Dynasty Season 8

September. 23,1987      TV-PG
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The saga of a wealthy Denver family in the oil business: Blake Carrington, the patriarch; Krystle, his former secretary and wife; his children: Adam, lost in childhood after a kidnapping; Fallon, pampered and spoiled; Steven, openly gay; and Amanda, hidden from him by his ex-wife, the conniving Alexis. Most of the show features the conflict between 2 large corporations, Blake's Denver Carrington and Alexis' ColbyCo.

Episode 22 : Colorado Roulette
March. 30,1988
Adam is absolved of suspicion in the kidnapping of his son when Leslie calls him to say that Sean has taken the baby and is holding her captive. Finding the location of the call through a wire tap, Adam and Steven hurry to the desolate mountain cabin. They find Leslie badly beaten, but Sean has already taken the baby. Chasing after him, Adam and .Steven find him and get back the baby, but not before Sean is able to escape. Jealous that Jeff has fallen in love with Sammy Jo, Fallon stops by Jeff's apartment. When a heated argument turns passionate, their lust for each other becomes uncontrollable. Answering a knock at his door after he and Fallon have made love, Jeff is stunned to find Sammy Jo with champagne, ready to toast her decision to marry him. Sean returns to Alexis' apartment to kill her and take revenge for his father's suicide. Grappling with all the uncertainty in his life and Sammy Jo's current love affair with Jeff, Steven decides to leave Denver. Confident the judge will
Episode 21 : The Proposal
March. 16,1988
Dana tries desperately to convince Adam how much she wants their son. She proposes that if they were a loving couple again, the judge would find in their favor. Still hurting from her outburst in court, Adam is cold to her pleas. Out of a job and money, Leslie comes to Alexis, asking for forgiveness. Amused by her change of heart but unmoved to compassion, Alexis sends Leslie away. Waiting pensively for the judge's decision on his son's custody, Adam is stung by Jesse and Karen's in-court announcement that they are going to reconcile their marriage. Sammy Jo is caught off guard by Jeff's marriage proposal. Turning to Krystle for advice, she is blunt in reminding Sammy Jo how uncomfortable their marriage would be for the family. Unable to tolerate Adam's abuse, Dana firmly places the blame on him for their failing marriage. Dana leaves Adam, making Jesse and Karen probable winners in their custody suit. Sean returns to Alexis' apartment to kill her, but sneaks out when Dex arrives to co
Episode 20 : The Trial
March. 09,1988
Following his near fatal brush with death in Natumbe, Blake returns to Colorado facing accusations that he was involved in an illegal weapons deal. Concerned that the bad press will harm his campaign, Fallon and Steven fly to Natumbe to find proof that will clear their father's name. As Karen's custody suit draws near, Alexis discovers proof that Sean paid Jesse to return to Denver. Bringing the evidence into the courtroom, Alexis proves Jesse acted out of greed in influencing Karen's decision to keep the baby. Tortured by the pain the custody suit has caused everyone, Dana blurts out that Karen is the rightful mother. Devastated by her outburst, Adam moves out of their bedroom. After Leslie discovers Jeff's divorce is final, she throws herself at him. But after he abruptly puts an end to their relationship, Leslie is left broken hearted. Jeff stops by Blake's campaign headquarters to patch up their differences. Mutually regretful for their separation, Jeff asks to return as Blake's ma
Episode 19 : The Scandal
March. 02,1988
Certain Sean is intent on exacting revenge for his father's death, Alexis warns Blake that their family may be at risk. Taking Dex with him, Blake leaves for Natumbe to uncover Sean's mysterious dealings with the Vitron oil deal. After waking up from a passion fIlled night with Jeff, Sammy Jo begins to fear her affair with him will harm her and Fallon's friendship. Uncertain of her future with Jeff, and not wanting to get hurt, Sammy Jo asks him to keep their romance a secret until they know for certain what they are feeling is permanent. Returning to Denver to capitalize on Alexis' bid for political office, Neal McVane is paid an unexpected visit from Adam. Forcing McVane to name his source on the Carrington kidnapping, Adam finds him and questions him on what he knows. To his great satisfaction, Adam learns that he truly was the Carrington baby that was kidnapped. His elation is short lived, however, when he is served papers for Karen's custody suit to keep the baby. Blake and Dex di
