Prime Video
Science Fiction


Rocket Ship
Prime Video
Rocket Ship
A heavy condensation of the 1936 serial Flash Gordon, with altered musical score. Flash Gordon, Dale Arden and Dr. Hans Zarkov visit the planet Mongo to thwart the evil schemes of Emperor Ming the Merciless, who has set his planet on a collision course with Earth.
Rocket Ship 1938
Prime Video
Decades after a meteorite destroys much of life on Earth, young survivor Ryan Murphy travels to a military base as a new recruit. However, Murphy is really an agent investigating strange occurrences at the base, which is ruled by the unforgiving Sgt. Bradley. As Murphy trains with his fellow recruits and secretly looks into the disappearance of a friend, he uncovers a shocking secret that may change the fate of humankind.
Absolution 1997
Kiss Me Monster
Prime Video
Kiss Me Monster
On an island somewhere in the Caribbean a professor is experimenting with mankind. Meanwhile, The Red Lips are moonlighting on a striptease world tour, but as soon as they hit the stage, the girls are up to their pasties in stiffs, Satanists and Sapphic sadists, all after the professor's secret formula for human clones!
Kiss Me Monster 1969
Yesterday Was a Lie
Prime Video
Yesterday Was a Lie
Hoyle, a girl with a sharp mind and a weakness for bourbon, finds herself on the trail of a reclusive genius. Along the way, her reality becomes disconnected and surreal. Her loyal partner and an ethereal lounge singer help her along the way, but ultimately she must turn within and confront her own shadow.
Yesterday Was a Lie 2009
Ghost Source Zero
Prime Video
Ghost Source Zero
The Artificial Intelligence Revolution is happening, and America is watching it on their Living Wall flat screens and Genius Phones. Homeland Security's Cyber Crime Division is the only thing trying to stop the 'bots and 'borgs from taking over.
Ghost Source Zero 2017
Lightning: Bolts of Destruction
Prime Video
Lightning: Bolts of Destruction
A meteorologist and her family work feverishly to find a way to extinguish a storm that threatens to destroy mankind.
Lightning: Bolts of Destruction 2003
Prime Video
Still guilt-ridden over the accident that took his family's lives, Eric Norris discovers that his body is host to a parasite from another world. Except, it is more than a parasite: it carries his DNA.
InAlienable 2008
The Alpha Incident
Prime Video
The Alpha Incident
A space probe brings back a micro-organism from Mars which terrorizes passengers at a railhead.
The Alpha Incident 1978
Prime Video
The future of humanity hangs in the balance, as both sides race against time to find the bloodline of Judas Iscariot.
Loophole 2019
The Adventures of the American Rabbit
Prime Video
The Adventures of the American Rabbit
To fight evil, a young rabbit can transform into a star spangled superhero.
The Adventures of the American Rabbit 1986
Cold Fusion
Prime Video
Cold Fusion
A UFO is shot down over Russia in the 1970s and the wreckage is taken to a secret research facility. When the Soviet Union collapses, the alien technology falls into the hands of a mysterious terrorist organisation, which uses it to create a devastating doomsday weapon. A team of secret agents is sent to stop the carnage.
Cold Fusion 2011
Reigo: King of the Sea Monsters
Prime Video
Reigo: King of the Sea Monsters
Set in World War II, the film depicts the story of the real-life Japanese battleship, the Yamato, which is confronted in the Pacific Ocean by giant monsters, including the most fearsome of them all, Reigo.
Reigo: King of the Sea Monsters 2008
Prime Video
Waking up in a nearly empty room, Bill has strange recollections of his father's death and a car crash, and occasional paranoid delusions. Ann, a psychologist, tries to help him make sense of it all.
Final 2001
The History of Time Travel
Prime Video
The History of Time Travel
A fictional documentary about the creation of the world's first time machine, the men who created it, and the unintended ramifications it has on world events.
The History of Time Travel 2014
Prime Video
A supernatural battle for souls plays out on the streets with lots of guns and knives.
Hellbinders 2009
Universal Soldiers
Prime Video
Universal Soldiers
Set on an island in an undisclosed location, a top secret U.S. government program to create genetically modified super soldiers goes awry when the unstable test subjects escape from their holding cells and wreak havoc.
