season 11 2003
Season 10
As the Earth's environment weakens from modern pollution, a long forgotten evil known as Master Org reawakens to destroy Mother Nature. The mythical Wild Zords – mammoth animals of yesteryear thought to be extinct – choose a team of brave youths to defend the Earth as the Power Rangers Wild Force.
Season 10 2002
Season 9
Fugitive mutants from the distant future escape to the present to unleash a wave of crime against a helpless world but the futuristic police force known as the Power Rangers Time Force travel across time to save the past, present, and future.
Season 9 2001
Season 8
After 5000 years of imprisonment, the demon armies of Diabolico threaten to destroy the human race, prompting a secret government agency called Lightspeed Rescue to recruit a team of heroes to protect the world as the newest Power Rangers.
Season 8 2000
Season 7
Terra Venture – a space ship so massive it contains a city inside – embarks on an interstellar voyage to settle human pioneers on a distant planet. A new team of Power Rangers defends the space colony from the alien armies of Trakeena in a saga that will take them to undiscovered worlds and even other galaxies.
Season 7 1999
Season 6
After defending the Earth against wave after wave of alien invasions, the Power Rangers finally take the fight to the stars. With all of their villains united under the banner of the titanic villain Dark Specter, our heroes search the galaxy for their captured mentor Zordon.
Season 6 1998
Season 5
The pirate queen Divatox wages war against an all new team of Power Rangers equipped with futuristic cars built for high speed battle.
Season 5 1997
Season 4
The tyrannical Machine Empire arrives to conquer Earth. Drawing on newfound powers from the legendary Zeo Crystals, the Power Rangers are reborn stronger than before.
Season 4 1996
Season 3
Rita Repulsa's twisted family members Rito Revolto and Master Vile join forces with Lord Zedd and Rita to step up their plan to conquer Earth. Learning the mystical arts of the ninja from the sage Ninjor, the Power Rangers battle on with magical martial arts abilities against the greatest threat of their lives.
Season 3 1995
Season 2
The evil Lord Zedd arrives on the Moon, intent on conquering Earth. To protect the world, the Power Rangers will need new Thunder Zords, new ‘teenagers with attitude,' and the help of the brand new White Ranger and his ferocious White Tiger Zord.
Season 2 1994
Season 1
Alien sorceress Rita Repulsa and her army of monsters emerge from space to conquer Earth. All that stands in their way are five teenagers with attitude who draw on dinosaur powers to transform into the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Season 1 1993

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