Episode 18 : Adam's Son
February. 10,1988
After walking in on Adam and Jesse locked in a bitter fight, Karen falls to the floor with labor pains. Waiting pensively at the hospital, neither Adam nor Jesse can let go of their overwhelming resentment for each other. Jeff resigns as Blake's campaign manager after Blake voices his displeasure over Jeff's tactics in maneuvering into Denver- Carrington. Reconfirming his alliance to Blake, Jeff turns down Alexis' offer to come to work for her. Accompanying Sammy Jo to Los Angeles for a horse auction, Jeff stops by her hotel suite after spending the day together at the beach. Feeling herself falling in love with Jeff, she allows herself to surrender to his passionate kisses. Sean threatens to kill Leslie if she quits her job at Colbyco, fearing it would confirm Alexis' suspicions about their affair. Scared for her own safety, Leslie turns to Dex, telling him she knows Sean's true identity. Suspecting Sean is seeking vengeance for his father's suicide, Dex warns Alexis. Not wanting to b
Episode 17 : The Warning
February. 03,1988
Alexis waits for the right moment to crush Sean and Leslie's intimacy. Suspecting that Alexis knows about her and Sean's passionate rendezvous, Leslie vows to take Sean down with her if she loses her job. Outraged by her threat, Sean plants a venomous snake in her hotel room. Arriving just in time, he grabs the snake and holds it close to her, emphasizing his distaste for the game she is playing. Fearful that Jesse will complicate the legal procedures for taking custody of Karen's surrogate baby, Adam bribes him to leave town. Finding out about the bribe, Karen loses all faith in Jesse and his promise that he has changed. Realizing his mistake, Jesse gives the money back. After hearing Jesse tell Adam all he wants is Karen, Sean warns him to keep their bargain to make Adam's life a living hell by suing for custody of Karen's child. Despite the attempt to ignore her feelings for Jeff by putting her energies into Delta Rho, Sammy Jo can't stop herself from falling in love with him. Conce
Episode 16 : The Bracelet
January. 27,1988
As Blake rushes to Alexis' side, it is revealed Sean is the gunman who squeezed off the bullet. Recovering from her wounds, Alexis tells Blake she has decided to withdraw from the election. But when she becomes aware of her sudden rise in popularity, she reconsiders. Determined to unleash his frustrated sexual energy on Leslie, Sean drags her into Alexis' bedroom. Struggling against him, Leslie's bracelet falls off and rolls unseen under the bed. Unaware that Alexis has reconsidered against dropping out of the election, Sean panics. Deciding to speed his plan up, he flies to Natumbe. Thinking Sean is skimming profits off the top of the Vitron oil deal, Leslie follows him, demanding a piece of the action. Karen's husband, Jesse, shows up and tells her he never signed the final divorce papers, making them still legally married. After Jeff bails Sammy Jo out of her financial debts, Steven offers him a warning to stay away from his ex-wife. Saving Sammy Jo from an attempted rape, Jeff stay
Episode 15 : The Rifle
January. 20,1988
Sean prepares to leave for Natumbe to finalize his deal with Harry Thrasher. Leslie convinces Sean to let her join him on the trip. Alexis tries to persuade Gerald Wilson, Cecil's personal lawyer, to work for Colbyco. Instead of helping Alexis, Gerald gives Krystle a copy of Cecil's original will. Krystle learns the will was changed soon after Cecil and Alexis were married. Krystle thinks she finally has solid evidence against Alexis. Steven is outvoted and reluctantly authorizes the Vitron oil deal. Sean's vendetta against Alexis and the Carringtons is put into effect. Alexis has second thoughts about running for governor when a reporter hints at a scandal behind her marriage to Cecil. Realizing that Alexis running for governor is crucial to his revenge scheme, Sean tries to convince her to remain in the race. As she prepares to debate against Blake, Alexis questions whether or not she should run. In the rafters, a rifleman trains a gun below. Blake begins the debate unaware that a ri
Episode 14 : Images
January. 13,1988