Universal Soldiers 2007
Plan 9
Prime Video
Plan 9
Plan 9 is the story of Nilbog, a small town with a big story. The beginning of an invasion! However, instead of lasers, space ships, and epic force, these aliens have a different plan for the inhabitants of Earth. To resurrect their dead as their own army set with but one goal… To wipe out all mankind! Only the townsfolk on this Halloween night stand in the way of total domination. From the police department, to those trapped in a convenient store, and even those trying to stay alive in the streets, this night will decide the fates of all who walk the planet and thought they were the top of the food chain.
Plan 9 2015
Crime Zone
Prime Video
Crime Zone
In a post-nuclear future, crime has been eliminated in the city of Soleil through a strict class structure imposed upon the population. Two illegal young lovers are enticed into becoming criminals by a shady guy who promises them a way out of the city so they can continue their lives in peace.
Crime Zone 1989
Shark Huntress
Prime Video
Shark Huntress
Shelia, an environmentalist venturing into the deep sea to capitalize on the billion-dollar plastic industry encounters deadly enhanced sharks. She wants revenge… it wants blood.
Shark Huntress 2021
Planet Outlaws
Prime Video
Planet Outlaws
A 20th Century pilot named Buck Rogers and his young friend Buddy Wade awake from 500 years in suspended animation to find that the world has been taken over by the outlaw army of Killer Kane. Feature version of the film serial Buck Rogers by Universal Pictures, 1940.
Planet Outlaws 1953
Extinction: The G.M.O. Chronicles
Prime Video
Extinction: The G.M.O. Chronicles
A Retrovirus, which was conceived as a tool for industrial genetic engineering, has gotten out of control and is spreading rapidly. While it crosses all organisms within our ecological system completely indiscriminately (mixing plant with animal and humans) most plants prove more resistant because of their complex DNA. However, the simple genes of the plants lead humans to become grotesque mutations, in most cases even to death. Within one week, 90% of mankind are either extinct or no longer human. However, a small fraction of the earth?s population remains immune to the virus and must survive in this new and constantly changing ecological system. Tom cellar is one the survivors and on an old military base in the Eifel he has entrenched himself. Further survivors come together and succeed in carving out a life in this new world. But the GMOs - the ?genetically modified organisms? - constantly develop themselves further, and soon the fence of the base offers no more protection.
Extinction: The G.M.O. Chronicles 2011
Invasion, U.S.A.
Prime Video
Invasion, U.S.A.
A group of American witness the deadly invasion of the United States by the Soviet Union.
Invasion, U.S.A. 1952
Prime Video
A distraught college student finds a phone that enables her to talk to her deceased mother in the past. Instead of a heart attack, she learns that her mother was murdered. She tries to use the phone to stop the murder from occurring before the killer finds and kills her too.
Disconnect 2010
Gas! -Or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It.
Prime Video
Gas! -Or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It.
A gas is let loose upon the world that kills anyone over 25 years old.
Gas! -Or- It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It. 1970
A Living Dog
Prime Video
A Living Dog
The war between mankind and intelligent machines has begun - and the machines are winning. Tomasz is a deserter who tries to hide as far away from the battle as possible. In the vast emptiness of northern Scandinavia he meets Lilja, the last survivor of a resistance group, who is determined to fight the superior machines. With every minute that passes the machines get closer, searching for the last remains of the human race. And the enemy doesn't just shoot on sight - their perfect sensors are programmed to recognize human voice patterns. So if you speak or even whisper - you die.
A Living Dog 2019
Prime Video
Earth's position in the universe has become of vital strategic importance to those who have, until now, only studied us from the far reaches of space. Knowing our weaknesses, they have planned their attack, and now, in just 5 days, life on Earth will change forever. Robert Casey, a retired US Intelligence agent turned UFO investigator, races to discover the truth about the Dominion and what it has in store for the human race. Time is running out...
Dominion 2015
Apocalypse Rising
Prime Video
Apocalypse Rising
A human girl and her warrior comrades from another world travel to Earth to save humanity from an impending apocalypse.
Apocalypse Rising 2018
Aimy in a Cage
Prime Video
Aimy in a Cage
A teenage orphan and delinquent rebels against her evil family during a global virus outbreak.