Ignoring Blake's objections, Krystle continues her investigation into Alexis' deathbed marriage to Cecil Colby. Cecil's nurse approaches Krystle and volunteers information concerning his death. Krystle learns Alexis wielded her influence over the hospital administrators to persuade Cecil's doctor to allow the highly unusual wedding. Leslie follows Sean to his father's gravesite and discovers his true identity as Joseph Aynders' son. Threatening to reveal his charade, Leslie coerces Sean to accept her as an equal partner in his scheme. Heeding Sammy Jo's advice, Dana returns to Adam. Realizing he almost her forever, Adam holds Dana in a desperate embrace. After Dana tells Adam of Sean's blackmail, he calls Sean, promising to kill him if he hurts Dana again. Fallon and Dex fly to Natumbe to check out the Vitron oil deal. Satisfied with what Harry Thresher has to show her, Fallon decides to fight Steven in favor of the deal. Celebrating her affirmative stance, an inebriated Fallon is carr
Episode 13 : The Interview
January. 06,1988
Following a night of lovemaking with Leslie, Sean hears a news report on Alexis' bid for governor. Seeing an opportunity to avenge his father's death, Sean returns to Alexis in order to curry favor. Alexis asks Sean to assume control of Colbyco so she can concentrate on the election. At the mountain cabin with Jeff and the kids, Sammy Jo contemplates her failed marriage and her inadequacies as a mother. Jeff comforts Sammy Jo and a new bond forms between them. Karen urges Dana to tell Adam that he was the father of the baby she aborted in high school. Adam is bitter when Dana finally tells him and he accuses her of murdering his child. Adam turns to Karen for solace and confides his worry that the baby she's carrying will come to a bad end. Karen reassures Adam and gives him an innocent kiss which Dana witnesses and misinterprets. Alexis sabotages Blake's televised debate and then shows up to steal his thunder. Krystle fills in for Blake and capably defends him against Alexis' politica
Episode 12 : The Spoiler
December. 30,1987
Following Josh Harris' drug overdose death, Sammy Jo carries a burden of guilt. Realizing her obsession to be with Steven is depriving her of an intimate relationship, Sammy Jo asks Steven to move out of her Delta Rho ranch. Steven is pressured by the press and Jeff to administer drug testing on his team. Troubled by crisis in his personal and professional life, Steven welcomes the surprise visit of his old friend, Chris Deegan. Steven is shocked by the team's decision to volunteer for the tests in order to alleviate the stress it has placed on Steven and on Blake's campaign. After Dex returns from Natumbe, Steven reprimands him and Fallon for going against his orders. Sean's amorous moves are shot down by a brooding Alexis. Alexis' indifference sends Sean looking for affection in Leslie's hotel suite. Jeff asks Sammy Jo to accompany Danny, L.B., and him on a weekend skiing trip. Before leaving, Jeff is presented with Fallon's divorce papers. Discovering a new angle for destroying Blak
Episode 11 : The New Moguls
December. 23,1987
Krystle asks Cora Van Husen to relinquish information on the scandalous video of Blake in her brothel. Though reluctant at first, Cora hands a copy of the tape over. Calling a press conference to prove the tap had been tampered with, Blake is finally vindicated. A seething Alexis vows to never give up her campaign against him. Dex accepts Fallon's request to check out a questionable oil deal in West Africa before she approves committing Denver- Carrington to a contract. Discovering the man in charge of the operation, Harry Thresher, is somehow tied in with Sean Rowan, Dex decides to stick around to find answers to the unraveling mystery. Jeff's pleas to work their problems out have no affect on Fallon. Finally admitting their relationship has fallen apart, Jeff agrees to see his lawyer. The realization that their marriage is lost fills Fallon with a deep sadness. Learning of Josh's cocaine addiction from Skip Maitland, Steven offers him a chance to take a drug test and get help for his
Episode 10 : The Fair
December. 09,1987
As Alexis' grand fair draws near, Sean assures her that all is going according to plan. Left alone with Dana while Adam and Alexis dance, Sean threatens to blackmail Dana with the truth about her abortion if she does not gather secret information on the Carringtons. After misinterpreting Sammy Jo's plea for him to not quit the team as meaning something more, Josh asks her to marry him. Devastated by her rejection, Josh reverts to his alcohol and drug addiction. While preparing to attend Alexis' Olde English Fair, Fallon informs Jeff of her decision to file for a divorce now, rather than wait for Blake's campaign to finish. Stunned by her sudden desire to end their marriage, Jeff storms from the room. Passing Leslie on his way out, a vulnerable Jeff is tempted by her offer to stop by her suite at the Carlton. Participating in the merriment of the Olde English Fair, Alexis and Krystle are chosen for a tug-of-war contest. Strung out between a pool of slosh, Alexis and Krystle pull ferocio
Episode 9 : The Setup
December. 02,1987
Prodded on by Alexis' incessant questioning, Dana reluctantly explains the reason for her infertility was due to a botched abortion many years before. Suspecting Dana is manipulating Adam to selfishly benefit her own future, Alexis schemes to prevent Dana from legally becoming the mother of Adam's surrogate child. Seeking to undermine Steven's position of power at Denver-Carrington, Adam anonymously informs the press of Skip Maitland's arrest for dealing drugs to players on Steven's football team. This sets off a scandal linked to Blake's campaign. Returning from New York guilt stricken by his weekend affair with Leslie, Jeff hopes to work out his problems with Fallon. But when Fallon walks in on Leslie and Jeff innocently finishing business matters, she is convinced their marriage is over. Concerned by his poor playing performance, Steven requests Josh Harris have a physical. Fearing his drug use will be detected Josh quits the team. After Alexis informs Sean of Dana's ill-fated abort
Episode 8 : The Testing
November. 25,1987
Forced to divest interests in Denver-Carrington to avoid conflict with his political career, Blake struggles to decide who in the family will assume power. Upset that Jeff told Blake of her alien encounter, Fallon bitterly rejects Jeff's request to accompany him to New York. Taking advantage of Jeff's vulnerability, Leslie shows up on board the Carrington jet. She flies with him to New York under the pretext of doing business for Alexis. Taking Dex's advice to call Jeff in an effort to save their marriage, Fallon is devastated when Leslie answers the phone. Blake walks in on Steven as he is reprimanding Josh Harris for his declining performance on the field. Impressed, Blake makes note of Steven's decisiveness in handling the situation. Sammy Jo is confused by her lingering feelings for Steven and her yearning feelings for Josh. Showing up at Josh's apartment, she is torn whether to stay the night. Soon after Sammy Jo leaves, Skip Maitland, the original quarterback for the Monarchs, sh
Episode 7 : The Primary
November. 18,1987
Distraught over Blake's meteoric rise in pre-election popularity, Alexis gives in to Sean's persuasions, and he flies her off to a remote cabin on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Entranced by his romanticism, Alexis accepts his impromptu offer of marriage. They have the ceremony in the local fishing village. Sammy Jo tries to put Josh Harris out of her thoughts, determined to give whatever is left between her and Steven a chance. Reacting to Steven's indifference and preoccupation with business, Sammy Jo gives over to Josh's passionate advances. Blake meets with Arthur Whitcomb, hoping to persuade him against selling the timberland leases to Alexis. Blake tells Whitcomb to do what he truly feels will be best for Colorado. Whitcomb has a change of heart and gives Blake the leases. Attending a support group for those who have encountered space aliens, Jeff finds the discussion too unbelievable and leaves without Fallon. Leslie offers Jeff a good luck kiss before the primary elections, as Fa
Episode 6 : The Surrogate (2)
November. 04,1987
Stunned by the morning paper's praise for Blake's stand on conservation, Alexis takes Sean's advice, pointing out another slant to the story. Using Blake's campaign pledge of saving the acres as depriving the state of badly needed jobs, Alexis sets out to undermine his public opinion. Researching the possibility of a surrogate mother, Dana sets up a meeting for her and Adam with a prospective candidate, Karen Atkinson. All of Adam's doubts to using a surrogate vanish when he sees her. A beautiful, single mother of two gorgeous children, Dana becomes jealous of Adam's obvious interest in her. Seeking more from life than what working for Dex has to offer, Leslie accepts Alexis' job proposition. Sensing the hostility between Jeff and Fallon, Blake invites them to dinner. Sharing a terse glance, they decline his offer. Jeff retreats to the study to work on countering Alexis' viperous editorial against Blake. Working late, he gives in to Leslie's playful persuasion, accompanying her to dinn