Aimy in a Cage 2016
Prime Video
In the future, national boundaries have been broken down and two giant super-states remain—the bleak, oppressive, and totalitarian "Hemisphere," and the sprawling and futuristic "Megaville." Megaville has an elected president, but the entire system is rife with corruption. All forms of media are encouraged in Megaville, but this freedom has aided moral decay with the distribution of pornography and violent movies. Outside Megaville lies the Hemisphere; whereas Megaville is clean and ordered, the Hemisphere is in a state of decay. Travel from the Hemisphere to Megaville is restricted with few exceptions to the powerful. An outwardly totalitarian regime governs the daily life of civilians in the Hemisphere and the people live in fear of the "CKS" (the secret police). All forms of media are illegal in the Hemisphere. CC
Megaville 1992
The Bed Sitting Room
Prime Video
The Bed Sitting Room
In the hazy aftermath of World War III, the fallout from a 'nuclear misunderstanding' is producing strange mutations amongst the survivors, and the noble Lord Fortnum finds himself transforming into a bed sitting room.
The Bed Sitting Room 1969
Vegas in Space
Prime Video
Vegas in Space
Three male soldiers have a sex change so they can go on an undercover mission to an all-woman planet, where they must uncover and foil a plot to disrupt the most important pleasure planet in the universe.
Vegas in Space 1991
Quarantine L.A.
Prime Video
Quarantine L.A.
Seven strangers try to survive in the aftermath of a devastating outbreak. They must band together to escape from an isolated Los Angeles that has been hit by a virus that dramatically alters infected humans.
Quarantine L.A. 2016
Prime Video
Led by Major John Cafferty, a squad of US soldiers are sent on a mission,deep into the mountainous regions of Afghanistan with orders to extract a mysterious top secret package. Now they are back home in a military hospital because they have no memory of what happened to them, or even who they are. In time, they start to recall the strange events that occurred: apparitions that appeared, luring some of them to their deaths and readings of a powerful electromagnetic energy from a strange unearthly power source. But there is no time to dwell on the past, they need to face the bitter truth about how they ended up in Afghanistan to begin with and the betrayals that wiped out their minds and nearly destroyed their lives.
Painkillers 2015
The Black Sleep
Prime Video
The Black Sleep
In 19th century England, a noted brain surgeon rescues a former student from being hanged on a false conviction for murder, and spirits him away to an ancient, repurposed abbey far in the countryside. There, he connives his pupil into assisting him in mapping the functions of the various parts of the human brain, using living subjects who are under a terrible animation-suspending drug called "black sleep". Subsequently, the student, along with the daughter of one of the subjects, discover that most of these subjects have survived but are being kept in a dungeon-like cellar, in various stages of physical and mental derangement...
The Black Sleep 1956
Old Strangers
Prime Video
Old Strangers
Three friends reconnect in a secluded mountain town after a long quarantine. While out for a hike, the trio stumble upon something dark and terrible in the deep woods.
Old Strangers 2022
Lethal Target
Prime Video
Lethal Target
A female marshal goes undercover on a deathtrap starship to prevent a terrifying alien invasion.
Lethal Target 1999
Mars Needs Women
Prime Video
Mars Needs Women
Tommy Kirk leads his fellow Martians to Earth on an interplanetary quest for females. Kirk proves that Martians have impeccable taste when one of his first conquests turns out to be sexy scientist Yvonne Craig.
Mars Needs Women 1968
Prime Video
After his family is murdered, and he's left for dead, a farmer awakens in the desert and finds himself transformed into a savage warrior, with all the powers and skills of the ancient gods. Guided by his "spirit masters" he's given a mission; destroy Tital Corporation, the world's most powerful high-tech computer company and its ambitious leader, Michael Burroughs. Burrough's has discovered the technological remains of an ancient race and a secret that will allow him to open the Vortex and achieve immortality. Out in the desert, ancient powers collide with sophisticated technology as the Savage and Burroughs meet in a titanic struggle that could destroy mankind.
Savage 1997
Trump vs the Illuminati
Prime Video
Trump vs the Illuminati
A Chinese clone of 45th U.S. president, Donald J. Trump, survives the Earth's destruction by escaping his maximum security lab and stowing-away aboard the last Chinese space-bound shuttle. Hundreds of years into the future the human race fights for its survival against Illuminati forces. Following a prophecy, Trump's clone joins forces with the surviving human allies to bring the battle straight to the Illuminati headquarters in hell. But when Donald Trump meets Satan himself, he'll be in for the fight of his life.
Trump vs the Illuminati 2020
Subject Two
Prime Video
Subject Two
A doctor invents a resurrection formula and tests it by killing his assistant over and over and over again
Subject Two 2006