Episode 5 : The Surrogate (1)
October. 28,1987
Intrigued by Sean's mysterious interludes during the day, Alexis hires a private investigator, Mr. Hess, to follow her enigmatic lover. But when he catches Hess spying on him, Sean returns to Alexis, informing her of his decision to leave Denver. Pleading with him to stay, Alexis offers him a job. Tortured by a secret from her past explaining her inability to bear children, Dana struggles about whether to tell Adam, and risk losing his love. Jeff accepts Blake's request to be his campaign manager, after learning Fallon has sent for L.B. Detained at Blake's fundraiser, Jeff cancels his and Fallon's reconciliation dinner further weakening their fragile marriage. Alexis commits Colbyco to fight Blake's proposal of saving valuable timberland as a national park, depriving her of a resource for her newspaper. Accepting Alexis' job offer, Sean asserts Adam's involvement is a conflict of interest, persuading her to let him take over control of the matter. Steven asks Blake to sell him the Denv
Episode 4 : The Announcement
October. 14,1987
Blake asks Steven to be his campaign manager. He is deeply disappointed when Steven declines his offer, expressing no interest in exposing his private life to public scrutiny. Attributing Jeff and Fallon's intimacy with Blake to their giving him grandchildren, Adam continues to pressure Dana into starting a family. Alone, following Alexis' surprise catered dinner, Sean Rowan carefully studies an old news clip of Blake's custody trial for Steven's son, Danny. Alexis is hounded by a reporter, Rebecca Payne, from an unscrupulous tabloid. Rebecca is seeking a comment on Alexis' recent decline in support for her gubernatorial candidacy. Sammy Jo is saddened by the realization that her and Steven's relationship will never have the closeness she has longed for. Taking up Alexis offer of a place to stay, Sean Rowan shows up at her Carlton hotel suite. Giving in to lust, they are drawn together in heated passion. Jeff is surprised by Blake's request to have him as his campaign manager. Intrigue
Episode 3 : The Aftermath
October. 07,1987
The incident in the bunkhouse leaves Steven emotionally scarred. The police urge him to seek psychiatric help to deal with the trauma. Jeff and Fallon's unexpected homecoming helps everyone to put the tragedy behind them. Adam is suspicious when Dana keeps changing the subject when it comes to having children. Alexis hires Morgan Hess to find the man who rescued her. Fallon confesses her experience to Jeff, but he doesn't know how to handle it. Blake emerges as a candidate in Colorado's gubernatorial race.
Episode 2 : The Siege (2)
September. 30,1987
Dex is rushed to the hospital while a search party scrambles to locate the missing Carringtons, who are being held captive in a bunkhouse. Fear of the deranged Matthew forces Krystle to pretend that she still has feelings for him. Fallon's extraterrestrial experience in the desert confounds Jeff. Adam's plans to have a child surprise Dana on their honeymoon. Steven stabs Matthew in self-defense and the family's ordeal is over.
Episode 1 : The Siege (1)
September. 23,1987
Still held captive by the deranged Matthew Blaisdel, Blake and his family wait helplessly as Blaisdel's obsession for Krystle grows dangerously stronger. Witnessing Alexis' car plunge into the river, a handsome and mysterious stranger rescues her from the rushing current. Unaware of the tragedies that face their family, Adam and Dana are on their private jet, en route to their honeymoon paradise. Alone in her bedroom, Blaisdel takes Krystle and reminds her of their past love .for each other, promising things will be that way once again. Fallon's car is found abandoned in the desert. Receiving word of his wife's disappearance, Jeff rushes to the scene. Searching several miles from the car, Jeff finds her unconscious by the side of the road. Allowed to leave the mansion to secure a fortune in cash for Blaisdel's trip back to Peru, Blake overpowers his guard and goes for help. Determined to thank her mysterious rescuer, Alexis finds the man she feels indebted to, but is dismayed by his ca


Season 9
Season 9 1988
Season 8
Season 8 1987
Season 7
Season 7 1986
Season 6
Season 6 1985
Season 5
Season 5 1984
Season 4
Season 4 1983
Season 3
Season 3 1982
Season 2
Season 2 1981
Season 1
Season 1 1981

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